
Operation : Kingdom

Lin, a skilled special ops captain, is sent on a mission with his team to rescue a soldier captured by the enemy during a war. However, the mission turns out to be a trap set by his own country to frame them for war crimes. When all seems lost, Lin finds himself standing in front of a mysterious gate and, with no other options, steps through it and is transported to a battlefield. There, he is confronted by people wearing strange clothing who question if he is with the Yellow Turbans, leading Lin to question if he has traveled back in time to the Three Kingdoms period.

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6 Chs

Chapter 5 : The Perfect Plan

As morning dawned, there was an eerie silence in the abandoned camp. Lin concealed himself amidst the lifeless bodies strewn across the valley, masquerading as one of the fallen soldiers. His calculations proved accurate as the enemy deployed a large contingent of infantry, using them as sacrificial pawns to test the valley for potential ambushes. Seizing the opportunity, Lin waited patiently until the infantry passed him by, his keen eyes fixed on a single arrow he unleashed towards their ranks.

The arrow, adorned with flames, found its mark in a cluster of dry reeds, igniting a fierce fire. As the flames rapidly spread, panic seized the infantry. Some desperately fled towards the valley's exit, while others sought refuge within its treacherous entrance, creating havoc and disarray among their ranks. This ingenious tactic proved effective momentarily, until the enemy commander, realizing the absence of further attacks or the sound of drums, managed to restore order. Convinced that it was a mere intimidation strategy, the commander impulsively ordered his troops to give chase to the fleeing enemy, unaware of the hidden danger lurking amidst the chaos.

Seizing this opportunity, Lin stealthily infiltrated the disoriented infantry regiment, merging seamlessly into their ranks. With an acute understanding of their movements and intentions, he plotted his next move, strategizing to sow further confusion and dismantle their advance.

The enemy commander, seeking to minimize casualties among his main squads, cautiously ordered a slow march towards the city. However, even at this reduced pace, their progress remained relatively swift, as the commander disregarded the welfare of the infantry. Under the cover of darkness, the Yellow Turbans' army reached the outskirts of the city, establishing a camp with a sinister plan to launch their attack at daybreak. Observing the enemy's arrival at the city walls, Guan Yu and the others, unaware of Lin's intricate plan, began to question the success of their mission. Little did they know, Lin's initial maneuver was merely the tip of the iceberg, concealing his true intentions and setting the stage for a grander scheme yet to unfold.

in, realizing that he alone couldn't effectively stall the enemy, devised a new plan. If he couldn't slow them down, he needed to sever the root of the problem—a targeted assassination. However, infiltrating the enemy commander's camp late at night would undoubtedly raise suspicion and pose a challenge. Determined, Lin embarked on his daring mission under the cover of darkness.

As he cautiously made his way towards the main camp, he encountered numerous guards stationed at the entrance, presenting a formidable obstacle to his covert entry. Unable to find an inconspicuous path, Lin decided to take a more direct approach. Swiftly, he confronted the guards, swiftly dispatching two of them, and surged forward, heading straight for the commander's tent. However, his path was abruptly blocked by a vigilant defender. Adapting to the situation on the fly, Lin swiftly altered his course, changing direction in the midst of his charge. He sprinted towards the supply tent, setting one ablaze while seeking refuge in the other.

Amidst the chaos, the enemy commander emerged from his tent, promptly ordering his men to encircle the remaining supply tent, armed with a bucket of water in anticipation of Lin's potential attempt to burn it. Five tense minutes passed before Lin burst out of the tent, endeavoring to ignite it in his escape. Yet, the commander had anticipated this maneuver, commanding his soldiers to douse the tent with the bucket of water, prioritizing the protection of their supplies. Despite the setback, Lin managed to eliminate a few adversaries and secure a horse. A pursuit ensued, with several soldiers giving chase. Lin rode with urgency towards a river near the city, his pursuers closing in. Cornered, he had no choice but to stand his ground and fight. The enemy soldiers, amused at Lin's predicament, believed there was no escape. However, their laughter abruptly ceased when one of their comrades fell lifeless. Realization dawned upon them—they had fallen into an ambush. The remaining soldiers met their demise in the unexpected trap.

Awaiting Lin's arrival at the river was Liu Bei, who had heeded his call to set up an ambush. Their objective was to eliminate at least twenty enemy soldiers. Liu Bei warmly welcomed Lin and inquired about the success of his plan. Lin nodded in affirmation, and without delay, they both mounted their horses and galloped back towards the city. They quickly made their way into the city, where Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had gathered a force around one hundred cavalry and two hundred infantry, ready to attack the enemy. When Liu Bei arrived with Lin, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were surprised to see him with his brother but relieved to know that his plan had been successful. Lin assured them that it was all according to his plan and asked the two of them to lead a charge into the enemy camp. Although Zhang Fei was initially confused, Guan Yu assured him that Lin was a skilled strategist.

As they charged into the enemy camp, a swarm of enemy soldiers attempted to stop them. However, it was not as many as they had predicted. The reason soon became apparent as they approached the enemy's stronghold. Many soldiers were lying motionless on the ground, holding their stomachs in agony. Those who were still standing could barely hold their swords.

As they charged further into the main camp, they found the situation to be even more dire. Dead bodies were scattered on the ground, and the commander's camp was empty. It was all thanks to Lin's clever plan. He had poisoned the enemy's supply. To accomplish this, he had burned the first supply camp, leaving the enemy with only one left. By burning it as he left, he made the enemy think that he was just trying to sabotage their supply. However, the real objective was to poison it.

Lin had discovered a deadly poison, water hemlock, in the lake near the valley. The stalks of this plant are known to produce a fatal poison when broken or cut. By mixing it with water and dumping the poisoned water into the wheat supply, he had created a poisonous food that was consumed by everyone in the enemy camp, effectively killing them all.

Everyone was in shock as they surveyed the aftermath. Dead bodies were scattered around as if they were nothing. Even veteran warrior Guan Yu was stunned by the sight. He wondered if one man alone could accomplish such a feat, what could be done with a hundred thousand soldiers? The remaining Yellow Turbans, mostly consisting of infantry who had not yet eaten, were captured. It was a complete victory, and they celebrated their success. Shortly after, Gongsun Zan arrived at the city with the reinforcements that Lin had requested.