

  Zoey's Narrow Escape 1

  Mr. Arthur Bailey who was out to stop the police from leaving walked towards Mr. Phil Anderson's voice. To his terror, he yelled.


  The two policemen, who were already in the police van, got off and began to walk hastily towards the direction of his voice, leaving the frustrated Mr. Oscar Bailey behind. They got to the backyard and met the bewildered Arthur and Phil starring at a car.

  “Is this your wife's car?”


  Mr. Arthur Bailey replied without looking at the policemen.

  “That is good. From the look of things, they stepped on the bonnet and the roof of the car to scale the vertiginous fence.”

  “You're right, officer. What about the woman? She must be inside the house.”

  “I don't agree with you. As you can see, there is no sign of life in this house. We will take photographs as evidences. If you have the spare key of the car, we will move the car to the station.”