
Title at the end of the chapter.

A month later ,

In a big underground place stood 40 man and 10 women in 5 lines each line has 10 humans on it, you can see that some of them were old and others were still in their 20's while others were middle aged. the crowd seems to be waiting for someone.

"Attention" said women in pink long hair.

They all fixed their eyes on the women. "the young master is coming"(Amina)

After hearing this they all knelt in one leg then screamed """"""we great the young master"""""".

"Good, so they are the only people who passed my tests" said Alex, yes the young master was alex and the pink haired women is Amina .

"Yes. and they are few because your tests were too harsh ALex" (amina)

Alex's testes were like hell, Amina first asked the crowd of 800 a question 'who has a family failed and who is an orphans will pass" then she proceeded with physical tests and secret-keeping tests by torturing them. In the end only 50 passed.

Alex wanted only orphans so that they will concentrate only on their work and make the organization their only family .

"The quality is better than the quantity after all" (Alex).

he then looked at the lined people in front him, and they all looked at him with doubts in their eyes.

They all has thoughts like "all this hard work to serve a kid, damn if I knew I wouldn't came" or"damn

it, are we going to babysit him ?".

Alex knew what was in their minds so he decided to teach them a lesson before they start. meanwhile Amina was looking at the crowd with killing intent, feeling her aura they all started to sweat.

"hh I know what you all are thinking, so how about this. Hear my first order, you all have to fight me now hhh"(Alex)

"young master"(Amina)

"don't interfere Amina, to be a leader you need to own your subordinates respect " said to Amina then shouted "now COME!!"

In the fight you could hear sounds like 'aie, it hurts' or 'my arm nearly broke'.

After 10 minutes only a child was standing while to others all had some tears in the eyes out of pain.

In this fight Alex didn't use his devil fruit ability not even his sword. He wanted to test his raw force , at the end he concluded that training in his mind really gave him a lot of experience because in this fight he wasn't the strongest but his fighting experience was too great thus he won.

"you guys are satisfied now? "(Alex), they all nodded with their heads .

"then let's start our plan , come with me"(Alex)

Strangely in this underground place was built a wooden room inside of it was a bureau and a lot of chairs , It looked like a class room. They all stood in the chairs while Alex stood in the chair of the bureau and behind him stood Amina.

"our organization name is called, SEAL team or SEA- AIR-LAND .which means anything that will exist in the AIR or SEA or LAND you guys will have every information on it and what I say 'every information I mean it'. heck I even want to know when the target will go to the toiled. YOU HEAR ME!!?"

"""""""YES YOUNG MASTER"""""""

"now, first of all we need to built our foundation first before doing anything . here is my plan so listen carefully"

""""""WE HEAR AND OBEY """""

"I will divide you guys in three, the first team will start spying right away an report any news to the HQ. the 2nd team will make an underground base or what I'd like to call a branch of our main HQ. from there you guys will train new potential recruits and take some loyal civilians and made them spies for us. And finally the 3rd team, this group will be made out of the most talented and strong people out of you guys. these folks will go outside to make business and earn some money to our organization, it's not like we don't have enough money but I want my organization to be auto working which means to finance itself . In the process of making business you guys will make a lot contacts and those contacts will make it easier for us to learn about out targets. I will have high hopes about you guys so don't disappoint me ".


They said so but all they could think is "what a genius"

With a serious face Alex Added " you know there are two ways to have knowledge and power one short way and a long way. The short way is to terrorize the people and the other way is to earn the people's trust of course both ways need to have power to do so " then with a face full of killing intent he said" I prefer the 2nd way as for those who use the 1st method I will kill them all YOU UNDERSTAND"

""""""""" yes we do""""""""" seeing his eyes all started to sweat heavily.

"now before you guys start doing your missions, you will stay here and train with me for a year " said Alex with a devilish smile and so was Admina.

"""""""WE UNDERSTAND"""""

"Now you guys will be given numbers as your secret identity from 1 to 50, you guys earned this numbers from your powers the number 1 being the strangest while the 50 being the weakest at both spying and physical strength " after give them their secret names hi said "you guys are dismissed from today you will have your special trainings so report at Amina your leader at 5.00"(Alex)


"number 1 ,2 and 3 . stay behind"

"""yes""" these guys are one of the members of the 3rd team.

After the the crowd left they stood only 4 people and one sitting humans were still in the room.

"you guys will have a secret mission , and that is to try to be members of the underground powers. what I am saying is that while you guys are doing business try to infiltrate the underground world"


"remember you guys need to report only to me and Amina, not even your other teammate must know about this ".

""""we UNDERSTAND"""".

After they left Alex turned to face Amina ."I didn't know that you was this strong, you scared them "

She putted her head dawn then answered with a shy voice " every celestial dragon's maid have to train to defend her master "(Amina)

"is this all ?"teased Alex

Amina blushed then said with a tomato like face "and seeing young master train I choose to train to help you in the future" she then left in a rush....[till next chapter]

chapter title : The SEAL team organization.

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