
One Sword to Transcend All

What if someone who was born in a prestigious family of mages doesn't have talent in magic? Aldrich was someone like that, having been born to the prestigious Ashford Household which produced many prominent mages throughout history. A long-standing family where magic is revered. But unfortunately for Aldrich, he was tested to have no talent for magic which led to him being banished from his family. Follow his journey as he faces challenges towards his path of becoming the strongest. "With a sword in hand, I will transcend all!"

Blanc_Canvas · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


(A/N: Changed the city he arrived, from the last chapter to town)

Mana is, ever-present energy found in everything in the world. It is utilized by mages to cast spells, varying from weak ones to spells that can easily erase a whole kingdom, mountains, cities, etc.

Mana is also utilized by warriors who are trained to use it. It helped them do wondrous feats such as cleaving a mountain using only a sword. They can even lift things much larger than them, using mana enhancement.

'Well, the people of this world don't know mana training for warriors though,' Aldrich looked around at the town he arrived in.

Just after entering the town, he was met with the bustling streets where vendors built their stalls at the side of the road.

With a wide road paved with stone, houses with designs similar to the victorian era. Light poles are built beside the roads to give light at night.

Vehicles that are made using magic engineering and are powered by magic cores. There were some horse carriages but they are of the minority.

At first glance, rather than a town, it looks more like a miniature city.

'The magic technology here is much more advanced than I thought. Though it's still inferior to the magic tech back from my past world.' A rush of nostalgia came to him.

Remembering those amazing magic tech in his past, those amazing creations capable of extreme destruction. There was even transportation capable of traversing the skies and above.

"Sigh..." Aldrich shook his head, no matter what, he was now in a brand new world. He can't go back to his past one.

He walked off soon after and tried finding his goal in this town.

After asking around for a bit, he finally found it. There, in front of him was a building much larger than normal ones gound in town. It was situated in the eastern part of the town, near the bustling market area.

At top of the building was a large sign; "Mercenary Association"

There are three transcendental powers in the world located on the Orgin Continent. They were transcendental because they are so powerful that even a whole kingdom or multiple ones can't hold a candle to their powers.

These three are the Magic Tower as the strongest, followed by the Free Federation of Caelum, and Lastly, the Mercenary Association.

The first two are in hostile relationships while the Mercenary Association is neutral. The Association has branches all over the world except for the main cities or capitals of the other superpowers.

On a side note, the Magic Tower is led by the Ashford Family at the top. And other mage families as supports.


Aldrich stared at the door of the Association.

"This is the best way for me to earn some money..." He muttered before entering.

What welcomed him inside was a simple interior with many tables and chairs arranged neatly. People were eating and talking with each other.

Unlike what might expect, the mercenaries here are somewhat disciplined.

And on the right side, near the door, a reception was built. Behind it was a receptionist with a professional smile.

Aldrich walked over to the reception, his arrival garnered some attention but the people quickly turned away and continued their meals.

"Welcome to the Mercenary Association, Eldham town branch! How may I help you, sir?"

Aldrich nodded, "I would like to register as a mercenary."

"Certainly, then please fill up this form and pay 1 silver coin," The receptionist handed out a paper document and a pen to Aldrich.

He grabbed it before asking, "I don't have enough money right now, are there other ways of paying the registration fee?"

Still maintaining her professional smile, the receptionist replied; "Certainly, sir! You can register now but you need to finish specific requests from the association till you paid for the total. But don't worry, the requests you will be assigned to are correspondent to your current strength."

"Mm, then I'll do just that, thank you." Aldrich nodded before filling up the form he was given.

It was a simple form asking about his name, age, and lastly, if he is a mage. It's that simple, no other questions. But just from this, one could see how sought out are mages.

'Name huh, I can't use my surname in this world so I'll use my last one. Aldrich Edevane, there...! Age 15, and should I say I'm a mage? I do use mana so maybe I am similar to a mage and it could also help in the long run...Alright, then I'll answer Yes.'

"Here," He handed the form to the receptionist.

"Thank you, sir. Next, please follow me to the training room for your strength evaluation." She motioned for him to follow her.

Aldrich nodded and followed her until they arrived at a wide room. It was well lit with light bulbs powered by magic. The floor was made of some kind of stone unfamiliar to Aldrich.

The side of the room was filled with training weapons made of metal but with blunt edges. And at the center of the room was a middle-aged man with a well-built body. He was holding a large training sword with a wide blade and swinging it.

"Haap! Haap!"

With each swing, a gust of wind was created.

'Good form and consistent swinging. This guy trained with the sword for decades. But on a closer look, it seems his old physique is started affecting him albeit not too noticeable right now.'

"Kuhum! Mr Vandeleur, there is a new applicant." The receptionist coughed to get the man's attention.

The man stopped swinging and turned around to see the receptionist and Aldrich. He walked over to the side first where he took a towel and wiped his sweat off.

"Oh, Isabella, this is the new applicant?"

"Yes, please test him to see his current strength." Isabella nodded

"Alright, leave it to me!"

"Thank you," Isabella said before turning towards Aldrich, "I'll be leaving now, sir. Please spar with Mr Vandeleur here for the strength evaluation."

"Okay, thank you." Aldrich nodded

After hearing that, the receptionist left the room.