
Final Showdown

The group roamed inside the forest for two more days. In that time they ran into people and some beast. They easily got rid of them and used them to test their abilities.

On the seventh day inside the portal they followed groups of people that headed into the same direction.

They found a mighty temple towering in the middle of the forest. Many people gathered here, waiting for something. All five forces were here waiting in front of the stairs.

The group watched them from afar. If one compared the numbers of people now to the amount  before they entered they could guess that 9/10 had died here. The five forces were splitted, groups with red, skyblue, white, purple and green robes were eyeing each other intensely.


A blinding white light emerged from the temple and shot into the sky. The stars started to tremble.

It was as if that was the start signal, all of them started to rush madly the stairs up. Some even attacked others. It was another brutal competition.

The giant door from the temple shook an opened slowly.

Apo and the rest started to move too, they didn't know what awaited them in the temple but if everyone was so greedy about it, it must be worth the trouble.

Their group were the last to climb up the stairs up. They were surprised when a pressure descended upon them. They adjusted to the pressure and continued to climb up very fast.

What greeted them when they entered the temple was a bloody battlefield. Inside the temple were people fighting each other and some powerful beast were there too.

"Holy crap this is madness!" Said Jonas shocked.

Max nodded, "This is a whole new level of brutality!"

It was absolute chaos!

They didn't hesitate anymore and joined the fight.

It didn't take long until they became the focus of the other people here. Their continuously  slaughter of others put them on the spotlight.

Max was like a burning behemoth scorching people to death.

Koray smashed into people and beast, turning them into meat paste.

Claudia froze dozens of people to death wherever she went.

Apo was like a danger zone, sending repelling impulses right and left.

Dino killed people as if they were lambs, ready to slaughter.

And Jonas dark wind withered everyone who came in contact with it.

There were other people with high powers, like a youth in skyblue clothes. He used a sword to cut off his opponents like vegetables.

Another one with green cloth used metal staff to send many beast to their death.

A youth clad in purple cloth swirled his glaive around like a madman killing friend and foe at the same time.

In the center of the battlefield were two other harvester of lives, a girl with white clothes and twin swords. And a boy with the same clothes as Dino and co. brutally killing with his big saber.

After one hour, the fighting came to a hold. The group from earth remained alive, beside them were the five elite from the other forces and a titan like bull.

The ground was filled with corpses from beast and peoples. The bloody stench filled the whole hall from the temple.

Apo was the first to break the standstill, he went straight for the titanbull.

The bull that seemed very intelligent stomped on the ground and rushed to Apo.


When both of them clashed against each other they were blasted away.

The titanbull with a height of 3 meters stood up shaking its head. It became mad that a puny human sended it flying and pounced right at Apo.

Apo stood up, but didn't move. He started to build up his power inside him. Just before the titanbull smashed into him with its brutal momentum, Apo unleashed his most powerful repelling impuls. Not only was the titanbull send flying up even the ground was basted away from Apo.

Only the spot he was standing remained intact. Two more repelling impulses came out from his feet, sending him up in the air. The titanbull was still flying around when Apo appeared above it.

He clenched his fist and unleashed a Impuls Punch with everything he had.

His fist didn't came in direct contact with the titanbulls stomach but everyone saw the deep fist imprint appear on it.


The titanbull crashed brutal on the ground like a falling meteor, creating a deep hole and shattering everything in an area of 20 meters.

All observers took a deep breath in. The titan bull was spurting a great amount of blood, it was a nasty view.

Apo landed near it, taking deep long breaths in. This was his hardest fight so far.

Koray lifted his hand and pointed at the boy with the glaive. The boy nodded and an overbearing purple energy washed over them. An almost real purple moon appeared behind him. The purple moon from the guy who Dino killed couldn't compare to this one. They were worlds apart.

With every step that Koray took his body changed. He became smaller, his skin turned metallic silver, his spiky brown hair turned blood red and growed until his waist and the small black horn come out of his forehead. Then his eyes turned scarlet red and a savage aura erupted from his body, sending a chill to everyone.

The boy in purple cloth lifted his glaive like he was the king and struck at the air.

A brutal purple slash came straight at Koray.



It hit Koray and created a cloud of dust.

The boy laughed like a madman and said something, just to start to laugh even more.


Koray was still walking slowly to the boy, only the cloth on his upper body was torn apart. There wasn't even a scratch on his metallic silver skin.

The boy was surprised, just like the other people beside Jonas and the others.

The boy jumped up aiming at Koray, he looked like Michael Fassbender in the movie 300.

The purple moon appeared above him and he send a devastating slash at Koray with all his power. A devastating slash with murderous intent descended upon Koray.

He lifted his head took a punching stance and punched into the air.


A phantom like vicious looking Domogorgon appeared, that headed straight for the boy.

The madness on the boy was replaced by fear when the savage demonic aura smashed into him!

The Demogorgon broke his slash as if it was air and continued to head straight at him.

It was too late for the boy to do something and half of his body was swallowed by the Demogorgon. The still intact lower part fell down lifeless hitting the ground.

The Demogorgon crashed into the cell of the temple but, didn't even leave a mark behind.

Koray was sweating and turned back to his human form.

The others started to worry and looked at Apo and Koray like they were monsters.

The youth with the same clothes as Max and the rest started to come over while smiling like a sun.

He said something and continued to head over to them with a big smile on his lips.

Max started burning and blocked his way, shaking his head. The youth frowned deeply and started talking while his face twitched sometimes. But to his disappointment he didn't see any reaction to his words, it was like Max and the others didn't understand him at all.

The teen in green robes stepped forwards and said something too.

Max and the rest didn't react to what he said. Suddenly the youth with the great saber jumpe back and shouted something.

Seeing how things developed Dino shook his head, "It seems like we got discovered, Claudia, Max and Jonas I will slow them down. Please kill them quick alright?"

After saying this Dino's gaze focused on the four people. His Eternal Eyes moved a bit faster.

When they heard Dino talk they brandished their weapons with thick killing intent, now they knew who they were facing, but before they could unleash their strongest attacks they felt everything slow down. Their thoughts, their energies and their bodies.

Even though it was only for a few seconds, it was their last moments.

A biting cold, a burning and a deadly dark attack hit them all at the same time killing them on the spot.

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