
Origin:A voyage

" A simple act of kindness can lead you and your loved ones to the path of destruction " ********************************* Around the Eighteenth century, India was the hub of the world's major trades such as spices, metals, cotton, and diamonds. It was known as the land of spice. It was not just business but correspondingly attracted explorers with its massive landscape and hidden mysteries, challenging them to find out what was hidden centuries ago from the modern world. Lured by these characteristics An explorer named Lord Leoandro Hughes determined to visit the deepest area of one of its kingdoms but little did he know, it was going to open up some old wounds and a new chapter of his life. Years later, There was a girl born in the same kingdom named Ramya. She was only three years old when she lost her mother due to an unknown disease. His father was a royal physician but still incapable of saving his wife. After his wife's death, he takes care of Ramya all by himself. Now she was seventeen and his father wanted to find a suitable match for her. He, himself was fighting an incurable disease over the years, and now he was weak and on the verge of death thus he wanted his daughter to get married to a respectable family. But wherever he goes for his daughter's hand, the families rejected him politely and this infuriated and worried him with every passing day. There was a rumour attached to Ramya's birth. The villagers talk behind their backs in a hushed tone. However, it never bothered the father-daughter duo and they lived their life happily. Her father knew about it and was determined to take the secret to his grave. He always made sure his daughter remained unaware of the facts that were easily observable to others. But on the other hand, Ramya was a curious child. She did not want to be a physician like her father or a performer and housewife like her mother. She wanted to explore the world and wished to know everything about it. She did not know where she got these desires but they were there, crawling under her skin, itching her to take action. Like her mother, her father also left her alone in this world at the age of eighteen but the noise of whispers was still there and the fact was, she couldn't ignore them this time. To ease her curiosity, she made a big decision to leave her birthplace and find her ORIGIN, but little did she know curiosity killed the cat...... ( Warning: This is a period story and the time was roamed around the eighteen century, please keep this in presumption before reading it)

Ramya1824 · Sejarah
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6 Chs



A curse escaped from her lips, more loudly in her head than in person which was merely a whisper. She covered her mouth immediately with her hand when she realized what she had done. She scanned her surroundings to check if anybody caught her in the action but sigh in relief when she found herself alone.

By sulking, gritting her teeth, and feeling humiliated, she found her way back to The Ballroom. Anger brought the best out of her as she made up her mind to pull out some strings and took her revenge.

The Ball was arranged by The Earl of Eithanburg, Lord Giordano Bennett for his daughter Miss Lindsay Bennett, who was recently turned eighteen, and for his niece Miss Elizebath Ackford who recently turned nineteen this year.

She spent hours buying a perfect gown for The Ball, and her excitement was over the moon when she found out that Lord Leoandro Hughes accepted the invitation.

Moreover, she was thrilled when she caught sight of a familiar carriage on the patio from the balcony of the second floor.

She ran down while descending the stairs as a puppy for its master to attend without caring about her lady maid who was screaming from behind to behave. But all she welcomed by his distant behavior.

By collecting all her emotions she finally entered the luxurious Ballroom with beautiful medieval architecture. The three-tire Chandelier illuminated with yellow candlelight made the appearance of the room more lavish.

Then her sight caught him, standing there beside her cousin Lindsay and Lord Bennett, chatting and laughing as if they were quite old acquaintances. Her eyes twitched as her stomach twisted with an unknown feeling.

The Ballroom was packed with all the nobility from Eithanburg. Elizabeth secured her place on the right side of His Lordship as he addressed the guests with a welcome speech and show his gratitude to everyone present in the room. He stretched out his hand, a request for a waltz which his wife accepted happily.

The couple commenced the first dance as the host and hostess of The Ball. After one round the other young couple joined in. Leo was the first one whose request Lindsay accepted. Both of them waltz around the spacious Ballroom quite rhythmically and the scenario was romantic and eye-catching.

But all this could not stop Leo from stealing some glances at the fuming beauty around the corner. Beth thrived as an elegant and beautiful young woman. He would lie to himself if he says he didn't feel anything when he was first seen her on the patio.

His heart raced up as it thumped furiously against his ribcage. However, he pulled the reins of his emotions, he attended The Ball for a reason and this reason had to be fulfilled. After his father's death, his family business was falling apart and The Earl of Eithenburg was quite a wealthy man.

And similar to others, he knocked down on his door as a fortune seeker for his daughter Lindsay. The weight of responsibility was heavier than his heart and he didn't risk failing them. Therefore, being cold toward Beth and drawing a clear line was the remaining option.

However, the second explanation for his behavior, he didn't dare to give them words.

In The Ballroom, Beth was dressed in a pink-colored ballgown and it looked wonderful against her pale skin. A pearl necklace was fastened around her neck and her Auburn hair was tied in a bun while some curls were loosely hanging around her ears and jawline, kissing her cheeks, mocking and burning him with jealousy.

Her soft but prominent features made her more gorgeous than any lady present in the room. But her elegantly wild personality was the first thing he was attracted to. It reminded him of their first meeting in his room.

Soon she joined the dance when The Duke of Huntley requested her. Leo's body stiffened at the sight but he composed himself. The woman in his arms was a chatterbox but hardly pay any attention to her words.

Shortly, the third or the last round began and the partners get switched. And fortunately this time both of them were standing in front of each other. They exchange greetings by bowing down to one another out of courtesy and initiate their dance.

Leo felt a jolt of spark travel throughout his body, in an instant when he held her hand. His sanity was solely focused on her, they were dancing rhythmically over the soft piano music.

On the other hand, Beth shivered a little when he place his hand on her waist, she felt the warmth of his hand spreading and growing in her body. She was melting under his touch, however, she didn't want to reveal herself as vulnerable thus she decided to avoid his gaze.

More than fifteen pairs were dancing, yet Leo felt as if they were only one present at the moment and everything around them was magically beautiful. He couldn't tear his sight from her while her eyes remained on the ground for the whole time.

Suddenly, she changed her motion and lifted her eyes to look dead into her opponent's soul. Their gaze met and an awkward silence engulfed them, meanwhile, their feet never stopped at the music.

" My Lord, may I trouble you to fetch me some answers?"

Finally, she broke the icy silence between them and took the initiative to converse. Her Emerald green eyes were piercing through his heart.

"Yes, please!"

He permitted her, however, he know what was about to come, therefore he prepared himself to give her some account of the truth which she deserved.

" My Lord! I left Eithanburg at the age of ten and I'm turning nineteen this year, in these nine years I wrote you 320 letters, and never a single letter was answered...can you please honor me to explain WHY?"

She accused him and let out her skepticism. She hissed her last word while maintaining a stoic face. The rim around her eyes was already red as if she was holding back her busted heart.

" My dear, Miss Ackford...I would love to give my explanation...but I think your question is pointed toward the wrong person. In my opinion, Lady Ackford is the best person to cure your curiosity. And let me suggest to you it would be best if the daughter and mother shared a lovely chat over the tea..."

He exclaimed softly, as he took a turn in the dance and spin her vigorously but hold her at the right moment. He wore a knowing smirk all the time with cold eyes and it made Elizabeth more anxious. He tightened his grip on her waist and draw her closer, enough to share their breathing.

" If I remember Miss Ackford, I confess my darkest secret to a friend and in that moment, she promised me, she will sit with me in the dark until I found my light. But still, she was not there when I need her the most, I was alone in the dark.


He added further as he leaned in and whispers the last words into her ear while gritting his teeth, in pure anger. His breath was fanning over her neck, her whole body trembled at his action and it didn't go unnoticed by Leo.

Their proximity could attract attention and make it scandalous but he was a gentleman enough to push her back again at the previous position.

As soon as the music stopped, he dropped his hand from her waist while turning his tail, he fled from the scene. He didn't dare to look back and witness her tears. He already squabbled a lot with himself in articulating the truth and now he was incapable to carried the weight of guilt.

Meanwhile, Beth was standing alone in the middle of The Ballroom. She was in bewilderment by his words and lost in the thought of what truth her mother would possibly hide from her.


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