
Captain Lou's Treasure

Wolf gazed over at Buggy who was squatting in a corner snickering to himself. It piqued his interest so he portaled over to the red-nosed man. Not one sound could be heard coming from Wolf. He was as silent as the night.

In Buggy's hand was a map, but before Wolf could take too good of a look at it Buggy closed it as he hurriedly turned around.

"What are you doing here? How'd you sneak up on me?"

Buggy asked as he hid the map behind his back.

"A perk of mines. Why are you hiding the map? What's on it?"

Wolf questioned him as he pointed to his right hand that was behind his back.

"There's no map. No treasure, nothing for you to see."

Buggy denied.

"I did not say anything about treasure, just a map. You have a treasure map?"

The gears in Buggy's head started to turn. He did have a treasure map, but, he did not want to hand it over. However, was it a bad idea to give it up?

Wolf would take them there, but he knew what was on the island. It was the perfect place for him to display his leadership abilities and turn this crew into his own.

"Fine! You got me."

Buggy sighed as he showed the map he was hiding to Wolf.

"It's the map to find Captain Lou's treasure. I heard he hid a lot of items away before he was taken into custody."

Buggy explained.

Wolf grabbed the map and opened it up as he listened to Buggy. He was not interested in the person Buggy was talking about, but some treasure could come in handy. Wolf left the town with nothing but what he had on board. They would need more than that if he wanted to make a name for himself. Not to mention this would give them something to do.

"We aren't even far, three days at most. We'll stop here."

Wolf decided as he checked the map over and saw some key locations he remembered were on his own map. They were already heading in the direction, it wouldn't be bad to make a detour.

"Don't get so full of yourself, even if we make it to the island that doesn't mean you will stumble upon the treasure. It's been hidden for a reason!"

Buggy told Wolf.

"Nothing stays hidden for long, what else do you know? Are you the only one with a map?"

Buggy thought about it. He acquired this map a year ago after he overheard another pirate crew talking about the treasure. His plan was to gather his own crew and head out to sea, but that never happened. He was starting to question if he was even in the right place to create a crew, there were not that many people in Loguetown that fit his need.

At least Wolf was young so it would not be that difficult to take this crew from him.

"Why? Is our captain scared if there is going to be some competition?"

"The more the better."

Wolf replied.

"Let me give you a piece of advice, there are three kinds of people in the world. The strong, the brave, and the cowardly. The brave are always the first to die."

Buggy looked serious for the first time as he knew what lay out there at sea. He was unsure what made Wolf want to be a pirate, or what made him think he was strong. However, from his viewpoint, Wolf was just acting brave. Which would get them all killed.

Wolf laughed.

"So, you think I'm brave? Interesting... what kind are you? Where do you fit?"

Wolf questioned Buggy.

"Naturally, the strong."

Buggy replied with no hesitation, even puffing out his chest as he looked at Wolf in the eye.

Wolf saw this act but simply smiled.

"Good to know. Go hang out with the other crew members, I'll catch up with you later."

Wolf told Buggy as he walked off towards his cabin.

Buggy watched as Wolf strolled away, wondering what was going on in the young man's head. He was much younger than him, but Buggy could feel something different about him. It was the same feeling that separated Shanks apart from the rest even with his aloof attitude.

As Wolf vanished into his room, Buggy decided the best course of action would be to talk to the others. If he wanted to overthrow Wolf, he had to get the other members on his side. At least have them doubt Wolf's strength, so he could put on a grand show.

In his head, it sounded like a solid plan. One that would definitely work.

Kuro was leaning against the wall, away from where Wolf and Buggy were located. Through his glasses he observed Buggy. There was something off about the man, he began to question if it was the right move to allow him on board.

No idea why this still gets collections, but decided to pick it back up for fun.

VanishingDustcreators' thoughts
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