
Only I Level Up Across The Multiverse

Yuuto, a teenage boy abandoned by his parents after discovering he was quirkless came across a villain prejudiced against quirkless people, with his victims having been only quirkless people. On his way back to the orphanage having done a little workout, he had come across this villain and ultimately, his end was on the way. Fortunately, he lived, and woke up to a blue screen asking if he'd like to become a ['Player'] Pressing [Yes] instantly, a quest appeared: [Daily Quest: Preparations to become strong] [Press-ups: Incomplete (0/100)] [Sit-ups: Incomplete (0/100)] [Squats: Incomplete (0/100)] [Running: Incomplete (0/10km)] WARNING!: Incompletion of Daily Quests will result in appropriate levels of punishment. This was the beginning of his life turning upside down, and the beginning of becoming the strongest across the multiverse. 1st World: MHA/BNHA

Rizzler007 · Komik
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24 Chs

Chapter 7: UA Entrance Exam Part 2

A/N: It's practically been confirmed this story will most likely be harem, though for my sake and liking: It'll be a small harem.

Some worlds there won't be any girls joining the harem. The small harem will be about 3-5 probably, and it'll contain girls that I feel like would lawfully be fine with a harem judging by their world (Excluding MHA world, unless for wish-fulfillment purposes I make harem Normal)

Just to be clear (This is for people to know now rather than ask later) - MC will be taking his women with him when going to other worlds. How he'll explain it? No idea. lol




"ANDDDDD STARTT!" Present Mic's voice announced loudly through the speaker, shocking the students.

Though Yuuto was ready, he was stopped by a system notification.

[Quest: Road of Becoming #1]

[Objective: Place First Place in UA's Entrance Exam]

[Rewards: Dependant on score]

Having finished reading the quest, Yuuto was determined even more to do the best he can and run straight ahead.

Meanwhile, most students were still star-struck by the sudden announcement, causing Present Mic to insert some sense into their brains.

Looking at his new physical stats (Strength: 110, Vitality: 110, Agility: 110), Yuuto was unsure on how well they would fare against the robots.

Turning a corner, it was time to find out as a 1-pointer appeared, looking directly at him.

'Time to test my new strength' He smirked, rushing the soon-to-be-dead machine.

Making some weird mechanical sounds, the robot raised its metal arms up high. Meanwhile, Yuuto was still running directly at the robot.

Bringing its arms down, the robot made contact with the concrete ground and crushed it, causing some dust to fill the air.

Expecting Yuuto to had been crushed/unconscious, the robot was seemingly stunned seeing as to how he wasn't anywhere to be seen once the dust dispersed.

Suddenly, the boy appeared on top of the head of the robot, fist clenched.

'Man, I've been waiting to do this' Yuuto thought in ecstasy, bringing his fist down onto the head of the robot.

With a loud clank and bang, the robot's head was crushed to bits, unrecognisable; the body started making a noise, and a bit of air pressure was released from Yuuto's punch, making multiple cracks in the ground.

Jumping away from the body, Yuuto walked away smoothly - In slow motion - not turning around.

*BOOM!* 'Cool guys don't look at explosions'

With 1 point on the board, and the robot being dealt with easily, Yuuto started going on a crazy spree.




"Who the hell keeps destroying all these robots?? There's barely any left!!" A student complained

"How the hell am I meant to get into UA with only 20 points!?" Another shouted

"20? Wow, lucky you, I only have 5 thanks to some robo-cist guy" A student sighed, having given up on getting into UA.

"1 MINUTE LEFT!!!" Present Mic's voice announced on the speaker, making the previously complaining/panicky students give up.

"There's no point..." They all agreed.

Suddenly, the ground started shaking heavily, and the sound of sirens could be heard ringing through the place.

"W-w-what t-the..." A shivering student cried, pointing his finger at something, turning everyone's attention to where he was pointing.

"N-No way..."

"R-RUNNNNN!!!" Many students screamed and cried as they fled from the area, running in the direction of the exit/entrance.

The 'Arena Trap', otherwise known as the '0-Pointer', was bigger than the buildings that make up the replica city, and caused untold destruction while simply advancing.

Whilst everyone turned their tails and ran away, a black-haired boy could be seen approaching the robot by running across the rooftops of the buildings.

'Mannnn~ This is so fun!' The boy yelped inwardly, running toward the robot with a smile.

All of a sudden, the boy stopped running and looked down on to the floor where rubble from the destroyed buildings could be seen.

If it wasn't obvious already, the boy was Yuuto. With his [Sixth Sense] Passive Ability, he felt his 'Spidey-senses tingle' (As he calls it).

Looking at the rubble, he could see a girl with long, periwinkle hair trapped underneath it, sweating profusely and breathing heavily, clearly out of energy.

Seeing the robot approach the girl, Yuuto activated [Dash], raising his agility from 110 to 143, with 65 MP left after activation, he wasted no time sprinting to the girl.

To most, it appeared as if he vanished and just appeared from one spot to another, but with his high agility stat, he was just simply superhumanly fast.

With his high strength stat, he held up the rubble with one hand, and used the other to carefully drag the girl from the pile of rubble.

"T-Thank you..." The girl said weakly as she was being carried by Yuuto.

"No problem, don't thank me too soon though" He replied, quickly using his full speed to get a distance from the robot before placing the girl gently.

'Time to deal with this big guy!' He thought, winding his arm up and stretching a little.

[Monarch's Difference] - Activating this skill with 5 MP, Yuuto's eyes lost all emotion before running up to the robot's left foot.

[Stealth] - Using [Dash] followed by this skill, Yuuto was practically invisible to the naked eye as he ran up the robot's body.

Not wanting to waste too much Mana, Yuuto de-activated the stealth skill once at the robot's neck - Not that it mattered since shortly after he jumped on top of the robot's metallic head.

'Let's try a little bit of martial arts, shall we?' Wanting to try out his new skill, [Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist (Low-Newbie)] Yuuto got in a stance similar to that of a praying mantis instinctively.

By concentrating and using his 70 Intelligence and 50 Sense to his advantage, Yuuto controlled the flow of his body and sent all this energy to his two fists.

With the combined strength of all his stats and new martial art skill, Yuuto unleashed a barrage of quick, precise, deadly punches on the head of the 0-pointer.

"ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA... ORA!" With dents forming all over its head, the robot started to malfunction.

With emotionless eyes, Yuuto stopped his barrage and jumped down the body of the robot.

De-activating the [Monarch's Indifference] Skill, Yuuto's body started to take his small toll.

'Damn, I've never pushed myself that hard' He chuckled.

Walking away from the robot, Yuuto walked back in the direction of the girl who was currently being kissed by some old, short lady.

*BOOM!* With a loud explosion, the robot was officially destroyed, with Present Mic shouting


Following this, many grunts could be heard from students that most likely didn't pass. Fortunately, there were some cheerful students who started jumping up and down due to their decent amount of points.

Wanting to go straight home, Yuuto walked past the old woman and girl he saved, before being stopped by the woman asking him

"Do you have any injuries, young man?" She asked, to which Yuuto uselessly checked his body and replied with a blunt

"No" Not wanting to be rude though, he added "Thank you for asking".

"Excuse me!" He heard and turned, to see the periwinkle-haired girl running at him with a lot of energy.

"Hey, you alright? After, y'know, being under all that rubble" He asked, to which she nodded

"I'm A-O-K!" She flexed her non-existent muscles to show she was perfectly fine, "So, how'd you do all that huh? And what was up with your eyes, the light just went 'Poof!' all of a sudden" She questioned quickly.

"That's good. I mean, I just did what I could do. And my eyes tend to change when I get in a serious scenario"

"Awesome~!" Her eyes sparkled for some reason, "Oh right! How could I forget? My name's Nejire, Nejire Hado! Nice to meet you!"

"Yuuto, nice to meet you too, Nejire"

And with that, they started talking and walking while exiting the site and separated when having to go to their own homes.




Informing Marissa and some of the other staff on how the exam went, Yuuto explained the details before hanging out with the kids and having some fun.

- Meanwhile -

"Aizawa, make sure you keep an eye on the boy" A rabbit-mouse-thing said to a black-haired teacher with massive eye bags

"Of course, principle Nezu"


A/N: Time for the start of le plot, and some more actual interactions between more characters.

Thanks for reading

Hope you enjoyed

Have a good day

Any suggestions or questions, etc, put in comments/paragraph comments