
One Piece: Remastered

Join Luffy and his friends on their quest to fulfill their dreams!! Stronger Luffy, Stronger Strawhats, Stronger Enemies!! Strong, but not Overpowered Luffy. The Idea of this fanfic came from reading a ton of similar fanfiction and realizing that I could probably just write what I want to read at this point. Upload Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday *I don't own any of the characters or One Piece, if I did I would make the women look like different people*

ntc15 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

A Clown

The three friends were sailing along in their boat, just letting their sea king friend take them in the right direction.

Nami looked over at the sleeping duo, still wondering about everything she had seen them do.

She has seen Luffy have full conversations with a sea king as well as cut a massive rock, by massive she means as big as a ship that could hold thirty people and still have room to spare, completely to bits. The massive rock turned into rubble in a blink of an eye. That's not even mentioning his devil fruit.

She has seen Zoro slice a bird flying 50 meters above them while he was asleep, only to fall right back down after hitting the poor bird. She has also heard him say that his strategy when navigating was to 'keep going straight'. Is this the strongest 'Pirate Hunter' in the 'East Blue'?

She was knocked out of her musing when she heard bickering up ahead of her. She looked and saw three people floating on the water, hanging onto what looked like the remains of a destroyed dinghy.

She went to wake up the other two, but when she looked over she saw they were already awake. Weird.

"Levi! Go faster!! I wanna get to the island!!!" Luffy yelled out with a grin. said Sea King letting out an excited growl before speeding up.

They all had to hold on tightly to the sides of their dinghy, only to realize it was getting destroyed by the high speeds.

"Zoro, will you be alright?!" Luffy yelled out over the loud splashing. Zoro looked at him and nodded. Nami looked back and forth between them in confusion.

"I figured out that 'Moon-Walk' thing you did, I'll be fine," Zoro shouted back as he made sure his swords were secure.

Luffy nodded back and grabbed Nami in a princess carry, who immediately started blushing up a storm.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!" She screamed at him which only made him laugh.

"Be sure to hang on tight!!" He yelled to her. Before Nami could process the statement, she went winds faster than she ever had before, forcing her to close her eyes.

When she gathered the courage to open her eyes, she could see the clouds right next to her and see the entirety of Orange town.

She went to scream, but it got muffled when Luffy covered her mouth.

"Please don't scream right into my ear." He said with a grin making her burn in newfound embarrassment.

"Shut up…" She muffled out to which Luffy laughed. He took his hand back and she glared at him before sighing.

"So we need to find the Buggy Pirates. They should be here and they should have what I'm looking for." Nami told him once she realized they weren't landing any time soon. Luffy grinned at her.

"Well, let's go beat tho-"


The end of his sentence got cut off as a massive explosion went off, destroying 20 or more large buildings. Before they could process what they just witnessed, they heard a voice over a loudspeaker.

"Testing… Testing… Can you hear me, you flashy bastards!!" They looked down towards the noise to see Buggy and his crew on top of a building with his clown-faced jolly Roger hanging up on its walls.

"Yes, you!! The flashy bastard up in the sky and the lady in your arms!! Listen carefully!! You're going to come down here and let yourselves get locked in prison. If you don't, I'll send the Buggy Bomb you just saw right at you!!" They heard the clown shout.

Nami immediately looked terrified, thinking about how quickly she would die if that thing hit her. She looked at Luffy to see how the smile never left his face.

"Shishishi!! If you want to get your ass kicked so badly, then come!!" Luffy shouted as they shot down to the ground away from Buggy and his crew, much to Nami's relief.

"So we aren't going to fight them?" She asked hopefully after getting set down. Those hopes were dashed when she saw Luffy look at her like an idiot.

"What? No, we are going to find Zoro and then go over there. He would be super pissed if we fought them without him." Luffy explained, making Nami hunch over in depression.

"You know if we beat them up we get all of their treasures, right?" Luffy asked, making her perk up immediately with Berry symbols replacing her pupils.

"Let's go find that green-haired idiot!!" She shouted as she marched away making Luffy laugh.



The two ended up finding Zoro at the dock, saying that the roads were so confusing.

Nami, who saw that the entire town was built in a perfect grid pattern when she was being carried by Luffy, couldn't help but smack her forehead, making Luffy laugh.

The three of them had wandered upon a small dog with bruises on his body, sitting in front of a pet store.

"Hey doggy, why are you sitting in front of this cool store?" Luffy asked the dog, making his friends look at him funny before remembering he said he could hear and talk to animals after asking why he seemed to be able to have full conversations with Levi.

'I'm guarding my treasure' Luffy heard in his head, making him nod.

"I see, so it's your treasure, huh?" Luffy asked as he leaned over and petted the dog. He was going to ask another question before he sensed someone next to them.

He looked over and saw an old man with a metal chest plate and metal wrist guards, sitting on the ground. The old man observed how he petted the dog for a second before looking up.

"My name is Boddle, I'm the mayor of this town and this here is Chouchou. He was told to guard this store by his master. But he died and he won't abandon it, is his treasure and the most important thing for him." The now-introduced Mayor Boddle explained what Chouchou was doing.

Nami asked where all the citizens were, and he said 'in a safe place'.

'The memories are the only thing I have left.' Luffy heard as a frowning Nami crouched down and petted Chouchou too.

Luffy went to say something, but he heard loud footsteps he recognized as something similar to those animals he fought for training. Soon there was a loud crash.


They all turned towards the sound and saw a large purple lion step out of the rubble of a broken house with a super weird-looking guy riding on top of the lion's back.

"Richie! Eat fast, and today we will burn this old store!" The weird-looking guy said and the now-named lion Richie made a happy sound.

'No! I won't let him!' Luffy heard Chouchou shout as he got up and started growling at the two.

"Don't worry, doggy! I'll protect the store for you!!" Luffy shouted and before anyone else could move, Luffy was right in front of the lion with his arm stretched back and twisted as much as possible.

"Gomu-Gomu no…"

The lion's and the weird-looking guy's eyes widened but before they could do anything…


The twisted fist snapped forward, all the wound-up force going straight into the lion's snout.


The lion went flying back into the rubble of the house it just broke. When the dust settled, they all saw the lion on top of the weird guy, both of them unconscious.

Luffy laughed as he left Chouchou licking his hand. He reached down and petted his head. The mayor was staring at him in awe.

"That was incredible, young man…" He trailed off as he was still staring at the unconscious lion and tamer. He gained a steeled look in his eyes. Luffy looked at him with a glint of seriousness behind the usual playfulness in his eyes.

"Don't even think about it, old man," Luffy said, making everyone look at him.

"I know you want to beat up this Buffon guy for what he's done to your town, but you gotta let us handle it. A battlefield isn't something someone like you should be on." Luffy said seriously, making Zoro and Nami look at him in a new light.

The mayor stared at the straw-hatted teen for a minute before nodding his head.

"You're right, young man. I'll leave those pirates up to you three then." Making Luffy and Zoro smirk while Nami nervously laughed.

"Shishishi!! Leave it to us!!" Luffy said as he and Zoro started walking towards where Buggy was, Nami following hastily after them once she realized they were leaving.



They walked for a few minutes before reaching where the Buggy Pirates were.

"OIIIII!!!! BIG NOSE!!!!!" Luffy shouted, making Zoro and Nami choke up in laughter. They heard the entire bar which was filled with laughter and music go stock-still.

"Who the hell called my flashy nose big?!!" Buggy yelled out as he and the rest of his crew walked out of the bar.

They saw a girl with orange hair looking at them nervously, a green-haired young man with 3 swords on his waist, and a straw-hatted teenager with a massive grin. Buggy felt a vein on his forehead bulge.

"It's you!! The bastard from before!!" Buggy yelled as his men scowled at the trio. The swordsman looked at him, a smirk still plastered on his face, and slightly unsheathed the white katana on his hip by flicking his thumb.

Buggy could barely tell, only having a little experience with the power known as 'Haki', that this was a blow he couldn't take with his 'Bara-Bara no mi', but he could tell, and it saved him.

He was already turned around, running back towards the bar, when Zoro lifted his haki-clad katana and waved it at them faster than they could blink.

"One-Sword Style: 36 Pound Phoenix!!"

A compressed air slash in the shape of a phoenix was upon the Buggy Pirates before they knew what was happening, almost all of them getting deep slash wounds and falling unconscious.

There were only two of the Buggy Pirates awake after this attack. One was the vice-captain, Cabbage who tried to counter with his flying slash.

But he who doesn't know how to use 'Armament Haki' would never be able to overpower an 'Armament Haki' user's flying slash. He was left bleeding out trying to stay awake, soon failing.

The second was Buggy himself, who laid down as soon as he heard the attack. He opened his eyes and looked around to see his entire crew either unconscious or about to be in his vice-captain's case.

He felt his face burn with rage. This was the worst humiliation he had ever experienced. That feeling only got worse when he finally got a good look at the straw hat on that kid's head.

"Hey, kid!! Where did you get that hat?!" Buggy yelled out, confusing all three of them. Luffy looked the most confused but still answered with a smile.

"Shanks gave it to me. It's my treasure." Luffy said with a smile as he took the hat off his head and looked at it fondly. Buggy started to shake with rage.

"Get the hell out of my sight, you flashy bastards!!!" Buggy screamed at them, baffling Luffy.

"You know Shanks, Buffoon?" Luffy asked with a smile that made Buggy scowl.

"It's Buggy!! Of course, I know that red-haired bastard!! He the one that turned me into a landlubber!!" He screamed at Luffy, confusing him even more.

Seeing the confusion, Buggy explained that he had planned to sell the devil fruit he found, only to accidentally swallow it while trying to hide it in his mouth when Shanks came over to him.

The shock of eating a devil fruit and the anger of losing out on so much money ended up sending him into the water, completely helpless.

Shanks jumped in when he noticed Buggy wasn't swimming up, saving his life.

"It's all that bastard's fault!!" Buggy shouted after he told his story. Luffy looked at him more confused than ever.

"So, Shanks saved your life and you're pissed at him for that?" Luffy asked with a head tilt before shrugging.

"Who cares? Not me. You're annoying. Gomu-Gomu no…" He said before disappearing and reappearing right in front of Buggy with both his arms stretched back and his skin tinted red.

"JET BAZOOKA!!!" He shouted as both his arms slammed into Buggy's chest so fast that he couldn't even tell Luffy had moved until he was already flying off of the island.

"Shishishishi!!! And don't come back!!" Luffy shouted with a grin. His Vice-Captain matched said grin before looking around confused.

"Where's the witch?" Zoro asked Luffy, who closed his eyes for a second and then looked towards the bar, just as Nami walked out with a bag full of treasure over her shoulder.

She smiled at them and walked over. "I don't see Buggy anywhere, so I assume you guys already beat him?" She asked, very curious about their strength. Luffy and Zoro grinned at her.

"Yep!! I sent him flying super far that way!" Luffy said as he pointed the way Buggy was launched. Nami was stunned and looked at Zoro for confirmation. The swordsman nodded when she looked at him, further increasing her awe.

"Wow, I was only in there for a few minutes. Buggy has a 15,000,000 Berry Bounty on his head, you know?" She said, still not comprehending what happened while she was looting the Buggy Pirates.

"Did you get what you were looking for, Nami?" Luffy asked with a smile. Nami looked at him before nodding at him with a matching smile.

He nodded back and they all started walking back to their dinghy. Once they got to the docks, Luffy stopped.

"We should leave some of this money here so they can rebuild," Luffy said to Nami, looking at the destroyed houses. Nami looked at him before looking at the same destroyed houses and sighed.

'If I leave 5 million berries for them to rebuild. If I do that, I'll be 1 million berries short. Well, as long as I'm with these two, getting that much isn't hard at all.' Nami thought to herself, not realizing she was subconsciously making reasons for her to stay with on Luffy's ship.

She nodded at Luffy before taking 5 million berries out of the bag and wrapping it up in a piece of the bag she ripped off.

She left it on the dock and got into the dinghy. She looked at Luffy and Zoro who were looking at her with a smile and smirk respectively. She smiled at them.

"You guys ready?" She asked them.

"Of course I am!!!!" "Yeah," They both responded.

Once they were about 300 meters away from the island, they heard shouting so they turned around. They saw Mayor Broddle and Chouchou at the docks. The mayor had the bag of treasure in his hand, waving and crying at them as they sailed away.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH, YOUNG ONES!!! I'LL NEVER FORGET THIS!!!" The mayor shouted at them, Chouchou barking along.

Zoro smirked and Luffy laughed loudly when they heard that. Nami had a serene smile on her face.

A smile that turned into a scared and surprised frown when Levi's head poked out of the water, making Luffy jump up and hug him. He tied the ropes onto his friend and turned to his other friend.

"Nami, which way do we need to go," Luffy asked her. She pointed in a direction and Luffy looked at Levi.

"You heard her, Buddy!! Let's go!!!"

Yo! 10th chapter done! Thanks for 20k views in under a week!! I almost named the chapter 'The Battle of The Future Emperors of The Sea' but that was way too long. This chapter was a bit weird to write, but that's mainly because I just wanted to get it done with because of what I have written for the next chapter. I had the idea and wrote it up before I wrote even this chapter because of how much I liked it.

Anyway, my goal right now is to keep posting a chapter every day until I get through the 'East Blue' and then see what's going to happen. I have a busy ass month so I'm going to try to write a lot now, but there's no way I'll be able to keep doing daily chapters long-term. I'm not going to sacrifice the quality just to keep a schedule.

As this is about to get posted, I'm in the middle of writing the 'Zoro vs Mihawk' fight and it's both a lot of fun and annoying. Super fun because Zoro's fight scenes are always going to be fun to write cause cool sword, but annoying because of what the fuck do I do for Mihawks attacks. That stoic fuck doesn't say shit so I have no idea what to name is attacks. Whatever, I'll figure it out.

Thanks for reading and enjoy the next chapter!!

If you have read this far, the next chapter is a Luffy vs Zoro fight/spar, so look forward to it!

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