
Orbs: The Police Force

Orb World is a very dangerous place to be in especially when two races which are Demonic and God are always at each other throats. Different countries that are completely opposite from the human world. Rival gangs terrorizing people's daily life. You could say that Orb World and the Human World are the same which in a way it's true. But who knows maybe someone will break this cycle. Since Blue Cross no longer here to protect Orb World so who would take his place. However a evil lurks in the shadows waiting to strike.

Mr_Mysophobia · Fantasi
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19 Chs

Chapter 13 Satanic Slaughter Yakuza

Black Figure as the Narrator: The Satanic Slaughter Yakuza is one of the most dangerous groups in Orbpan. They mostly do rituals but also human trafficking, Orb trafficking, Sex trafficking, drug trafficking, and cannibalism. They have a platform on the Demonic Dark Web.

Kaito: Killing the innocent civilians who have done nothing wrong is very exciting don't you think? I mean killing thousands of people just imagine it. The blood. The gore. The screams it's all for show.

Says it calmly while looking at the video camera that's currently on live. The video seems to be broadcast around Orb World including the human world.

Kaito: We're the Satanic Slaughter Yakuza and we have a message for those who stand in our way.

Moving the video camera toward the children's heads hanging on the tree decorations. The dead children's heads expressions are all fear.

Kaito: We show no mercy to anybody no matter who you are.

Laughing like a demon while showing everyone on the Livestream what's happening.

Kaito: Women, men, children, elderly or disabled your life doesn't matter to me since you're all just worthless pieces of trash.

Stops holding the camera and points it toward the young girl who's still crying out in fear. She was struggling to break free from the restraints. The rest of the members of Satanic Slaughter begin to cut off the dead woman's body by cutting off the limbs using their blood-stained swords. The sound of a body being cut makes the young girl scream out more.

Kaito: I do enjoy hearing the screams of the children it's quite entertaining.

Laughing manically while using his sword to slice open the young girl's chest very quickly while she was still alive. Hearing her screams makes him keep on going and going until she's dead. Grabbing the young girl's heart and showing it to the camera.

Kaito: I wonder who's next?

Opening his mouth and swallowing the heart whole as the Livestream has ended.

(Meanwhile at Orbrael Hospital).

Dennis: So brutal I love it.

Watching his phone while hanging outside of the room.

(In his mind).

"Satanic Slaughter Yakuza is so badass I wish they did more."

(Out of his mind).

Azriel: Watching someone being killed again?

Looks at him calmly as he goes right next to him.

Dennis: This time I didn't search it up it popped up on my screen and of course, it's the Satanic Slaughter Yakuza again killing Humans or Orbs. That man is too dangerous.

Says it calmly while looking at the comments.

Azriel: I can't believe that Blue Cross hasn't said anything about us coming in... Is like he wants his country to be invaded...

Leaning against the wall feeling frustrated about what happened earlier.

Dennis: Why would he blow up his ambulance? Since that kid said before that they rely on Orbrael for everything. So of course, Blue Cross isn't going to say anything. It seems you care about Blue Cross more than I thought you would.

Putting his phone away back into his pocket.

Dennis: We're killers and nothing more. Our job is to be used over and over again. Who knows probably we get a new criminal joining our group since the council finds them useful.

Says it smirk since the thought of another killer coming to the group makes him warm inside.

Azriel: I'm going to speak with Blue Cross.

Leaves him.

Dennis: Whatever I wonder what the Satanic Slaughter Yakuza is doing right now?

(Meanwhile at Orbpan in the forest).

Sitting down on his multiple

Kaito: I already miss the screams of the innocent I wish it was a little bit longer.

Hearing footsteps coming up right behind them looking back slightly just to see a News Reporter. It caught him by surprise usually news reporters are too afraid to show their faces.

Male News Reporter: Satanic Slaughter Yakuza I knew you were around this area. I see you did a killing of a young girl and her mother how does it feel to take a life?

Holding a voice recorder ready to record his findings.

Kaito: Surprising to see a News Reporter here since they usually hide away but since you're brave I guess I'll tell you without killing you.

Looks at him with his dark red eyes deep down he's lusting for a kill.

Kaito: I feel nothing since they're all animals. Animals kill animals, Orbs kill Orbs and humans kill humans. Humans kill animals, Animals kill humans and Orbs kill humans. It's all a cycle no matter how you put it. Sometimes humans kill humans for pleasure since it explains the Dark Web.

Pulling out his cell phone to show the News Reporter the killings of each person or animal that he just mentioned killing each other by flipping through pictures.

Kaito: Fun fact did you know that humans kill cats for being in heat? It's quite hilarious since it's a part of nature. But abusing heat is what humans do best.

Laughing at the thought that the humans are no better than he's being right now.

Kaito: Humans and Orbs are just like me!

Smiles with a twisted smile.

Male News Reporter: Okay anyway next question and it's about the Angels Of Slaughter Yakuza they're known to be your rival for a while until they stop doing crime besides the second in command but I was wondering what you feel about them.

Still recording him with a hidden video camera that cannot be seen.

Kaito: The Angels Of Slaughter Yakuza are a formidable opponent I cannot lie but it's a shame that they've stopped but good thing to see the second in command is still doing business. Pretty sure he'll run it soon.

Remembering the second in command Kiyozawa for a short moment especially the moment when they first met.


(Kaito age fifteen)

Kaito: Angels Of Slaughter Yakuza.

Says it with hate while looking at him with his light red eyes.

(Kiyozawa age thirteen)

Kiyozawa: Satanic Slaughter Yakuza...

Says it calmly while holding a bloody knife.

Glaring at each other with hate and disgust.

Kaito: I see you killed someone I'm assuming for money?

Looks at him with a twisted smile.

Kiyozawa: What do you think? I'm under the Demonic Category so I'll do anything for money even if I have to kill people.

Looks at him calmly while clutching the package filled with money.

Kaito: You may go since I sense potential.

(End of Flashback).

(In his mind).

"It's been so long since I met the second in command I should visit him soon after this interview."

(Out of his mind).

Male News Reporter: What makes you do these terrible crimes?

Looks at him calmly while waiting for an answer.

Kaito: Money at first anything to do to survive since this World thrives on money both the human world and Orb World. Being in the Demonic Category sucks since nobody wants to hire you but after a while, it's mostly for fun. I do enjoy the screams.

Says it with a smirk.

Male News Reporter: When did you start the Satanic Slaughter Yakuza?

Looks at him calmly waiting for him to answer the question.

Kaito: I think when I was ten years old but it doesn't matter. Before the Satanic Slaughter Yakuza, I was sold for sex work when I was three years old but you know where I did sex work? It wasn't in Orb World but in the Human World. I escaped it when I was eight years old. In Orb terms for a Orb to age it will take decades or they evolve. Humans claim that it's every boy's dream to have sex with a pretty woman. I guess they're more focused on the girl's feelings about being raped and not the boy's feelings. I guess this will imply for the women and men. However, those humans have to know that there are also male victims.

Smiles at him.

Male News Reporter: You were so young...

Looks down at the floor.

(In his mind).

"I would've said how hypocritical of him about speaking about morals but I can't since the society made him this way. I doubt anything I'll say would change anything to lead him to the right path."

(Out of his mind).

Male News Reporter: I think that's all I wanted to ask.

Walks away from him without saying anything else but stops after making a distance.

Male News Reporter: Just know you are not alone. Men too can be victims of rape not only just women. I know what I'll say to you won't change your mind but it's not too late for you. Anybody can change.

Walks away from him heading back towards his vehicle.

Kaito: ...

Staying quiet after hearing those words from a stranger that he doesn't know. Wondering why a stranger would say those things to him.

Kaito: Why would he say that?

Remembering the News Reporter wearing a cross necklace.

Kaito: I understand now but it doesn't change my thoughts about everything.

Smirks slightly.

Kaito: Members I'm heading out somewhere so watch the forest.

Disappears into the darkness.

(Meanwhile at the Angels Of Slaughter Yakuza Hideout in Kiyozawa's room).

Kiyozawa: ...

Remembering the kind gesture from Middle Corporation Leader didn't expect him to do that for him. It's strange to see kindness from anyone.

Kiyozawa: Kindness is very rare to see.

Mumbles it to himself while checking his cellphone for any messages from his boss but hears screeching coming from the outside. The screeching sounded like another Death Angel. Immediately came outside to see what was going on.

Kiyozawa: Something the matter?

Looks at the fellow Death Angel but notices a familiar face.

Kaito: What's up second in command?

Smirks slightly while keeping the death angel hostage.

Kiyozawa: Satanic Slaughter Yakuza...

About to remove his mask but felt heavy energy coming from the leader of the Satanic Slaughter Yakuza.

Both glaring at each other with hate and disgust.

Kaito: Don't worry I'm not going to wage war against you.

Smirks slightly while throwing the other Death Angel away towards the other side of the hideout. The heavy demonic energy surrounded the area making sure that they knew his presence was known.

Kiyozawa: What's your purpose here?

Looks at him calmly wondering why he is here besides causing more trouble. About to remove his mask.

Kaito: I'm here for you since it's been so long.

Disappears into a demonic symbol and appears right behind him putting his arm around him. The demonic symbols begin to appear on Kiyozawa's body preventing him from moving.

Kiyozawa: You bastard!

Looks at him with a hateful glare.

Kaito: Look at that us two Yakuza groups hanging out who knows we could become friends!

Says it with a twisted smile but stops after sensing a heavy demonic energy coming from right behind him. Looking back slightly just to another Death Angel walking slowly toward him.

Kiyozawa: Boss...

Says it softly.

Kaito: Oh my goodness I didn't expect the Head of the Angels Of Slaughter Yakuza to come in and play!

Laughing so loud while turning around still holding onto Kiyozawa.

Zentarō: Hands off my adopted son.

Pulling out his scythe that's glowing dark purple.

Kaito: Right of course.

A demonic symbol appears right underneath him.

Kaito: I always wanted to do another Livestream and maybe this time you get to see the rape of your adopted son!

Laughing manically while looking at the head of the Angels Of Slaughter Yakuza.

Zentarō: I told you once don't make me repeat myself.

Slicing the air he puts back his scythe.

Kaito: Oh come on just fight me!

His eyes widen as his blood falls on the floor his arms and legs come off letting go of Kiyozawa.

Kiyozawa: ...

Goes right behind side his boss.

Kaito: Woah nice trick I didn't expect this at all.

Laughing manically once again he regrows his arms and legs in an instant while laying down on a demonic symbol which was the goat head.

Kaito: I always wanted to wage war.

Looks at them both with a glare full of hate his dark red eyes are bloodshot.

Zentarō: There would be no war I refuse to kill each other. The Angels Of Slaughter Yakuza is pulling out we're no longer the enemies of the police force.

Says it calmly while looking at Kaito angrily.

Kaito: I doubt the second in command will follow that rule am I right Kiyozawa?

Looks over to Kiyozawa for a moment.

Kiyozawa: No boss is right I don't fight with the police.

Says it calmly yet he hesitates a bit not sure what he wants.

Kaito: Whatever pretty sure soon we'll wage war but not at this moment there are plenty of humans and Orbs that I want to slice and dice through them.

Chuckles a bit while forming human organs in his hands showing it to them. The human organs were the brain, heart, and liver that he took from the young child earlier during the Livestream. Remembering the young girl screams which made him more excited about the next Livestream.

Kaito: Anyway see around Second In Command.

Smirks slightly while disappearing into the demonic symbol.

(Meanwhile at the Dark Orb Kingdom in Orbussia).

Yusuke: That wasn't brutal enough compared to me in killing those who stand in my way.

About to turn off his laptop and noticed a message popping up. The title of the message made him frown since it's something that he doesn't want to attend.

The message: It's a mandatory meeting to attend with the Orb/Human United Nations.

Yusuke: I thought I left that shit!

Growling as he goes out of his office but noticed that his son was there.

Yusuke: Daisuke are you still gay?

Looks at him demanding a question.

Daisuke: Gay as ever.

Smiles at him.

Yusuke: Gross makes me wonder if you are a mistake?

Walks away from him.

Yusuke: You're lucky that you're my son and not some random stranger who be killed immediately.

Disappears into the darkness.

Daisuke: I really don't like you Dad.

(In his mind).

"I think he's more pissed off since I look like him."

Chuckles a bit.

"However the lgb population in Orb World is declining thanks to my dad since it's down to one percent of the population."

(Out of his mind).

(At Orbmerica in the White Castle).

Ryūken: No Please No!

Looking at the mandatory message on his phone.

Ryūken: I refuse to meet America again!

Says it in frustration.

Clutching his fist tightly wondering what the spark this damn meeting. Remembering the list that he said to his human counter part.

(In his mind).

"It's probably that."

Sighs slightly.

(Out of his mind).

(At Orbrael's country line).

Azriel: This would get Blue Cross's attention!

Showing off his flames and immediately and shoots at the country line creating a barrier around Orbrael. Hearing screaming and noticed people from the Orbaza trying to get into Orbrael possibly illegally.

Azriel: Not my problem.

Looks away for a moment but noticed that his flames have disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Haruki: Would you please not cause havoc?

Says it calmly while standing right in front of him for a short moment before disappearing and appearing to help the injured.

Azriel: Are you really going to trust those who probably wants your destruction! If you die then nobody is going to protect your country!

Yells out loud to him.

Azriel: Do you really want that? How could you trust people who sends missiles to your country?

Remembering Mikhail who was about to attack that ambulance.

Azriel: Just build a Goddam wall!

Goes towards to him and grabs him by the collar of his shirt.

Haruki: This doesn't concern you so let me deal with the problem.

Looking at the police uniform realizing that he's from the Flaming Chicken.

Azriel: I'm not satisfied with that answer since you're the one who decided to fail everyone!

Looks at him angrily.

Haruki: ...

Stays quiet while using his energy to completely heal the injured.

Haruki: I don't see them as enemies I see them as God's people don't matter what Orb they are. Just the same as the humans. They may hate me but I still love them as a human. That's what God would've wanted.

Says it calmly while hearing a notification coming from his cellphone.

Azriel: Are you serious about this?

Clutching his fist tightly.

To be continued on the next chapter.