
Otherworld Adventure!: Tatsu's story of life in another world

"Being reincarnated sounded like fun, but now that I'm actually here, it kinda sucks!" these are the thoughts of 37 year old Tatsu Mikami. He spent his life studying, tinkering and working with machines. He was content with his life until he unexpectedly meets his end sooner than he planned. Upon his death, he begins reflecting on his life of isolation and is given the offer to have a second chance at life in another world. eagerly taking the offer, he is plunged head first into an unforgiving world of sword and sorcery, and he soon finds that life in this new environment isn't as easy as he thought it would be.

Ernest_Romero_9485 · Fantasi
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17 Chs

This guy…

Tatsu let out a groan: "Die…"

Jim: "yes, that's exactly it! We both died and now we must traverse this parallel world to correct all of the evil within, and only after that will we truly become the heroes of this *isekai*."

Tatsu: "Enough with your damn hero complex! Why the hell are you following me?!"

Jim: "I figured us otherworlders should stick together! I mean, who knows what could go wrong during our journey! Besides, every hero needs a sidekick."

Tatsu: "I don't need a sidekick."

Jim: "Well of course not, after all, why would a sidekick need a sidekick?"

Tatsu: "I hate you! Dieeee!"

Kori: "Calm down, Tatsu! Don't kill the rich kid! He can fund our journey! Just keep your cool for a bit, please!

It took all Kori had to keep Tatsu from tearing Jim limb from limb. She was about to lose her grip on him when…

???: "Is this loser the adventurer you were telling me about?"

Tatsu: "eh? Who's--"

Jim: "Irumina! You've decided to join us! I knew you'd change your mind! Yeah, this is my good friend, Tatsu! Get this, he's an otherworlder like me! Isn't that cool?"

Irumina: "superrr. Now we've got another egotistical idiot running around. Yayyy…"

Tatsu: "wow, you really don't like people like us, do you?"

Irumina: "yeah, I've had more than my share of self proclaimed 'heroes' and 'saviors' and all of them are just the worst. In more ways than one."

Tatsu: "I'm not gonna ask for further detail."

This girl is mean. I can already tell we aren't gonna get along.

Jim: "Now, now, Irumina. Tatsu here is quite an *amazing fellow*. Have you taken a peek at his stats yet?"

Irumina: "his stats… they probably suck, but whatever. Program: Analyze."

A hexagonal Icon appeared in front of Irumina's left eye. She looked him up and down but narrowed her eyes when she gazed at his chest.

Irumina: "You're certainly not from this realm, that much I can tell. But there are some irregularities in you."

Jim: "yeah, you're right! And that's actually why I wanted you to meet him! You see, even as a transfer, Tatsu here can actually use magic! Isn't that the coolest?"

Irumina: "you can use magic? What form?"

Tatsu: "I'm not sure if there's a name for it, but the incantations go something like 'three point casting: waterbolt' I think it might be syllable based, but there are some odd ones mixed in."

That reminds me, I never did explain magic, huh? I guess that one really did slip my mind. You see, magic in this world is relatively simple. There are three known categories for human magic, minor, basic,and mid. However, to a more magic-attuned race, such as gerwalks, which kinda remind me of harpies, they have a much higher magic capacity and can cast advanced spells. And the highlanders, similar to what are usually called elves in fantasy movies, have a weaker magical aptitude, so most can only cast up to basic spells. Sometimes those with an even greater magic capacity, such as heroes, have ultra rare and powerful spells that only they can cast. There are at least twenty known forms of spellcasting, but I've never found anyone with a casting method similar to mine.

Irumina: "I see. I believe I've heard of that form before, but it's ancient history."

Tatsu: "really? You have? I'd love to know who."

If she can tell me what she knows, that would help me out a lot. My mother said she knew something about my magic, but refused to tell me what it was.

Irumina: "if I recall correctly, the only ones who can use that kind of spellcasting are lord-class monsters."

Jim: "Oh yeah, things like giants, golems, and titans, right? I remember now! They're the most vicious creatures out there, some are known to disguise themselves as humans and destroy entire cities."

Tatsu: "Wait, for real?"

The air around Irumina grew cold as she drew the sword hanging from her shoulder..

Irumina: " Yes, really. Now, I don't take kindly to those that come here to ruin my world. And I haven't a shred of mercy for those of Titan blood. So I will cut you down, imposter otherworlder, and you will die by my hand!"