
May I have this dance?

It has been over a week and I have seen nothing but ocean, I have been traveling at a fairly decent speed. I have even had Tene fly really high up to look for an islands or ships yet I have seen nothing. We have not seen anything that even resembles life, I have also taken a dive in the ocean, and while there is some fish, it is really scarce.

I am starting to question where I am in the east blue or somewhere else, when I see a green light in the distance. I get very excited at first, but then I get the chills when I notice who is on the boat. I could recognize that mustache and goatee anywhere! Its Dracule Mihawk! I take a deep breath and calm down, There is no need to fight him yet, Ill just ask for directions.

"Hey! Hey over here!" I control my boat to subtly go towards his. "Hey Old man! Do you know where the nearest island is? I am very lost! Help me out here!" I can see a vein pop up on his forehead before he quickly calms himself down. He probably sees me as weak. I hear his voice, it is calm but it has a natural sound of arrogance in it, one not earned by foolery, but assurance of his own power.

"There are not many boats in this area, last I saw was a passenger ship in that direction." He points towards the east and continues, "And I am not an old man, I am just over forty years old this year." I respond saying "That's twice my age! Anyways thanks old man! Hope we meet again in the future!"

I use my wind devil fruit powers to rocket out of there, leaving a slightly confused and disgruntled Mihawk in the background. About thirty minutes later I see a ship in the distance. I recognize it as the one that Nami is on in the beginning before it is attack by Alvida and her crew.

I take out a paddle out of my space and use it to "row" closer to the boat. I wave my hands and manage to get the attention of the marine in the crews nest, they throw down a line to help me up. I make up a story about being a merchant and how my ship was sunk by pirates, I somehow manage to convince them with my lie and they let me go down and mingle with the other guest.

By now I have taken off my cape and put it away. I look out of place, yet I also look very stylish and fancy. After some pleasantries exchanged with the captain I make my way through the guest as I see a certain orange hair thief staring out the window.


Nami POV:

I am staring out the window trying to plot how to take most of the wealth of the passengers of this ship, there are tons of wealthy people on board, I need money, and lots of it to buy off Arlong and his pirates.

As I am contemplating I see a man coming up to ask me to dance, as quite a few have tried before, I sigh in my mind, yet before he can say anything he is rudely shoved to the side. I look at the new man and I feel faint. He is just too handsome!

He is at least six and a half feet tall with golden blond hair, and his eyes seem to be emerald whirlpools threatening to suck your soul in. Skin paler than freshly fallen snow. He has a very athletic body with a strange black suit on with black leather boots, it seems to add a bit of mystery to him.

I blush thinking of this, yet I quickly cool down, I am not allowed to be thinking of this when I have problems I need to sort out first. I almost keep my cool until her reaches out his hand, which is fairer than most girls. He says in a manly soothing voice, "Miss, May I have this dance?" I almost faint on the spot yet I quickly get a hold of myself and smile and take his hand.


Iyin D. Williams POV:

I walk up to her one step ahead of another guy. I speak out to her and offer my hand, "Miss, may I have this dance?" She slightly smiles and takes my hand. I know that in about five minutes the ship will be attacked, so I take her out to the dance floor and spur all my memories of ballroom dance lessons from eight grade.

First impressions really make the person, I give it 110% and after the song ends even a few other people clap for us. I can feel her being nervous being the center of attention, so I make our way towards the sides.

The alarm for pirates come and people start freaking out, a look of annoyance flashes across my face, unmissed by Nami, yet she shrugs it off and sneaks off to change and steal from Alvida. I shake my head at her antics, I really want to help her in the future, and I have more than enough strength to do it, yet I need her to ask for my help.

I walk up above board on the ship and teleport over to Alvida's ship staying unnoticed. I make my way towards where the treasure is kept, one step ahead of Nami. I need money myself! So Ill take some, not all. I take out Mors from my space and quickly break the locks on some of the chest, only taking the gold coins and jewels.

At this point I put on my cape and then add the mask that I made in my spare time out of some black wood and spider silk. The door is pushed open and the Orange haired cat burglar comes in, she seems very excited yet is quickly started by my appearance.

I smile slightly at her, "Greetings little beauty, I suspected you would be here for you seemed more fiery than the other women of that hall, I shall tell you my name before I go! So where we meet in the future, it will not be one of strangers, but acquaintances! I, Worlds greatest writer, Iyin D. Williams, am glad to make you acquaintance!" I then bow and teleport out of there, leaving a shaken yet blushing Nami.

I teleported to the boat that Luffy and Koby will escape on and cover myself with my black cape to take a short nap.

I will sometimes (Not always) have short clips of different perspectives, to try and give more depth to the audience.

And I decided that Iyin's Place on the crew will be to "Record their stories" for when Luffy becomes a pirate king, well that will be his excuse to tag along anyways.

While I was doing some research back into the romance dawn arc, since it has been some time since I read it, I found Luffy set sail at 17, not 16. Fixed that in post.

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