
One Piece: Remastered

Join Luffy and his friends on their quest to fulfill their dreams!! Stronger Luffy, Stronger Strawhats, Stronger Enemies!! Strong, but not Overpowered Luffy. The Idea of this fanfic came from reading a ton of similar fanfiction and realizing that I could probably just write what I want to read at this point. Upload Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday *I don't own any of the characters or One Piece, if I did I would make the women look like different people*

ntc15 · Komik
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40 Chs

Beginning of The End

Luffy and his friends are on the 'Going Merry', sailing towards the last island they will stop at before entering the 'Grand Line', 'Lougetown'.

Usopp told everyone to let him be for a bit so he could 'take inventory and figure out what I need for my ammo' so they left him to it. Nami was drawing maps in her study. Luffy was sitting at his favorite spot, Zoro was taking a nap on the deck, and Sanji was smoking while looking at the water.

"Hey, Luffy…" Sanji started, getting Luffy's attention.

"What was up with that fire on your hands? That's kinda my thing." He asked getting a laugh from Luffy before he looked confused at his fist.

"Shishishishi!!! Honestly, I have no idea. it felt like something was trying to 'leave' or 'escape' my hand and when I let it, it burst into flames that didn't hurt me." he finished with a confused head tilt while scratching the back of his head. Wasn't he a Rubber Man?

"It could be friction from the rubber and the air, but then he wouldn't be able to do it when his hand is giant." Nami chimed in as she walked onto the deck.

Zoro and Sanji nodded at that while Luffy looked even more confused.

"What the hell is a frikshun?" he asked getting three facepalms in response.

"Don't worry about that, Luffy," Nami said making him pout and the other two laugh.

"You guys are mean! I'm going to hang out with Levi!!" He said as he jumped to his favorite spot and jumped again onto his friend's head.

"Hey, buddy!! Sorry, I haven't hung out with you a lot. It's been pretty busy." he said apologetically getting a light head shake in return.

'Don't worry, Luffy. You've been with me every day for the last decade and nothing makes me happier.' he heard his friend say in his head making him smile.

"Hey, Levi. Do you have any Sea King friends?" Luffy asked him getting a fast nod in response, almost shaking him off.

"Shishishi!! Be careful there!" He laughed and patted Levi's head.

"Yes, I do, would you like to meet them?" His friend asked him. Luffy put his hand on his chin.

"I do wanna meet them, but I think we are gonna get to the island pretty soon. But I wanna meet them before we go to the 'Grand Lind', maybe they know where this 'Reverse Mountain' thing Nami was telling me about." Luffy said after a minute of hard, painful thinking, getting another excited nod from his friend.


His smile got wider when he heard Nami say they'd be landing in a couple of hours.

"The place the Pirate King died, huh? I have a feeling this place is gonna be a lot of fun!!"



"Alright! We probably all have different stuff to do, so let's just go on our own and meet back up at the execution platform!!" before anyone could respond, Luffy was already sprinting towards the center of 'Loguetown' They all sighed at their impulsive Captain.

"I need to get some supplies for my ammo," Usopp said before walking toward town sanji was the next to speak

"I'll get some more food since Luffy emptied our two-month supply in the few days it took us to get here," The cook said throwing a wave over his shoulder

I'm gonna go find the sword shop owner I know here zoro said and disappeared. Nami was left staring at the space they used to be in. Her shoulder slumped and she pouted.

"Now I have to carry my shopping bags" she muttered to herself in depression as she slowly walked towards the shopping district.



Luffy found himself forcing people out of his way to get a good view of the execution platform. He had already found a place called 'Gold Roger' bar and found a funny old man who told good stories.

Too bad some Marine that smelled like smoke had to come and check on the old man, making him miss out on some good stories.

Funnily enough, that same Marine was the one that pointed him towards the execution platform.

Luffy eventually had enough and just jumped up onto the platform, drawing everyone's attention to him.

"Hey, get down from there!!! that's the property of the 'World Government'" Luffy looked down and saw someone yelling at him with a megaphone. He stuck his pinkie into his nose.

"So what? You think I give a shit?" He said without a care getting shocked gasps from the crowd that had started to form. The man with the megaphone was going to say something else but got cut off by a club to the head.


Luffy looked at the person who hit the guy and saw a skinny black-haired lady staring up at him.

"I've been looking everywhere for you, Luffy. The only man to lay a hand on me." She said in a sultry tone that made the crowd jeer at Luffy, while he was just confused.

"What? I've never met- Holy shit are you Alvida?!!!" He shouted out as he used his 'Observation Haki' to see if he knew them.

If he wasn't sensing it and seeing it right in front of him, no way could he ever relate that to this lady.

Alvida was pleasantly surprised that the teenager remembered her, she was about to say something else before a massive piece of rubble came right at her.


The piece of rubble 'slipped' off of her and she looked to her left while pouting.

"That could've hurt me, you know?" Alvida said to a group of people in cloaks covering their heads. One of the ones in front took his hood off.

"Everything will just 'slip' off of you with your 'Sube-Sube no mi', so don't worry so much," The now-unmasked Buggy said with a sarcastic tone. Alvida scoffed and went to respond but they were cut off by their target.

"AH!! It's Buffoon too! Long time no see!! What are you doing here?" Luffy shouted making Buggy's eyebrow twitch and Alvida snicker. Another voice sounded behind them as a cloaked man took his hood off.

"Finally found you, you little shit!!!" Don Kreig yelled out making Luffy look at him with a deadpan.

"I don't know who you are." He said bluntly. He didn't. He could remember feeling this guy's presence before, but he must've forgotten it. He shrugged to himself before he looked at the other masked men with a smile.

"Shishishishi!! I already know that's the butler from Usopp's island, that's the weird guy who tried to mess with Kaya, and pretty much everyone else is the rest of your crew." Luffy pointed out each one, making them remove their hoods as they were useless.

Luffy looked at the last guy and didn't remember him at all. It must've shown on his face because the person scoffed and removed their hood.

When Luffy saw the very large man with long whitish blue hair and narrow eyebrow-less eyes, he immediately burst into uncontrollable laughter, falling onto his back with his hands on his face and stomach.

"SHISHISHISHISHI!!! This is hilarious!!! Aren't you that pirate me and Ace beat up when we were like seven and ten?" He asked after he calmed down.

All of the pirates turned to look at Porchemy, who was looking extremely embarrassed.

He was the only one in their group who didn't explain the grudge they had with Luffy and his friends.

"Shishishishi!!! So you did end up surviving that day. We thought you just got burned up by that fire." Luffy said as he reminisced over his childhood a bit before snapping back to attention right as some idiot tried to attack him from behind.

He raised an eyebrow before stepping to the side right as the guy behind tried to lunge at him and trap him in a pillory(It's the actual word for that wooden thing that traps the head and wrists).

The guy was left leaning over the edge of the platform, just barely keeping his balance. That was before he felt a flick on his back, and he fell.


"Shishishishi!! Cmon guys!! You should know by now something like this won't work on me!!" Luffy laughed and shouted out, making all of them scoff. They tensed up when Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and Nami appeared right under the platform using 'Shave', glaring at all of the other pirates.

"So it's you idiots, huh? I was wondering what the trouble was." Zoro said as he unsheathed his three katanas. He glanced at Swirly-Brow when he heard a scoff.

"These dumbasses aren't anything to worry about. It's those Marines that have been watching since before we got here that are the problem." Sanji said as he lit his cigarette, getting a nod from Zoro and Usopp.

Luffy looked over at where his friends nodded and looked into the window. He saw the Marine that pointed him towards the execution platform, a lady with glasses and a sword on her hip, some guy who looked like a half-human half dalmatian, and a pink-haired lady with a cigarette in her mouth.

When he looked over, the Marine that pointed him here made eye contact with him. He grinned at him before speaking to his crew, still looking right at the Marine.

"That guy's mine. He's the strongest one." Luffy said pointing right at him, getting nods from his crew, and making the Marines narrow their eyes at him. Before anyone could do anything, everyone saw Luffy take a massive inhale.

"MY NAME IS MONKEY D. LUFFY AND I'M GOING TO BE THE PIRATE KING!!!!!" He shouted out as loud as he could, stunning everybody silent.

"To say that here of all places, on that platform…" Smoker mumbled to himself. He was confused and a bit insulted when he found out that Tashigi would be getting backup for a rookie pirate crew.

Now that he was looking Monkey D. Luffy in the eyes, he could say he severely underestimated him. He could even say the Marines they have might not be enough.

'I won't let him ruin this town!!' Smoker though with conviction. He could sense how pissed off Tashigi was so he glanced at her. She didn't even notice.

Tashigi was very upset. She had gone to 'Loguetown Arms Shop' to pick up her sharpened katana, 'Shigure', and that was where she met a green-haired swordsman.

She thought that it was 'Roronoa Zoro' when she saw the three swords on his hip, but the shop owner had treated him so well that she couldn't help but doubt her thoughts.

The man ended up leaving the shop after greeting the shop owner, saying he just wanted to see how the shop owner was doing.

Now, she was seeing the same man standing side-by-side with pirates. She now realized that he was 'Roronoa Zoro'.

The information was kept quiet as they wanted to take them down today, but she, one of the few Marines to be told, knows that Zoro, his Captain, and the Cook.

Zoro was avoiding eye contact with the female Marine, for the sole reason that she looked exactly like his childhood friend who died. Frankly, It was unsettling.

Sanji, Usopp, and Nami noticed Zoro's weird behavior. They all looked at the window from which the Marines could be seen in unison. They saw a swordswoman Marine glaring at Zoro like he killed her family. Usopp looked at Zoro.

"Uhh, Zoro? Did you do something to that Marine lady?" Usopp asked, getting a shake of the head from Zoro.

"I think she was at the sword shop I went to, but I didn't even talk to her," Zoro said, confused as to why she was so mad. Even more confusing, her glare got much worse after he finished talking.


They all looked up to Luffy, still on the execution platform, with an annoyed expression on his face and his arms crossed across his chest.

"TOO MUCH TALKING!!!" He shouted out. The comment got an eyebrow twitch from everyone else present, but before they could do anything else, Luffy swung his right hand out coiling his skin up at his wrist before extending back to normal. Luffy had a light red tint to his skin along with steam coming off of his body.

"Gear 2nd"

He looked at Smoker who was already ordering the others to get out of the way as he got up on the window sill while turning his feet to smoke. Luffy grinned at him before applying 'Armament Haki' to his fists, grin widening as he saw the Marine do the same.

Luffy took a glance at his crew, smiling when he saw they had already picked out who they were going to fight. He looked back at the Marine.

"HERE I COME, SMOKEY!!! Gomu-Gomu no…"

Luffy disappears and Smoker does too with trails of smoke following his feet. They both reappear in the air in the middle with their fists aiming at each other. Luffy grinned at Smoker as he let the flames in his hand out, making the Vice Admiral's eyes widen.




Their attack collided and Smoker was launched back where he came from. He quickly righted himself with 'Moon-Walk' and smoke from his devil fruit. He looked to where he sensed the kid, held his middle finger down with his thumb in that direction, and flicked.

"Flying Finger-Pistol: White Bullet"

A compressed ball of smoke shot at Luffy's chest much faster than any bullet. He just grinned and backhanded the attack with a closed fist covered in 'Armament Haki'.

"Shit like that won't work on me, Smokey!" Luffy said making Smoker's eyebrow twitch.

"My name is Vice-Admiral Smoker, Pirate." Smoker corrected to which Luffy tilted his head to the side.

"That's what I said," Luffy responded. Smoker rubbed his temples.

"I see, you're just like Garp-sensei... They weren't kidding..." The Marine mumbled to himself making Luffy perk up.

"Garp? You know Grandpa?!" Luffy asked excitedly, completely forgetting he was fighting the guy. Luffy saw Smokey shiver for a second before taking a deep breath and nodding at him.

"Yeah, I do. He trained me personally after all." Smoker said to which Luffy immediately gained an understanding look and nodded.

"I get it. Every year he came home for a month, and he trained me and my brother every day." He said making Smoker mirror his understanding look. Smoker blinked twice. What the hell was going on? Was this kid really a pirate?

Luffy just raised an eyebrow at him before taking a second to sense what his friends were doing.

He smirked when he felt Zoro fighting that swordswoman, Sanji fighting the dog guy, and Usopp and Nami fighting the other lady. 

He didn't know who did it or when it happened, but one of them beat the hell out of all of the other pirates that were after them, all the while their opponent trying to stop them but failing.

It was probably Sanji. He would do something like that.

His grin turned wider when he saw Smokey's entire hand was smoke. He realized he was having his first fight against a 'Logia'.

"You ready for the real thing, Smokey?!" He yelled as he punched his fist into his palm, getting a scoff in return.

"This is all meaningless. The only way you'll leave this island is in cuffs." Smoker said and he covered his fists in a light-grey coating, showing the use of 'Advanced Armament Haki'.

Smoker expected to at least rattle the kid's cage a bit by using the advanced form early in the fight, but on the contrary, Luffy laughed with a huge smile on his face.

"Shishishishi!! Who would've thought I would need this before I even got into the 'Grand Line'? Good thing I beat up that stupid fish!!" Luffy said as he covered his fists in a red coating, also showing the use of 'Advanced Armament Haki'. Smoker was stunned still.

'I expected him to recognize it from his training with Garp-sensei and slow him a bit, even for one hit, but he also has it?! He can't be older than twenty!! I turned thirty-four this year and I just got it a couple of years ago!!' Smoker was completely blown away, knowing that this fight might destroy 'Loguetown' if he wasn't careful. He couldn't help himself and asked.

"Oi, brat, how old are you?" Smoker asked as they both got quite high up in the sky with 'Moon-Walk', getting Luffy to blink twice at him before grinning again.

"I just turned seventeen," Luffy answered, completely astounding Smoker. He didn't even try to hide his shock which made Luffy laugh.

'Garp-sensei, what kind of monster did you raise?' The Marine thought to himself before he got ready again. Luffy grinned at him.

"Shishishishi!!! You're funny, Smokey!! You better be ready because I'm coming for real this time!! And I'm not a brat!!" He shouted as he unsheathed his cutlass and coated it with his 'Advanced Armament Haki' before charging.

"Divine One-Sword Style…"

Smoker still had his 'Haki' on his fists with a very fast trail of smoke shooting out of his feet and elbows, sending him forward much faster than before.




Yo! 18th chapter done! It's probably obvious from this chapter, but I want to make Smoker into an actual rival for Luffy and not a guy who is too weak to do shit. He will be more similar to Garp as he was trained by him and because of this, he's got strong 'Haki', goes crazy with the 'Six-powers', and uses his fruit in a good way. I got inspired for how I want to do Smoker's attacks by reading that one Smoker fanfiction, if you haven't read it you should try it and see if you like it just search 'Smoker' on Webnovel, it's the one with like 1.5 mil views.

Anyway, I don't know yet if all the fights will be in the next chapter or if I will make it two chapters. Either way, I'm hyped for both writing this fight and for entering the 'Grand Line'. Also, don't worry, I'll go over how the pirates from the 'East Blue' got their ass kicked. I just figured that it was obvious it was going to happen, so the 'how' is more important than the 'why'.

I'm also trying out posting this chapter at a different time to see what happens. Let me know if this time is better, or worse, or if you have a time that would be better, please let me know.

Thanks for reading and hopefully see you next time!

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