
Is it wrong to pick up lolies in a Dungeaon?

I'm standing in the middle of a really wide hallway which is leading to 16 different tunnels- The First Floor's Beginning Road.

The walls are light greenish-blue. Azure gems are studded onto the ceiling providing minimum illumination.

Air is damp and heavy.

Some adventurers going in and out, minding their own business.

My heart is beating in nervous excitement.

My sword is clenched in my clammy hands.

[My hands are sweating too much…My sword can slip in mid-battle.]

As a solution to that, I channel mana into my clothes. Two pieces of my shirt detach before slowly slipping to my wrists and shaping into gloves with no fingertips.

Taking a calming deep breath, I take my first step as an Adventurer.

Choosing a random tunnel, I walk in.

The tunnel is even darker but, I'm can still make out what's in front of me.


The sound of my footsteps waves out rather loudly. That's the only noise I can hear. My eyes are darting around, looking for any monster that might be creeping up on me.

[So, where are the monsters?]

/We just got here…most probably, they're further in. I would suggest you only engage Goblins. /


- BOOM!!


A sudden but, heart-wrenching scream of a man fills the quiet path I was on, followed by the sound of a loud 'slam', covering my body in goosebumps.

Getting a hold of myself as fast as I can, I break into a mad sprint towards the source of the sound.

[We gotta help him!]

/Don't do anything rash! For all we know it was a battle cry… /

[You honestly believe that?]

The moment my thought is conveyed, I come across an entrance to my left. Sounds of gibberish are coming out of it.

Blinking beside the entrance, I peek my head to see inside.

The sight before me makes my skin crawl.

A man was lying in a pool of his own blood, bloody mess was where the head is supposed to be. Two goblins were beside him. Some purplish pebbles littered all around the floor- Monster Cores.

[Damn It! We were late.]

/Do not forget, you had no Falna... You did your best. /

[Humph…if 'best' was worth something, then I wouldn't be here…]

Taking a deep breath to calm my raging emotions, I look at Goblins with steely eyes. I now have my targets.

A goblin is squatting right in front of the corpse, while the other one is standing just behind it, holding a Gladius-like short sword.

Done planning, I aim the Exit Point behind the goblin with the sword in its hands. My sword itching to cut something.


Silently reappearing right behind my first target, I swing my blade at its head and use my left hand to give it a hard push. Blood and brain matter splatter all around as its half head spins in the air.

The push makes it trip on the squatting gobbling, catching it off-guard and unbalanced. A second later my first target's body bursts into black ashes revealing a purplish core while giving my already descending sword a clear path to another head. Once again, blood splatters, its nauseating stench making me frown in disgust.

Flicking my blood-covered sword I look at the man I couldn't save. My failure.

*Sigh* [Probably a rookie like me…biting off more than he could chew.]

/ You are not be blamed for this…You're not some hero. /

[Just because I'm not, doesn't mean I should just walk away, ignoring someone's life in danger.]

/ Will you search his body? /

[Of course not! For what exactly?]

/ For supplies! He was a full-fledged Adventurer. He probably has some potions, the valis you need, and he's also wearing armor. And as you can see he does not need them anymore. /

[You're downright evil!]

/ Please understand… we are desperate, Argus. Until you have a Falna, you need to make use of everything you find. Regardless of where it came from. /

[But, it doesn't mean I have to loot a dead body that's still warm!]



Loud sounds resound, while I was busy arguing with 'HER'.

Cracks are appearing like spider-webs on the walls, stones falling off the making loud 'thuds' matching the rhythm of my heartbeat.

From a gap, a skinny green hand emerges clickering to grab something- I'm witnessing the birth of a monster… Or monsters.

The same thing is happening on the whole wall and the ceiling in front of me.

Horrified at the sight of it, I dash towards the Gladius lying on the floor.

/I suggest a quick escape…/

[No! His body won't be monster food.]

With the Gladius and the Corvo's Blade clutched tightly in my hands, I focus my eyes on the 5 Goblins before me.

Some had picked up big rocks to serves as weapons while the other Goblins are barehanded. They have surrounded me in a semi-circle.


The goblins stood, screeching, and ready to pounce at me anytime.

[I need to make a move first!]

Getting my left sword ready for a horizontal slash and the right one for a vertical slash, I take a deep breath and focus.

Activating Re-Directive Blink, I stop everything for the next 30 seconds. Calming my mind, I carefully aim my Exit Point behind the goblin at my right, its 7 o'clock to be exact. Ready to start dicing, I initiate the Blink. Both my swords ready.

Reappearing at my intended spot, I swing my left sword at its neck.


The Goblin's head goes up spinning before any of them could even realize what has happened.

The Goblin right next to my victim is the first one to snap back to its senses. Responding by dashing at me with a rock in hands.


But, before it could even throw the rock, my right sword descends from above, splitting its head in two.

The next goblin dives at me in reckless abandon.

I dogged it by, crouching while using the previous swing's momentum for a 360-degree spin, and moving forward by using the same momentum.

Because of that, I'm now right in front of the 4th Goblin. Pivoting on the base of my left foot, I keep the spinning momentum going while bringing my left sword for another horizontal swing.


The sound of my sword cutting the goblin's flesh and bones resounds in the screeches filled'room. That attack sliced the goblin in half from the waist.

Still keeping the momentum, I bring my right sword for another tilted-vertical descend. Splitting the second last Goblin in half too. Now only the Goblin that dived at me remained.

But, I lose my balance at the last moment- Falling on my back. And just at that accursed moment, the last Goblin dived on me once again, with a head-sized rock ready to smash my skull into meat paste.

Filled with panic and adrenalin, I manage to activate Re-Directive Blink, stopping everything at the last moment.

The Goblin is just about a meter above me, it large beady eyes flashing in brutality.

Hurriedly aiming my Blink a meter above it, I initiate it.


Reappearing in the same 'lying' position, I twist my body in a spin and use the generated momentum to throw my right sword at the Goblin which had just landed at the floor- nailing it to the floor.

Gravity starts pulling me down. My eyes open in a panicked desire to end this as soon as possible, and I land right beside that Goblin.



Clutching my left sword in a reverse grip with both my hands, I rain down stabs after stabs. My body not stopping even after hearing the sounds of hitting something that's not flesh. Each stab sending jolts of shocks through my arms.

/Argus! It's dead! Look! Look! Open your eyes! /


My body slows down. My breathing ragged. Slowly opening my eyes all I see are blood, debris, my sword, and a purplish core.

/Great work! You did it! You…without a Falna killed 5 Goblins in an open battle, and came out on top without a single scratch! /

[Yeah yeah… I know…], I reply while grabbing my sword from the ground before turning around.


/Oh shit! /

My body freezes. Shock runs through my body like lightning. A gasp escapes my lips as I look towards the exit of the room.

Standing there was a small figure holding a spear.

Covered in a creamy-white coat, with a hood large enough to cover that person's eyes and nose. A humongous dark green bag is hung on the tiny frame of that person. The chest signified- that person is a girl.

Her petite body is only 110 cm. It's no brainer- she is Liliruca Arde or Lili for short. And even if it is a brainer, my weeby sense is tingling mad.

Before I could squeak out even a single letter, she starts talking with an unhidden smirk.

"WOW! That was such an amazing battle, honorable adventurer. May I ask which Familia do you belong to?"

/Freya… /

"I'm from Frey Familia, little one..." I reply as calmly as I can.

"It sure doesn't seem that way… if you know what I mean."

"What do you mean…?"

"You looked a little too slow for a person with a Falna… You're a Non-leveled, aren't you..." she says while taking off her hood, and placing her huge bag beside her.

Dark brown hair along with ears and tail of the same color. Golden eyes which are now shinning as she had just found a treasure. She has used her {Cinder Ella} magic to look like a Chienthrope child.

Taking a deep breath, I reply with a slight smile on my face, "Okay so, how about this…you keep my magic a secret, and I buy you a bag of potato croquettes. Savvy?"

/Stop getting excited…I know she is a character from the anime but, now is not the time. Look closely, she's holding a spear…clearly stolen. It's reason enough to believe that she still hasn't met Bell. My point is…she's dangerous. /

[Aw she won't kill me…]

/ But, she will leave you to die… /

Lili's voice cuts through our argument,

"Croquettes? Really? But, still…why haven't you joined a Familia? I mean, you were disappearing and reappearing! How amazing is that! Everyone would do 'whatever it takes' to have you, you know~"

A sly smile is adorned on her adorable face.

/ Okay she's trying to strike a deal, Argus… /

*sigh* "Fine…you can state your price…"

That sly smile morphs into a bright one as she replies, "Do a job for me!"

"A job? Won't asking for money would be a better option? The spear you're holding clearly doesn't belong to you, I'm sure you stole it from someone…not to mention your clothes. You're short on cash…Wouldn't money be a better alternative?"

I ask genuinely confused.

/ Great! You blew it…now just act dumb…that'll give us better opportunities. /

"You sure are an observant one, Honorable Adventurer. But, you missed one detail…you see, I'm holding a spear, which I clearly stole from someone not long ago, yet here I am…if you're catching my vibe. But, don't worry... I have a job that requires you're…teleportation magic? You'll get a share too if you manage to pull it off, that is."

"So what's the job?"

"Now now…don't be hasty. I'll tell you once we're out of here. And you'll be staying and learning some stuff from me for a while."


"The skills you'll need for the job…your fight was incredibly clumsy. Basically, I'll be your supporter-teacher till the job is done. Oh! And you can't join a Familia until then."

/Not exactly a bad deal…You get to learn stuff from her, earn some cash. And besides, you don't have a Familia in mind right now. As for the job…you can find a chance to sneak away, anytime. /

"Hey, you do realize that I am a… what did you call it? Ah! Non-leveled. What makes you so confident in my capabilities?"

"Well, it's pretty much a gamble…I've seen you fight, and I can tell you're a natural at stealth. I need just that for the job."

/ Go for it… /

"Alright, deal. So, miss supporter, would you mind picking up my cores? But, before that..." I say, with a simple nod.

"Huh? Is there another question?" She asks, tilting her head in confusion.

Rather than replying, I activate Re-Directive Blink and aim the Exit Point right behind her.

/Argus… Listen to me…there's no need for this. /

[Oh! there soo is…]

Initiating Blink, I reappear right behind Lili.

My mouth curled into a grin, eyes flaming in untamed excitement. Faster than she could react, my hands' darts towards those soft, bouncy, springy, squishy, and unsuspecting cheeks on her face.


"AHH! They're so soft and springy! I could jush gobble you up~"

"Wai-wahh! You lesh go of my sheekhs, riesh nouw!"

"Ohhoo! You like it don't you! heheah!"

/ You're unbelievable! /



Word Count: 2172

An_Imperfectionistcreators' thoughts
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