
The campfire

Under the silver moonlight and a sky full of stars, Lizzy stood at the precipice of her new life on the island. As she gazed upon the sea that had brought her here, a heavy feeling of grief overtook her heart. She remembered leaving Lizzard's side, and the tears welled up in her eyes. But she knew that it made no sense to be sad. She had embarked on this journey to chase her dream of becoming a true knight, and she couldn't let her mentor down who send her on this path.

With resolve in her heart, Lizzy left the boat on the beach and ventured inland to find a place to sleep during the night. Hunger gnawed at her stomach, and she yearned for something to eat. Near the shore, she crafted a makeshift polearm to hunt fish in the sea, and with the fire she made, she began preparing her meager meal.

However, her solitude was broken by a distant noise in the forest. Lizzy left her food and the fire and followed the sound until she reached a cliff overlooking the sea. There, she saw three older boys harassing a younger one. The smaller boy, known as Seven, was the son of the tribe's chief, and the bullies were taunting him, pressuring him to perform a dangerous test of courage.

"Seven, the son of the Chief, how disappointing," one of the older boys named Zeke sneered. "Such a scaredy-cat is supposed to be our future leader?"

Seven pleaded with them, "Why do you keep doing this to me, Zeke? It's not like I asked to be born as the tribe chief's son."

Zeke, unrelenting, shoved Seven, causing him to stumble perilously close to the edge of the cliff. In a desperate attempt, Seven clung to the cliff's edge, hanging precariously, fear etched across his face.

Seeing the situation unfold, Lizzy felt her anger rise. She watched as Zeke's two companions abandoned him and ran away in fear of the consequences. Zeke, too, began to retreat, taunting Seven one last time.

"Well, guess what, chief's son wannabe?" Zeke said mockingly. "Let's see how you'll solve this with your big brain and no muscle. You have nobody to help you. Nobody likes a good-for-nothing like you. Good luck."

Zeke's departure left Seven alone, his hand slipping slowly from the edge of the cliff. He was about to fall when a sudden hand reached out and grabbed his wrist, pulling him to safety. Seven closed his eyes, fearing the worst, but when he opened them, he found himself lying on the ground, away from the cliff's perilous edge, staring at an unfamiliar face.

Liz met his gaze without uttering a word, her expression a mix of concern and determination. She held in her anger, knowing that this wasn't the time to confront the injustice Seven had endured. Instead, she offered him a hand up.

Seven sat up, his voice filled with gratitude, "Thank you. Though I don't really understand why you helped someone like me."

Liz didn't delve into the details of the situation; she simply suggested, "Hey, do you want to eat roasted fish with me? I caught some earlier, and I won't be able to eat all of it. And some company would be nice. I'm new here. Maybe you could tell me some stories about how life is here on this island. I'm Lizzy. I have a camp down by the beach. If you want, you can come with me."

Lizzy stood up and began descending from the cliff towards the forest, leading the way to her camp. Seven, still perplexed by Lizzy's unexpected kindness, shouted, "Hey, wait for me! I want to come with you," before running after her into the moonlit night.

That night, under the starry sky and the watchful moon, a friendship was born. Two souls from different worlds had crossed paths, and their destinies were forever intertwined. As they walked together towards the beach, the echoes of laughter and the exchange of stories filled the air, and for the first time in a long while, Seven felt a glimmer of hope in his heart.

The fire crackled and the aroma of roasted fish wafted through the air as Lizzy sat by the flames, waiting for Seven to join her. She watched him approach with a mix of amusement and curiosity, bemused by his slow and cautious steps.

With a teasing tone, Lizzy remarked, "Hey, you better hurry or the fish is going to be coal soon."

Seven, feeling a bit embarrassed by his hesitant approach, finally took a seat opposite Lizzy. He thanked her for the meal and took a cautious bite of the roasted fish. His face contorted into a comical expression of distaste, and he couldn't hide his discomfort.

"Ugh, this tastes awful," Seven blurted out, his voice filled with regret.

Lizzy, however, responded with feigned indifference, her eyes closing briefly as if unaffected by his comment. She said in a sarcastic tone, "Oh well, I guess I'll be able to enjoy two fish tonight, instead of one," and continued to eat with exaggerated relish.

But just as Lizzy was playing along with the act, she noticed Seven's face crack into a wide grin. He burst into laughter, his amusement echoing through the night air. The tension dissolved, replaced by shared laughter and camaraderie.

Their laughter filled the campsite, a testament to the growing bond between them. In that moment, as the firelight danced on their faces and the night sky watched over them, Lizzy and Seven discovered the simple joy of friendship and the power of shared moments, no matter how trivial they might seem.

Their evening continued with stories, laughter, and the taste of roasted fish – a memory etched in their hearts as a symbol of their growing friendship and the support they found in each other on this island where their destinies had converged.

As Lizzy and Seven sat by the crackling fire, the warmth of their friendship illuminated the night. Lizzy shared her journey with Seven – her escape from a life of torment, her encounter with Lizzard Gallant, and her burning desire to become a true knight. Seven, in turn, introduced himself as the son of the island's chief, a young boy with dreams of leading his tribe but plagued by doubts.

Lizzy marveled at Seven's intelligence and positivity, which radiated even in the darkest corners of their conversation. Their stories intertwined, creating a bond that seemed to defy their differences. After that fateful night, Seven promised to introduce Lizzy to the village and make her a friend of the tribe. Their friendship blossomed as they spent time together, engaging in various tasks around the village and exploring the forest.

More and more villagers took notice of Lizzy's presence, and curiosity about her grew. They observed Seven's renewed spirit and his eagerness to lead, and they began to wonder about the source of his newfound inspiration. Seven's father, the chief, also noticed the change in his son and was heartened by the transformation.

With Lizzy's encouragement, Seven's confidence flourished. He started to showcase his intellect and innovative ideas to the villagers, suggesting improvements for land, weapons, and crafts. Despite his small stature, Seven's spirit and determination captured the hearts of his people, showing them that true leadership extended beyond physical strength.

As their friendship deepened, Lizzy's role on the island evolved. She became more than just an ally to Seven; she was a pillar of support, a source of inspiration, and a guiding light. Their conversations by the shoreline became a sanctuary for sharing dreams and fears, a testament to the power of camaraderie and mutual support.

Lizzy's presence played a pivotal role in Seven's growth. With her by his side, he began to embody the leadership qualities he had once doubted within himself. The bond they shared fueled his determination to be a leader worthy of his people's trust.

One night, as Lizzy looked out at the sea, the memory of Lizzard's teachings and the lessons he had imparted came flooding back. She knew that if she wanted to become a true knight, not just in title, but in heart and spirit, she had to keep pushing forward. The journey from a girl rejected for her appearance to a beacon of hope was not just a personal goal – it had become her mission on the island.

The waves lapping at the shore carried whispers of a new chapter in their lives. With Seven at her side, their friendship symbolizing unity between distant lands, they faced the future with unyielding resolve. The challenges ahead were numerous, but they were confident in the strength of their bond and the values they held dear.

As time passed, people affectionately began to call her by a shorter version of her name – "Liz." It was a name that resonated with strength and courage, embodying the warrior she had become. Her battles were not only against external adversaries but also against the shadows of her past. Yet, with the memory of Lizzard Gallant's unwavering love and guidance, she emerged triumphant.

With each challenge she faced, Liz's resolve only grew stronger. Encountering ancient evils and facing sinister plots, she stood undaunted in the face of danger. In every battle, she carried Lizzard's spirit with her, driven by the desire to honor his memory and make him proud.

The abused girl who had once known only pain and cruelty had transformed into a holy knight, her name synonymous with valor and righteousness. As she rode across the land on her gallant steed, her armor shining in the sunlight, she embodied the very essence of the chivalry and magic that defined her realm.

As the sun began to rise on the horizon, painting the sky with hues of gold and pink, Lizzy and Seven stood ready to embrace whatever the future held. Their friendship had become a source of strength, their bond unbreakable, and their hearts united in purpose. With Lizzard's love still in her heart and Seven by her side, Lizzy's story had indeed only just begun, and the journey ahead was as promising as the dawn of a new day.