
One Piece: Rise of Gray

When he finally wakes up, he is in the world of One Piece. He is now the only successful subjects for marines after their experiement. He was your typical VR-mmo player. He transmigrated while watching a piece in his VR. Before going blank in his VR capsule, he filled out a form.

i_am_augustus · Komik
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18 Chs


Everyone engaged in the incident was in critical condition. Gray anticipated for Franky to arrive at the scene, but he never arrived, and he never even showed up at the hospital.

Franky had no idea what had happened while he had been gone. One couldn't even image how bad their injuries were, with every bone in their body broken and muscles shredded.

Gray did not transport them to the hospital, but some marines arrived after hearing a loud explosion and seeing a bright purple fire illuminating the surrounds. They quickly took them. They were aware of their group, and every marine present realized they had chosen the wrong person to rob this time around.

At the maritime headquarters

Sengoku was informed of what occurred in Water 7. He knew from Purple Flame reports that it was Gray's act, but he also heard they were a bunch of criminals who were robbing people on a massive scale and making the lives of the people in their area more difficult.

Sengoku had mixed feelings about Gray's actions. He could have triggered a major incident in Water 7. They had CP9 deployed there and he would not want to make it go wrong.

"He did it, but why would he use such powerful attacks on a bunch of weaklings?"

"Bahaha, I knew he was going to go overboard from the beginning."

Garp's digestion improved after hearing such reports, and he ate many mouthfuls of chips with greater pleasure.

Sengoku was frustrated. It may have turned out differently.

"I'm still not sure what he thinks. He originally suggested that he would defeat Shiki for the post of warlord. I seriously doubt it. I don't want to approve of his fight with Shiki. "

"That shocked me as well. It would be surprising if he could take that old man down. "

Sengoku frowned for a second and looked at Garp with an uneasy expression. Garp had previously backed Gray, and Sengoku gave approval to take him down.

"You mentioned he'd be able to win last time; what do you mean by it being surprising now?"

Garp scratched his ears and pretended not to hear Sengoku's words. Grap acted confused, displaying his poor acting skills.

"Don't give me that expression; tell me, and that's an order."

"As you can see."

"See what? Explain! "


"Gramps, I'll propose a show off with Shiki at the headquarters."

Grap poked his nose, seemed uninterested.

"He'll simply destroy you. You're too weak to compete with him. "

Gray sneered at Garp, a cool boy expression on his face.

"I'm sure I have a plan to get rid of him. I'll win, and if I don't, I'll buy you a whole bunch of crackers. You just encourage him after my speech, since he may seek your opinion. "

Garp got caught in the heat of the moment.


"That's what happened, but even if he loses, Shiki will just add him to his fleet and we'll be able to find him."

Sengoku furrowed his brow, knowing Shiki's drive for world dominance would not go away soon.

"It is now too late. I've already made the required preparations, and everything now rests with him."

"I'd like to see his so-called strategy, Bahaha."

He would not have allowed Gray to take on Shiki if he had known about all of this beforehand, even if he was twice as powerful.

Somewhere in the water 7,

Gray was dressed in a formal suit and a beard, and he was in a cafe near where the meeting was supposed to take place.

'They should be here any minute.'

Gray sipped his tea while peering through the glass window. He was confident there would be no problems because he had planned for everything and had eliminated every potential major hurdle.

Gray grinned lightly as he noticed a man dressed entirely in black standing just at the meeting point, waiting for someone to arrive.

'He must be the one who guides Franky to where the wood is stored.



Gray checked the time on the wall-mounted clock. There were still ten minutes until the designated time.

After a few moments, Franky came, told the passcode, and began following the dealer.

'I should also move. I don't want to be without them.'

Gray kept a safe space between himself and them. He could tell him the passcode and take the wood for himself, but he didn't want to. He needed to engrave some memories in fraky.

After a few minutes, they came to a halt near a boat with people from the shipping department on board.

"All the woods are here. I hope you like the service."

The man in the black suit then left. He had completed his task. It was his responsibility to ensure that it was delivered and nothing more.

Gray was certain that these were the woods he was looking for, and now he had them all in front of him with Frank.

Gray came out of hiding and approached Franky. He had no reason to continue pretending.

"You were a real pain in the neck. Even after wrecking your refuge and fracturing every bone in your companions' bodies, I couldn't lure you out."

Franky turned to face the person with whom he had just spoken, but he didn't know him.

"Who are you? It's my first time meeting you. "

"The wood you're purchasing is paid for with my money. I believe that jogged your memories."

For a little moment, Franky frowned. He'd never been caught robbing someone before, but this was his first.

"You should leave if you know what's best for you. "I don't want to kill someone I've already killed."

Gray was completely uninterested in his babbling. He hardened his hand from Haki.

"Let's put this to rest once and for all."

Franky fired his punch from his hand, which was tied to a chain.

Gray grabbed it with his hand and pulled Franky closer to him. He had observation Haki, Franky was nothing in comparison to his abilities.

Gray exerted force on his other arm and went for a powerful blow.

Franky was dragged by the chains and Gray's unusual strength. Franky countered the punch with his own piece of metal punch.


Gray ducked on the ground after the initial fistfight, aiming for his head while ducked with his leg on the ground.

Gray launched a low sweep and caused Franky fall after hitting his leg and having him lose balance after Franky dodged the kick directly on his chin by an inch.


While falling, Franky formed a miniature canon in his hand and pointed it at Gray.


Gray escaped It simply shifted his head and smacked him in the face, sending him falling.

Franky jumped up quickly; after all, he had built a body out of metal. He was a real-life cyborg.

"At the very least, you can take some damage."

Franky created another little canon and fired towards Gray. This time, he kept his distance.

Gray couldn't use his fire because it might have mistakenly burned the wood, causing him a large loss.

Gray narrowly avoided his many small canon balls by one inch. He only moved enough to avoid them.

Gray appeared immediately in front of Franky and began throwing punches to the head.

He had no plans to target other areas, merely to repeat the same attack at the same location, smashing any metal in sight.

"Let's test your skin's toughness."




Gray didn't care about the people in the area, or Frank's expression or scream. He was too preoccupied with bashing his face.


Franky stood up. After that beating, his face structure changed. Gray's punches were all extremely powerful, capable of knocking down a tough opponent, yet Franky stood up with nothing but willpower.

'With such resolve, he's a future straw hat.'

Gray vanished and reappeared immediately in front of Franky, and smashed him across the face with an arnament haki fueled punch. Franky was thrown soaring straight to the sea.

"At least this one is finished."

Gray went up to the shipping company and waited for the broker to emerge from hiding.

The broker met with the shipping company to go through the arrangements. They were too terrified to care about that. Following that, the task was supervised by the broker. He had taken some money from Franky's hideout's underground room.

"This is Adam Wood. You can now order a ship, and I have previously detailed the requirements that must be met."

"I'll handle it, sir."

Gray could finally relax for a while. He only needed to meet Law, who might have already arrived or would soon arrive on the island.

Gray left the site after handing over the works to a broker.

He needed to recover from the thrashing he had given Franky.

Gray departed for an inn.

Gray slept for a day and then awoke.

Gray was having brunch in a bar. He ordered an omelette with liquor.

Gray was enjoying his dinner pleasantly when two figures entered the pub where he was sitting.

Gray observed a white bear and a man wielding a sword. Beppo and Law were there. This was a fortunate coincidence.

'The hunt came right to the hunter. How lucky am I?'

Gray let them order dinner and then waiting for it to be served.

Gray stood up and approached the seat where they were sitting.

"Would you mind if I took a seat?"

Law gave him a sidelong glance with one of his eyes.

"Find your own spot."

Gray ignored him, sat on the empty chair, and began eating.

Beppo remained silent. He thought the scenario was strange and opted to shift responsibility to his captain.

Gray spoke as he sliced a piece of his omelette and placed it in his mouth.

"Trafalgar D. Water Law, a pirate from North Blue, with a bounty of 160 million bellies." "Am I mistaken?"

Gray locked his sight on Law with a furious stare.

"Who are you and what are you looking for?"

Gray took a drink and completed his omelette before glancing at him.

"My name is Gray, and I don't know where I came from. I aim to become a pirate, and you are gladly invited to join me as Vice-captain."

The tension between them was building, and the atmosphere was becoming heavier as a reaction.

Beppo, on the other hand, pretended not to hear anything and simply ate his supper.

"Why would I bother following a nobody pirate? I have nothing to gain from following you and am confident in my ability to defeat you."

Gray smiled for a few seconds. He knew Law was strong and fought him, but defeating him was a very different story.

"That's pretty funny! You overestimated your abilities. Why not give it a shot?"

"If I win, you'll join my crew; if I lose, you're free to do anything you please."

Law paused in his eating and looked at Gray, who smiled confidently.

"I don't want to fight you. Why should I even try when I have nothing to gain from it?"

"I'm sure you have something in mind. I guarantee I'll give it to you if you join my crew. It might be anything, such as deposing a warlord or even an emperor. Don't you believe it'll be worthwhile?"

Law considered it for a moment, but he didn't feel he could beat Doflamingo.

"I can tell by your expression that you are dubious of me. Why don't you see it for yourself and then judge whether or not I can do it in the future?"

"How will you show your abilities?"

"I thought you'd never tell me that. Now pay attention to what I have to say."

Gray smiled at Law as he began to tell him about his million-dollar idea, which Law found somewhat unbelievable in and of itself. Law was wary about Gray, but he chose to hear what Gray had in store for him.