
One Piece: Reincarnated with the Error System

Rose has lived a pretty good life in her opinion, becoming a decorated physicist at a young age, but after being ridiculed and exiled from the academic circle after making a seemingly impossible discovery, she turns to anime and video games to help her fend off the sadness. Upon her death, however, that discovery that made her peers mock her may just give her a second chance at life... ----------------------------------------------------------------- One Piece x Lord of the Mysteries fanfiction with error pathway Chapters are released daily (for now), with the occasional double release ;)

BrimRoseRed · Seni bela diri
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12 Chs

Everybody Wants to Rule the World

A few hours had passed and Rose quickly assessed her needs. Currently, somewhere to run experiments on Haki users and somewhere to train are the most pressing matters. For training, Rose could just use her bedroom on the Moby Dick, or she could try to learn martial arts from one of the crew members of the Whitebeard pirates, which means that the most important issue was getting enough money and power to gain a laboratory and some guinea pig- *ahem* 'willing participants' for her experiments.

Luckily, Rose had already figured out a good path to gaining both money and power, in fact, she met her personal piggy bank on the first day of being in the One Piece world.

"Whitebeard, may we talk for a moment, pretty please?"

Whitebeard, who was lazing by the side of the ship, spoke in his deep voice, "Rose? What's the matter? One of my boys giving you trouble? Gurararara~!"

Rose smiled and responded, "Not at all Whitebeard, but I have a proposition that might interest you."

As Rose finished her sentence, the air around the two of them began to glitch and distort.

[Error Manipulation: Anti-Propagation Field]

Suddenly, a 5-meter radius around Rose, the maximum distance that her errors could currently reach, turned completely silent.

"Sorry about that Whitebeard, but the conversation I want to have is a private one"

Whitebeard smiled and laughed, "Gurararara~! What an interesting ability, I do wonder how your abilities come about."

Rose's eyes lit up like she was a crow that saw a shiny piece of paper and started speaking at 1000 words per minute, "Oh well I'm so glad you asked, you see, the operating principle behind this ability isactuallyverysimpleIjustcreatedathinstripof[ColissionError]ina-"

"STOP, stop, if you want to talk like a scholar, go to those nerds in Ohara. Gurarara~!"

Rose cleared her throat, realising that she had slipped into a bad habit, and continued, "Sorry about that, anyways, about my proposition. Whitebeard, you are the strongest man in the world, however, you are also just a man."

Whitebeard sat up straight, clearly unsure of how to feel about Rose's words. She continued,

"Eventually, you will die, and your sons will be left alone in a very harsh world without you. We both know that you will not be content with dying a peaceful death, a helpless old man in some cushy hospital bed. You will go down fighting. We also both know that if you do die fighting, your sons will stop at nothing to avenge you, and will most likely get themselves killed in the process."

Rose was not basing these assumptions on nothing, this had happened in the canon events of One Piece. After Blackbeard betrayed the crew, the remains of the former Whitebeard Pirates tore themselves apart seeking vengeance.

Whitebeard realised that most of what Rose said was correct, and looked solemnly at the young girl, "Even if this is true, girl, there is nothing that can be done about it. The old generation is replaced eventually, all good things come to an end." Whitebeard smiled sadly.

Rose expected this kind of response from Whitebeard, as he had taken a similar approach in One Piece. Just before his death, he passed the mantle onto the younger generation, but Rose knew that Whitebeard's heart had a weakness: his family.

Rose pressed on in her attack, "I know that you are okay with your death, Whitebeard, but can you say the same for your sons? Are you willing to let them die for you?"

Whitebeard's brow crinkled, clearly growing more guilty under Rose's expert manipulation. Rose leaned in closer to Whitebeard, despite her tiny stature in comparison to Whitebeard, just through her clever use of words and emotions, Whitebeard could feel the pressure stacking on him.

Whitebeard, saddened by the conversation about his family's death, spoke again "What is your proposition, Rose?"

Rose smiled, knowing that she was getting closer to her goal, delivered the final blow, "I can make a world where your sons can live on in peace, even without you, a possibility. Although you may not believe it, where I come from I was the smartest human yet born. Allow me to prove myself to you Whitebeard. Allow me to become your strategist, and I can bring that world to reality."

Whitebeard stared at Rose. If anyone else had dared to speak such a thing in front of Whitebeard, his naginata would have decapitated them already, however, the young girl in front of him gave him a different impression.

When Whitebeard looked back at Rose, although he saw a young, red-haired teenage girl, he also saw someone who looked upon the world with curiosity and an analytical eye, but most of all, she held supreme confidence. As she sat on a crate on his ship, reality glitched and distorted in a five-meter radius around her Whitebeard's gut told him that if he trusted the girl now, the course of his life would change permanently.

Whitebeard saw this unknown, this gigantic risk that Rose was offering up to him, and...


Rose gave a smile that would terrify even the devil and extended her tiny hand for a handshake, "I look forward to our cooperation!"

Whitebeard took Rose's hand into his and shook it, sealing the deal.

And amidst the distorting and tearing errors of Rose's [Anti-Propogation Field], the history of the "Crimson Anomaly" Rose, strategist of the Whitebeard Pirates, had begun.

Hand over yer powerstones or Rose'll use [Collision Error] to make your hair fall off of your head >:)

BrimRoseRedcreators' thoughts