

  The Epiphany 4

  “Good evening, Mr. Bailey. Good to see you.”

  “Good evening, Zoey. How was your day?”

  “My day was fine, Mr. Bailey. And you?”

  “My day was fine.”

  Then, he faced Nichole and announced.

  “Let me say hello to Dr. Caesar if he is still around.”

  “All right Hubby.”

  Now, Nichole turned and began to walk back, but her husband grabbed her hand, and they began to walk hand in hand to the surprise of her colleagues. They got to Dr. Caesar’s office, and he was shocked to see Mr. Arthur Bailey. After a brief visit, he announced.

  “We will be on our way.”

  “It is all right, Mr. Bailey. I am delighted to have you around.”

  “You are welcome.”

  Dr. Caesar walked them to the vestibule, where Zoey was patiently waiting.

  “Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience, our staff’s unruly behavior must have caused you and your family.”

  “Don’t let that bother you. Keep up the good work that you are doing.”