

  The Wedding Day 1

  Freya Bailey Anderson brought her son, Daniel, who was going to be the page boy, earlier and returned to her house.

  “Mom and Olivia, we will meet at the registry. Daniel, see you later.”

  “All right, auntie Freya. Later.

  “Thank you, Freya, for bringing Daniel earlier. I hope to see you and your husband later.”

  “Yes Mom. He is getting ready. Daniel, bye.”

  “Bye mom.”

  The affable Daniel Anderson became withdrawn that day when he saw many strange faces at his grandmother's place. He became clingy and would not leave his grandmother's side. When Olivia noticed that, he called his attention.

  “Daniel, come and meet my niece and my cousin.”

  He looked at her questioningly and ignored her. He felt that she was sharing her love between him and her niece, who was the same age as he was. Olivia, who could not get up from her seat because the hair stylist was working on her head, had to persuade him.