
One Piece: Young Pirate

Fires rage all around as a legendary fight rocks the island. Alex, a young boy, is caught in the midst of this battle. With no way out and death immanent, he now needs to find a way to escape with his new friend. Will Alex escape unharmed? What about his new friend? And if Alex somehow is able to survive this situation... what's next?

Smol_frog · Komik
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59 Chs

New friend?

Alex smiled and sipped one of his drinks. "What do you think of this island?"

Shanks thought for a moment as he exhaled smoke. "It's weird. But it seems kinda fun."

Alex laughed. "Yeah, I guess it is pretty fun, but I still get this weird feeling. Like something weird is going on."

Shanks chuckled. "You're overthinking like usual. Just relax and have some fun. Captain's on the island anyway, so nothing bad can happen."

Alex chucked and shook his head. "You're right, bad things happen wherever we go, we'll just deal with it when the time comes."

Shanks chuckled and put in more chips for his second hand. "The world is an evil place."

Alex laughed and agreed as he also threw in some chips. "That it is."

The man next to them smiled. "You two are having an interesting conversation."

Alex peeked his head around Shanks to get a good look at the man as he spoke up. "It's considered rude to eavesdrop."

The man smiled politely and turned to face Alex. "My apologies, I couldn't help but overhear. I happen to have good ears."

Once Alex got a glimpse of the man, he had a small grin form on his face as he replied curtly. "It's fine. Your other four senses tend to get stronger when you lose one. I've seen it happen before."

The man paused and reached out towards his own eyes gingerly. "Is that so? I guess you learn something new everyday." He replied.

Alex checked his cards and put in some more chips. Shanks and the man beside Shanks both decided not to.

Alex turned his head back to face the mysterious man. "So, what's your name?"

The man 'looked' back over at the two. "I'm Issho, pleasure to meet two interesting youngsters like you."

Shanks sighed and leaned back in his chair after losing two hands in a row. He took a hit of his cigar and looked at Issho. "I'm Shanks, and this is my friend Alex."

Alex nodded along with Shanks' words before realizing his mistake and speaking up. "Nice to meet you, Issho. Also, don't put yourself down, you're no old man."

Issho gave a small laugh. "I must be at least twice your age, no need to be so polite."

Alex smiled and rested his elbow on the table while propping his head up with his hand. "How'd you know our age? Do we really sound that shrill?"

Issho shook his head in denial. "It wasn't my intention to make you feel that way, it was just a hunch from a wise old man." He said as a kind smile returned to his face.

Alex narrowed his eyes in suspicion, but didn't say anything.

Issho put in some chips to play the next round. "If you stare at me so hard, I might just blush." He said as he chucked at his own joke.

Alex sighed and rolled his eyes. "You're only making me more suspicious the more you speak." He said, with a hint of sarcasm.

Shanks ignored the conversation taking place around him for the time being as he was focused on playing blackjack.

Issho seemed to find humor in Alex's words as his smile grew. "I really am blind, if that's what you are curious about."

Alex smiled and took a puff of his cigar before exhaling. "Now I'm starting to think you can read my mind."

Issho laughed and grabbed his drink from the table before taking a sip. "I wish I had that ability. It would make poker a lot easier!" He chuckled again before setting his drink down.

Alex smiled and shook his head in disbelief. "You're one crazy old man, Issho."

Shanks sighed and threw his arms up in defeat as he lost another round. "He's not nearly as crazy as our captain."

Alex chuckled and finished his first drink. "Nobody can beat that guy. He should be in a mental hospital." Alex set down his empty glass on the table. "Also. He's not my captain."

Shanks chucked and nudged Alex jokingly. "I remember you becoming our chef recently."

Alex rolled his eyes and scoffed. "As if that would ever happen." Alex turned to Issho. "Can you believe this guy? He eats my cooking once and tries to kidnap me onto his crew."

Issho tapped his finger on the table like he was thinking. "Well, you don't seem to be upset about it. So, I think it's fine." He smiled sadly. "If you are going to be kidnapped, it sounds like you found a good man to kidnap you."

Alex and Shanks looked at him dumbfounded. Then they both broke into laughter.

Alex took a deep breath to catch his breath. "Well, you're not wrong about that. But, I prefer the second person who kidnapped me."

Issho raised an eyebrow. "You've been kidnapped more than once? That's quite an unfortunate life you have had so far."

Alex shook his head in denial. "It's been anything but. I couldn't have asked for a better life after I was kidnapped." He chuckled to himself as he thought about it. "I've technically been kidnapped 4 times now, and those were some of the best four things to ever happen to me."

Shanks snapped his head at Alex in shock. "Four? Are you already drunk? It's only been three times! I've been there for all three!"

Alex smiled fondly. "I haven't told you about Grace yet, have I?"

Shanks shook his head with a confused look on his face.

Alex chuckled to himself. "I'll tell you later, it's the reason I want to become the smartest person in the world."

Shanks smiled innocently as he took a sip of his drink. "Now I really wanna know."

Issho smiled, he radiated a warmth and comforting feeling just by being around. It was almost like his kind nature and soul were able to heal the people around him. He looked at the two boys and spoke up again. "It sounds like you have both had very worldly experiences."