

I remember it all began when I was little.The constant shouting, yelling, beatings and the screaming was all I ever received and heard in that unwanted house.All in all, what I am trying to say is that I had a terrible , not sweet but horrible childhood.Before the age of elleven, I had a normal  life any child would wish for, but that child would have to be in my current position to see that because nobody knew what was happening in that house, all they ever saw was a perfect family.

My dad came home one night looking odd, tired and sad as if he had no care at all in the world, mom dropped everything she was doing  and tended to him.I and my sister were told to go upstairs to our room and stay there.As a curious kid, I did not close the door to my room so as to hear what they were saying because I had to atleast know what was happening to be prepared for the worst.

"What do you mean you don't know!!!!!What the f**k are you even saying dammit!!!!"Shouted my mother.By now, I was near the doorway  almost going downstairs towards the living room. I have never heard them fight ever in my life.Uneasiness caught up with me and I could feel my hands shaking as if I had been placed in the freezer.A moment of silence followed later and I thought  it was all over , whatever it was.But poor me for thinking so, because  the ordeal had only and just began and was far from over for I heard something which i thought was either a chair or the table, flung across the room and chaos began.

I quickly hurried down the stairs only to find my mother throwing anything she could lay her hands on and throwing  it at my dad.Beads of tears started cascading down my full cheeks and a sob escaped my lips.They immediately averted their gaze towards me in utter shock when they noticed my presence in the room with sorrow in their eyes, trying to console me as if trying to say  that what I had just witnessed was a just a complex form of hallucination." Look, it's not what you think.......I......uuum...we were just trying to uuuuum....ha!ha!Uuuuum Michael....you tell her???!"My mother squinted her eyes and smiled wierdly trying to cover up the whole incident.

"Mom!!...Dad!!Why are you fighting....ngttngttph!What's going on mom!!" I shouted whereas tears were still flowing down my eyes from the lacrimal ducts."Sweetie.., said my dad , "we have grown-up issues day-to-day, for now you are still too young to know what I means but I promise you, I will solve everything and make up for what I did...promise!" I did not know whether he meant that or only said to console me but what I know is that I believed everything he said  and that made me feel better or so I thought.

All the shouting, yelling and fighting then stopped after that.Ever since i was born, I have been struggling with Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease or better known as SCID, a condition where the body is unable to produce  cells that help the body to fight against diseases.My  parents true all sorts of remedies , they even tried to take me to surgery but all proved futile.So everywhere I went I had to take with me loads of medicines and stuffs, but that was okay so long as I had my parents' love, all until today.

They had even at one point  even tried to get me a personal bodygaurd so as to prevent me from mingling with others to avoid me from contracting any communicable diseases, because they knew that even a single harmless sickness could dangerously affect me to the extreme.Even thinking of it makes me laugh it off and sad.As at that time I think they thought I could not take care of myself(vulnerability).

When those failed, my dad took it upon himself to find me the cure to enable me to have a normal life as possible.Come to think of it, there was a time he even drew blood from my arm, but I was too young to know, and then that same day he came home with something, medicine I think and he injected me with some and waited to see my reaction but nothing happened until later that night when all hell broke loose.I felt as if my whole body was on fire, I kept tossing and turning but  nothing seemed to ease the pain and I stiffled a scream.When i never slept until morning is when I realised the state I was in, but after all that I never told my parents especially my father what happened that night.