
Chapter 262


"Well, let's just say you haven't been part of the crew too long, Robin-san." Sanji said politely.

Usopp chuckled. "Yeah, Luffy's stubborn… and this time. I'm sure he will somehow manage to bring Anchor into the crew. And thinking about it, we have a lot of weapon users in the crew, sooner or later we would need a smith. I'm good… but not that good."

Robin just hummed. She wasn't really thinking about Anchor, no she was more interested in what power Usopp showed. She wondered if all of the Straw Hats had devil fruit powers or not. For a new crew, they had some good abilities.

"Does all of the crew have devil fruit abilities?" She asked.

"A good chunk of them does," Sanji said. "We are aiming for the Strongest Crew's spot… so yeah, we need all the advantage we can get."

Robin nodded, "Though, you need to be careful… in the sea, having a devil fruit can be a weakness."

"Oh, that… well, let's just say… we are thinking of a way to get rid of that." Usopp snickered, "I'm making something, for that. Though it might take a while…"

"That… and we can always take the long route that Captain took." Sanji said. "I don't really like losing the ability to swim, as a chef I do need to catch fish from time to time."

Robin looked at them again, not getting what they meant. "How can a devil fruit user swim?"

"We don't know, actually, but Chopper said it has something to do with gaining immunity to the sea. You know like poison resistance and stuff some people have… Other than fighting, Luffy loves to train… and one day he just decided that he refused to let the sea hold him back. And started to learn swimming… and now, well he can." Usopp said, "Heck he sometimes pulls the Going Merry from time to time."

Robin was surprised underneath her mask. "What do you mean? Pull the ship… as in swim while pulling the ship?"

"Yup." Usopp snickered.

"But… how?"

"Well, he's Luffy," Sanji answered. "Logic sometimes bounces off of him."

"Luffy is… well, interesting," Robin said. "He's an odd one, isn't he? Grandson of the Marine Hero, a Warlord… I don't know what to say."

Usopp's smile widened, "Don't think about it too much… it will fry your brain." He snickered. "Speaking of Luffy, I heard he has come back to the castle after his honeymoon." He said looking at Sanji.

The chef in question looked down, almost whimpering. "I hate that Lucky bastard!" he mumbled.

Usopp sweatdropped at Sanji's reaction. "You're just being jealous here…" he pointed out.

"No, he's double timing… how does that even work?" Sanji said dramatically, almost crying.

Usopp scratched the back of his head, a bit confused, "Eh… didn't you also double time back in Whisky Peak? You know, the bounty hunting sisters you slept with…" he couldn't finish his sentence when Sanji grabbed his mouth.

"I don't even know what he's saying, Robin-swan." He cleared, almost making the sniper go blue due to not being able to breathe.

It was then that from the corner a pink haired boy walked down, it was Coby. "Oh, so you guys are back?" he asked, breaking off the two men, as Usopp gasped for air. "Did you find it?"

"Y-yup," Usopp coughed, giving a glare to the cook before he nodded, taking out a small ship from his back. It was Crocodile's old ship. "It's not the best, but it should work just fine for the upgrade."

Crocodile's ship that he used before settling in Alabasta. A ship that was meant for the Grand Line. All three of the Straw Hat pirates had left to collect Crocodile's old ship. It was roughly twice the size of the Going Merry. Located in one of the uninhabited parts of Alabasta.

They didn't intend to switch ships. No, there were some shipwrights in Alabasta, who were willing to help upgrade the Going Merry. That was why they left to get the ship.

As Crocodile's old ship was made with good wood that could be used to upgrade the Going Merry. Other ships that were on the island didn't have good materials in them for the upgrade.

It would take around two days to upgrade the ship, change the damaged parts, and reinforce the weaker ones. But after that, the Going Merry would be in pristine condition.

"Oh, before I forget… I need to ask Luffy something," Usopp said.

"He's a bit busy right now…" Coby said, looking around to see if anyone else was there or not. Finding no one, he whispered, "Him, and Sabo-san have been busy trying to contract the Revolutionary Army…"

'I need to know what they are talking about…' Robin thought to herself.

It was known that Luffy and Sabo tried to contact the Revolutionary Army before Luffy got married. But with how closed off the Revolutionary Army was, sometimes it was hard to get in contact with them. It seems they were trying again.

"Oh," Usopp said. "Then I will tell him later."

"I will go to the kitchen then… Do you want anything, Robin-san?" Sanji asked, "I could make something for an evening snack."

Robin politely declined, "No, I will rest in my room." She gave them a curt nod before going towards her room. A bit of haste in her steps.

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