4 Chapter 4

• Reincarnation 2

{ White Void }

As soon as the option appeared in front of the elderly man, Ivar mentally picked a Race without an hesitation as he could imagine many possibilities if what he was guessing is right.

Suddenly, the information about almost all the basic knowledge every species in this world ram into his mindscape causing him to grunt in pain and hold his head tightly.



Normal Human:

The most common race of humans in One Piece doesn't have any special trait, though that depends on the individuals.

Long Leg Tribes:

Heavily resemble humans but possess extremely long legs that make up most of their height. Although sometimes possess great strength, many treated it as a weakness.

Long Arm Tribes:

Heavily resemble humans but possess two joints in the arm that make them significantly longer. The natural enemy of this tribe is the Long Leg Tribes.

Three-Eyed Human:

Extremely identical to average humans with extra parts in their faces. An eye in the forehead. Have a special trait that is extremely rare in One Piece but not every three-eyed humans have it. Almost extinct!

Large Human:

Massively huge humans that have great body proportions. In the eyes of others, they seem like a giant.

Kumate Tribes:

Extremely identical to humans with one thing part. All Kumate tribespeople have silver hair and identical noses. They have extreme cannibalistic tendencies.

Kuja Tribes:

Physically identical to normal humans but have a natural affinity to one of the three powers in One Piece. They are a race of warrior people and some of them have questionable appearances like an animal or unnatural body proportions.

Torino Tribes:

Race of short and round humans that live in South Blue. They are very advanced in medical findings and are still very primitive.

Snake neck Tribes:

A human that possesses extremely long necks. They are generally slim and tend to adorn their necks with collars or tattoos.

World Nobles:

Descendants of the founders of the World Government are all ordinary humans in every way, however, they have very powerful political status.



A humanoid creature that can breathe in the water and have varied traits to each one. They are said to be ten times strong than humans from birth and furthermore, it's amplified underwater.


Have the upper body of normal humans but the lower body of fish. They are the fastest swimmer of any aquatic race or species and furthermore have the ability to communicate with fish.

The mermaid however can split their tails into legs when inland but mermen can only keep their tails forever.


Normal Giants:

Heavily resemble humans with the clear difference being their massive size, with the largest human barely going up to their knees. They have tremendous strength with few other races being able to withstand it.

Ancient Giants:

They stand several times higher than normal giants and possess demon-like features including horns on their head, sharp teeth, and unusual skin tones.

Yeti Tribe:

They stand twice as tall as typical giants and their bodies are covered in white fur.

{ All giants have a life expectancy of more than 200. }

-Dangerous Beasts•

Sea Kings:

Massive, carnivorous monsters that inhabit all of the world's oceans. Most common to Sea Kings is a long, vaguely serpentine body, though by no means is this universal.

There are many different species among Sea Kings. If you choose this, it will automatically be random for you.

{ They are not a mindless predator }

-Sky Island Residents•


They resemble normal humans with the difference being the small wings in their back. They have an advanced technology to which they created called Dials!


They're exactly the same as normal humans, except more brutal and primitive. They've worshipped a gigantic snake for 800 years. They greatly depend on dials.


They are extremely identical to Skypian with the difference being that they have larger wings and most of the people have goat-like features.


Tremendously identical to average humans with the difference being that they all have large black wings on their back which could be used to fly in the sky. They also have a powerful trait ability called ignition.

{ Nearly extinct! }


Remarkably small humanoids that have fluffy tails on their back. They are very well versed in plant life. They are all known to be extremely gullible.

They are undeniably stronger than average humans due to their powerful innate strength.


Made mechanically by the species on the Moon and appear to look like a flesh and blood.

{ Unknown traits}

-Minks Tribe•

A humanoid that has animals features. Similar to fish-man or merfolk, each individual takes after a specific animal.

{ Their special trait called Sulong allowed them to become powerful when during Moon }

{ If you are not satisfied with just one race, you can choose a hybrid species but you cannot pick an impossible one.

For example, Giants and normal humans. }

After he processed the information in his mind, he shook his head a couple of times as if he plan to fix his temporary migraine. He then smirked with visible excitement on his face.

'So many races! This is interesting.' mused Ivar, greatly anticipating the new world he will be reincarnated in as he has great expectation for it.

'What should I choose? There's no way I'm choosing human that's for sure. I had enough experience as a human. Not interested being like that any longer' mused Ivar as he started contemplating seriously on his choice.

Since this important decision would impact his life, he would need to decide carefully. He didn't want to become powerful or weak from the beginning. He prefers a decent start and has as many as challenges he could gather while trying to get to the top.

'No Giants, No Sea Kings, No Automata, No Dwarves, No Normal Humans! That leaves out the rest.' Crossing out the species in his mind which he thinks he wouldn't like as for one, Giants grow slow and its body too massive which would expose his weakness for his opponent in a fight.

Sea Kings is a huge no-no as he prefers humanoid species. Automata species was a robotic and unknown race which quite frankly is negative as it could impact his life heavily if his traits were weak.

The dwarf was a small humanoid creature which he distaste as that means aside from his race, he would have to stretch his neck up all the time.

Besides, the gullible trait would probably mess him up and that was scary enough for him.

Normal humans were already enough for him as he had already experienced it. Why in the hell would he experience it again!?

That all came down to Sky-Island's species, Mink Tribe, and Fish Island's species. He then instantly made up his mind to cross out Sky-Island residents as it seem they all relied on technology to fight which he hated with all his being.

He was favoring the Mink tribe and Fish Island's species. And so he mentally voiced to his system to pick a hybrid of Fishman and Mink Tribe.

- Denied. Limited slot, unfortunately. Choose another -

The old man slammed his hand to another as he grunted. He knew he shouldn't have taken this long but he didn't expect the people to pick it up quickly. Nevertheless, he stopped his train of thought and immediately chose a hybrid of Large Human and Mink Tribe.

- Accepted. Which animal species do you want for Mink Tribe -

Ivar conjured a small smile as he thought happily that at least the hybrid option hasn't maxed out. Though which animal should he choose for Mink Tribe made him ponder a bit longer than usual as he heard of many interesting animals in his previous life.

'I would choose Lion but they aren't the strongest land animal. They just simply have the best mindset for survival and battle which wouldn't really help me. Gorilla is too bulky.

Cheetah is very fast but it doesn't have a defining strength compared to other animals.

Snake is an option but it isn't my style. There are too many! What animal fits my style?' thought the elderly man as he stroked gently his goatee.

Suddenly, an animal appeared in his mind which caused his other hand to clench tightly. 'Tiger. Lion is supposedly a king of the jungle just because it possesses a leader's qualities. But it ain't stronger than a Tiger. That's it.'

Making up his mind, he inwardly express his intention to the system to which animal he wanted.

Specifically, he wanted a white Bengal Tiger since he loved the color white for the simple reason that they look beautiful on the animal.

- You have done the Race option. Now say Location option -

Ivar's facial appearance turned ugly as he didn't want to experience the migraine again but he had no choice since he didn't want to delay any longer.

Instantly, the migraine came back to his head but luckily for him, it was a weak and short headache.


The Blue Sea is a huge body of water spanning across the entire world. Nearly everything in the world can be found on the Sea except for Sky-Island.

Reverse Mountain is an extremely tall mountain at one of the points where the four Blues meet and is one of the two known entrances to the Grand Line. It is located in the Red Line.

The Sea itself is divided into five oceans by the Red Line and the Calm Belts:

- North Blue is the northernmost ocean of the Blue Sea.

- South Blue is the southernmost ocean of the Blue Sea.

- West Blue is the westernmost ocean of the Blue Sea.

- East Blue is the easternmost ocean of the Blue Sea.

- Paradise is the name of the first half of the Grand Line which is located in the middle of East and South Blue.

- The New World refers to the second half of the Grand Line which is located between West and North Blue, and Fish-Man Island and the other side of Reverse Mountain.

Processing the information he has been given and to be honest for him, confused him immensely.

Why would they give him an option to choose a place as if he had been there before?

'I do not know any of them. Never heard it. But just because I don't know it doesn't mean other people don't too. Bet they already know much more than me about this world.' thought the man as he inwardly guessed intuitively with this option.

Though it was weirdly thrilling for him as he assumed if some of the people knew the world before they've arrived, then it's bound to be chaotic once they make their moves which was a good thing for him really.

He randomly made his choice as he truly didn't care which part of the world he will be born in as he didn't have any knowledge about it. He has chosen the second half of Grand-line.

New World! Unknown to him, he chose the most thrilling place in the world and would be surprised by the chaotic events.

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