
One Piece: Remastered

Join Luffy and his friends on their quest to fulfill their dreams!! Stronger Luffy, Stronger Strawhats, Stronger Enemies!! Strong, but not Overpowered Luffy. The Idea of this fanfic came from reading a ton of similar fanfiction and realizing that I could probably just write what I want to read at this point. Upload Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday *I don't own any of the characters or One Piece, if I did I would make the women look like different people*

ntc15 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Dynamic Duo & Traitor

Yo! I'm finishing up the fights for 'Alabasta' so if you have any ideas for making Crocodile or any other members of 'Baroque Works' stronger, please let me know!! I try to think up cool shit but sometimes I be getting writer's block when I don't want to use the canon attacks.

Also, if you like 'Jujutsu Kaisen' or 'Demon Slayer', check out the new stories I'm starting. I'll have new chapters for those stories released around the same time this one is released.


Enjoy the chapter!!


"Smoke Ball!!"

"Cross Fire!!"


A small ball of compressed smoke and a compressed cross of fire, both powered up with white and orange coatings of 'Advanced Armament Haki', collided and caused a massive explosion.

"Gomu-Gomu no..."

Smoker looked to his left when he felt an attack aimed at him, turning just fast enough to see a flaming, spinning fist covered in a red coating of 'Advanced Armament Haki' a couple of inches from his face.

"Hawk Rifle!!!"


Smoker coughed up blood as he was launched backward further into the empty desert by the attack.


'Of course, these two are fucking brothers...' The Vice-Admiral thought to himself as he spit out some blood. He forced himself back up to see the two brothers use 'Shave' to appear in front of him and grin at him before turning to each other with playful glares.

"He's my fight, Ace!! He came here looking for me!!" Luffy shouted as he pointed at Smoker and then himself making Ace snort before retorting.

"We were about to fight before you showed up. Plus, you already fought him in 'Loguetown', which means it's my turn!! Stop being unfair, Luffy!!" Ace smirked at his little brother who glared back at him before he broke out into a mischievous smile.

"It's not fair you got to set sail three years before me, but I'm not crying like a baby about it." Luffy teased making Ace's eyebrow twitch.

"Shut the hell up."

They both blinked and turned. When they saw Smoker staring at them in silent irritation, it made them smile. They looked back at each other and smiled wider.

"Let's just jump him. What do you think, Luffy?" Ace asked getting a confused head tilt from his little brother.

"Yeah!! Wait, we are jumping over him?" Luffy asked in confusion, making Ace laugh and Smoker feel a blood vessel in his forehead pop.

"Hahahaha!! No, Luffy, When I say 'jump him', I mean let's just fight him together." Ace explained getting a look of comprehension from Luffy before he smiled widely again.

"Then you better keep up!!" Luffy shouted out before he used 'Moon-Walk' to get high up in the air, making Ace scoff and Smoker look up at him.

The Marine was about to follow before he looked at Ace, who had his middle finger held back by his thumb, looking like he was about to flick something at him. Smoker's eyes widened when he saw Ace's middle finger burn a bright blue flame. He could feel how this flame was much more dangerous than the previous flame.

It didn't make Smoker feel any better when he realized the pirate was using 'Advanced Armament Haki' on his attack as well.

"Hell's Flame: Heat Seeker!!!"


Ace flicked his finger and a bright blue flame in the shape of a missile shot at him that turned all the sand within a three-meter radius of where it flew into glass.

Smoker hastily held his middle finger back with his thumb in a similar way to Ace while covering it in 'Advanced Armament Haki' and flicked at the incoming attack.

"Flying Finger-Pistol: White Bullet!!!"


A compressed ball of smoke shot at the bright blue flame missile and collided with it. Ace grinned and Smoker clicked his teeth as he jumped up to avoid the attack as they both felt Ace's flames overpower the Marine's smoke


A massive cloud of blue flames and smoke rose into the sky as Smoker whipped his head directly at it as he realized he had foolishly forgotten about 'Straw Hat'.

"Gomu-Gomu no..."

Luffy shot straight through the cloud of flames and smoke, completely unbothered by them, with his right fist in 'Gear 3rd' and covered in flames of his own and 'Advanced Armament Haki' with a massive grin on his face. Smoker scowled and held out his hands made out of smoke also covered in 'Advanced Armament Haki' to defend.

"Red Roc!!!"

"White Wall!!!"


A massive wall of smoke came out of Smoker's hands right before Luffy's attack reached him. While successfully taking the brunt of the main attack, the Marine was still sent flying back further into the desert from the momentum of the punch that carried to him.

"Hell's Flame Commandment!!!"

Smoker snapped his head up when Ace appeared above him while swinging his outstretched hand around him which created a lot more blue flames, so he shot compressed smoke out of his feet and hands to try to dodge to the right to avoid the pirate's attack, but Smoker underestimated how well these two would work together as he was forced to dodge another attack.

"One-Sword Style: Divine Flaming Wave!!!"


Smoker glanced at the ground after dodging to see Luffy with his cutlass unsheathed and coated in flames and 'Advanced Armament Haki' while grinning at him after the pirate forced him back into Ace's attack range. That moment was the opening Ace was waiting for. Smoker's eyes widened when he realized his mistake.

"Hell's Flame: Fire Pillar!!!"


Ace's attack covered the Marine in a massive pillar of bright blue flames that turned the sand it landed on for a fifteen-meter radius into glass. Ace used a powered-up version of 'Moon-Walk' using his flames to get back to Luffy's side. He laughed when he saw Luffy looking at his feet with stars in his eyes.

"Hahaha!! I could probably teach you how to do that with all the flames you are throwing around. It's not fair though, I'm the Flame man!! How does that even work? You're a rubber man!!" Ace pouted and asked Luffy when he saw the flames covering his cutlass making Luffy laugh before he shrugged.

"Shishishishi!!! I don't get it, but I've been getting pretty good with it. I think I could do your fire 'Moon-Walk' thing, but everything else is too much for me right now." Luffy responded making Ace laugh and secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hahaha!! You'll have to work harder than that to get stronger than me then!!" Ace said as he proudly crossed his arms, making Luffy's eyebrow twitch.

"I was the one who taught you 'Moon-Walk' and I was always stronger when we were kids!!" Luffy shouted out in indignation before he shrugged his shoulders and forgot about it completely.

He looked at Smoker, whose uniform was burnt and he had a few scratches and burns, but nothing too bad. This made Ace raise an eyebrow and Luffy grin.

Smoker was able to cover his entire body in 'Advanced Armament Haki' in time to defend the attack, but it seemed some heat still got through.


He spit out some blood and assessed his situation. Smoker knew he couldn't beat two guys like 'Straw Hat' and 'Fire King' at once, especially not when these two work so well together.

Just one of them would take all his effort and would most likely leave him unable to fight afterward. But that doesn't mean he will give up. He just needed reinforcements.


Smoker clicked his tongue as he shot away from the pirates and toward where the other Marines on the island were.

He swore in his mind he'd get these bastards back for this, especially because he now had to go across the entire country since he insisted on coming alone when he learned that 'Fire King' was at 'Alabasta'.

"Shishishishi!!" "Hahahaha!!"

Luffy and Ace laughed as they watched the Vice-Admiral retreat. Luffy looked at his older brother.

"You wanna come to meet my crew, Ace? Some of them were with me before but not all of them." Luffy offered making Ace's face split into a massive smile.

"Of course, I would. I have to see what kind of people call you their Captain." He responded getting a glare from Luffy.

"What's that supposed to mean?"



"Cheers!!" "Cheers!!" "Cheers!!" "Cheers!!"

The Straw Hats with their addition of Ace were throwing a banquet as they sailed on the 'Sandora River' towards the west side of said river.

*Glug* *Glug* *Glug*

"Ah, that hits the spot!!"

Ace shouted out after he chugged the bottle of sake Sanji gave him, making Luffy laugh

"Shishishishi!! I can't believe I ran into both you and Sabo so early!!" Luffy shouted happily as he dug into the pile of meat Sanji had made him. Ace whipped his head to Luffy when he heard him.

"You saw Sabo? Where?" Ace asked, thinking he might be able to see his other brother too. Unfortunately, he would be disappointed by Luffy's answer.

"I saw him and Dad at 'Loguetown' the day we entered the 'Grand Line'. I have no idea where they went after that." Luffy shrugged before going back to his meat, making Ace slump his shoulders down.

"Aww, that's too bad." Ace pouted as the sake didn't taste as good all of a sudden. His face morphed into a mischievous smile as he looked back at Luffy.

Luffy blinked when he ran out of meat much sooner than he thought he would. He immediately narrowed his eyes at Ace. If there's one math thing Luffy can do right every time, it's how much meat he has, and it's off.

Ace snickered when he saw Luffy's suspicious look. Their eventual fight was cut off when Sanji came out of the kitchen with two massive plates of meat for both of them.

"Don't worry, you two. We still have a good amount of Sea Ca-I mean Sea King left so make sure to eat as much as you like." Sanji finished his sentence fast before practically teleporting back into the kitchen from the glare he felt Vivi-chan was giving him.

What? He's a cook. He wanted to know what it would taste like.

Answer? Damn good.

Ace and Luffy's eyes turned to stars when they saw the massive plates of meat placed in front of them and immediately dug into their respective piles without caring about anything else, which made most of the crew around them laugh. Viv just looked at the plates of meat in horror.

Once they were done eating, Ace and Luffy both stood up, each with a satisfied smile before Ace's face turned serious as he looked at his little brother, making Luffy do the same. Everyone else on the ship went quiet as the atmosphere changed to seriousness.

"Luffy, I'm not just here to come and visit you." Ace started with Luffy nodding. He knew that Ace wouldn't leave the 'New World' unless it was for a good reason. Luffy's eyebrows furrowed when he sensed the emotions Ace was feeling.

"Someone from my second division killed the chef and fourth division commander in cold blood for a devil fruit. I'm going to find them and either bring them back to Pops, bloody and bruised, or I'm gonna kill him." Ace said coldly making Luffy sigh and surprising everyone else.

"Killing your crew mate just for a devil fruit, huh? That's messed up. What's this guy like?" Luffy asked after he shook his head. He couldn't even begin to wrap his mind around killing your crew mate. Ace scoffed in response to the question.

"He is fat as shit with stubby ass arms and legs. He's got a big ass mouth with a bunch of broken or missing teeth. Oh, and he's also got a black beard." Ace insulted the man continuously, making most sweat-drop as he started blowing steam out of his nose in his anger.


Everyone looked over to see Chopper with his hand raised like he was in class. Everyone held back their looks of amusement as it was a serious topic, even if it was very hard.

"That sounds like the guy who attacked my home of 'Drum Kingdom' with four other people and practically destroyed the entire country," Chopper said making Ace grit his teeth in regret. How many other people were like this cute reindeer that suffered because of his mistakes?"

Ace snapped out of it when he felt Luffy's hand on his shoulder, looking up to see him looking at him worriedly. After flashing him a smile in thanks, he shook his head. He looked back at Chopper, who was also looking worried for him, and smiled when he realized Luffy managed to find good, strong people for his crew.

"Did you hear his name?" Ace asked. Chopper shook his head, disappointing Ace.

"No, all I can remember was him calling himself 'Blackbeard', I don't remember a name," Chopper said apologetically when he saw Ace's reaction. Ace perked up when he heard the name and ran over to Chopper, making the reindeer hide behind Law, who was next to him, making Ace put his hands up in apology.

"I'm sorry. The guy's name is Marshall D. Teach, 'Blackbeard' is what he's calling himself!! What are his powers like?! I'm gonna fight him soon!!" Ace spit out questions as fast as he could, overwhelming Chopper a bit. Ace took a step back when he realized that, making Chopper breathe a sigh of relief.

"All I know is that he can control 'Darkness'. I don't know what it is or what it does except for crushing what it touches since I only saw it from a distance. I was beaten by his crew mate so I didn't fight him." Chopper said a bit sadly.

*FLICK* "Ow"

Law flicked his forehead softly, making Chopper look up at him as he rubbed his forehead with a pout.

"Don't worry so much about that. From what the old woman told me, at least three of the five people there were devil fruit users, including the guy who beat you up." Law said making Chopper nod thoughtfully as he tried to think of what devil fruit that guy had. Wasn't he just super strong?

Luffy grinned at Law when he sensed Chopper get successfully distracted from his self-deprecating thoughts. Law just looked away with an almost invisible embarrassed blush on his face.


Law heard a snort next to him as Zoro put an arm around his shoulder with a bottle in the other hand.

"Didn't know you were such a softy, number three," Zoro said with a smirk, making Law look at him weirdly.

"What the hell did you just call me?" He asked in confusion as Zoro turned his smirk to Sanji, which pissed him off and he didn't even know why yet.

"Well, Swirly-Brow over there used to be number three, but now he's dropped to number four since you joined," Zoro explained getting a snort of amusement out of Law and making Sanji's eyebrow twitch as his feet started smoking.

"You're not ahead of me, you damn Moss-Head, and this depressed asshole sure as hell isn't either!! What makes him better?!" Sanji asked as he marched over in anger. Zoro let go of Law and unsheathed 'Wado Ichimonji' as he looked straight into Sanji's eyes and said one word.


Sanji used 'Shave' to appear right below Zoro and kicked him straight up into the air before he followed him up.

"I'll kick your ass for that!! Since we can't fight on the ship, I'll kick your ass up here!!"

"You can't kick my ass anywhere, Shitty Cook!!"


"Hahahaha!! Your crew is really funny, Luffy!!" Ace laughed as he watched the two go at it in the sky, practically creating fireworks from their collisions. Luffy laughed along with him.

"Shishishishi!! I know, they're great!!" Luffy smiled sadly at Ace as he could tell he was going to leave. Ace also smiled sadly at him when he saw that.

"Don't worry, Luffy. The next time I see you, me, you and Sabo will have a massive banquet together." Ace smiled a real smile that Luffy mirrored when he heard that.

They all saw Ace take out what looked like a blank piece of paper before he ripped the corner off and gave it to Luffy, who took it with a confused head tilt that made Ace smile.

"Hold it in your palm like this." He said as he put his palm face up in front of him. Luffy did the same with the small piece of paper in his hand. They all were astonished when the paper started moving towards Ace without any wind. Ace smiled at their awed looks.

"It's called a 'Vivre Card'. It will always lead you to me so we can meet again someday." Ace said with a smile that made Luffy smile too. Ace looked at everyone except for Luffy.

"Thank you for taking care of my little brother. I know he can be a bit of a handful sometimes, but I'll be counting on you." He said getting smiles and nods in return.

Ace went to the side railing and waved at everyone before he jumped over the edge, landing on his special raft called the 'Striker', which is made to be powered by his 'Mera Mera no mi' that he brought over and tied to the side of the 'Going Merry' before they started the banquet.

Ace looked back at everyone who was watching him go, ending on Luffy's smiling face as he waved goodbye to him.

"I'll see you in the 'New World', Luffy!!!"


A massive torrent of flames burst from the back of Ace's 'Striker' as he shot far into the distance in just a few seconds.

"Do you think he'll be alright, Luffy?" Chopper asked in a worried tone making everyone turn to their Captain to see him staring at the ripped piece of Ace's 'Vivre Card' with a smile. He turned around and walked back towards the front of the ship.

"Ace has his adventures and I have mine. I won't stop him from doing what he wants." He said as everyone looked at his back worriedly. He glanced over at them with a beaming smile when he sensed their worry.

"Don't worry!! If Ace really gets into trouble, we'll just go help him!!" Luffy shouted out before jumping up and landing on the sheep's head. He sat down before staring ahead with the beaming smile still on his face.

"For now, let's beat the hell out of this stupid Croc!!"

Yo! 30th chapter done! Luffy and Ace jumped the fuck out of Smoker, which got him out of the way for the fight against Crocodile and 'Baroque Works'. Ace is really fun to write in fights, so I'm looking forward to writing his fight with Teach and his crew. Also, isn't it kinda funny Smoker is still getting his ass kicked even though he is strong in this?

Anyway, sorry again for the new upload schedule but this is a lot better for me and what I'm dealing with in my life right now. This way I can still put out chapters like this one.

Thanks for reading and hopefully see you next chapter!

ntc15creators' thoughts