
Chapter 64: Request Under The Full Moon

(Roberts: POV)

I kept my gaze focused on Robin as the word of my spontaneous confession of my feelings for her sunk in.

And it was a spontaneous confession. I didn't plan for this to happen.

I don't know if it's the alcohol lowering my inhibitions or the general mood being set by the environment right now but sitting here alone with Robin I just couldn't hold myself back any longer.

I had to get my feelings out and now I have.

Now I just have to make sure doing so doesn't blow my in my face.

After some time Robin came back to her senses. 

Once she did so she gave me a serious stare. "Captain, if this is a joke it's not funny."

"It's not." I instantly replied. "I am serious about what I just said. I like you as a woman Robin and if you're willing I want to be in a relationship with you." I spoke. "Of course I don't expect an answer right now. No, that would be crazy. Take some time and think about it. And even if you reject me you won't have to leave the crew. If I was that petty of a bastard I gave Alfia permission to beat my ass. Which as you know she'll definitely do. So again, even if you don't want our relationship to become something more than captain and crewmate you won't lose your place here. I swear it."

"Captain, you should just give up on me." Robin suddenly said.

"And why exactly should I do that?" I asked her.

"There are plenty of other women out there for you. Not like me who is-"

"-Stop, right there." I interrupted Robin.

Placing a finger on her lips as I did so.

'Man, her lips feel soft.' I thought.

I then mentally slapped myself. This is no time to be thinking about such things. That can come later after I've charmed the pants off Robin. Both literally and figuratively.

"If you're about to spout some bullshit about how you are cursed or fated to live alone, or fated to walk alone or any other crap along those lines then I don't want to hear it." I said. "Listen Robin, I definitely know you're smart enough to know that the rest of us know you are the "Devil Child" spoken about from years ago who supposedly destroyed Ohara. And I say supposedly because everyone on this ship knows that's a giant steaming hot pile of shit. You're no monster. You're simple a women who the world decided to fuck over. Why the only thing truly devilish about you are your intelligence and your looks. Both of which are reasons I fell for you in the first place. Though that's off topic. Look, what I'm trying to say is everyone on this crew will have your back no matter what. So please, put your faith in us will you?"

Having said my peace I removed my finger from Robin's lips.

I then stood up and stretched my arms into the air.

"Well I'm tired. Good night and I hope you have a good rest. Also, think about what I said" I spoke. "Oh and before I forget here." I said.

I then leaned over to Robin and planted a kiss on her.


On the cheek mind you.

I may be a degenerate but I am still a gentleman. Besides, I'll have plenty of chances to ravage Robin's gorgeous mouth in the future.

Leaning back I smirked at Robin as she touched the place on her right cheek where I just kissed her.

"That's just a little gift to let you know I'm serious about entering a relationship with you." I explained.

I then left Robin without saying another word.

Reaching my cabin I entered it. 

As I closed the door I leaned my forehead against it. Putting a stupid smile on my face as I did so. Completely and utterly excited I just confessed to Robin.

Now my quest to conquer her heart truly begins.

As I thought about this I suddenly felt someone grab me from behind.

Turning my head I saw it was Alfia.

Completely and utterly naked, with a hunger look in her eyes.

As she licked her lips in a seductive manner I suddenly felt her left hand in my hands.

"Oh!" I moaned out a minute after this happened.

Since something had started to rise and it wasn't the shield hero.

"Fufufu, looks like someone's excited." Alfia huskily said.

She then dragged me to the bed and started attacking me without any reservations.

Before I knew it I was getting sucked dry.

Knowing I was going to end up like a raisin in the morning.

But I'm totally and utterly fine with that.

Yep, just fine.


(3rd Person POV)

Still seated in the chair on the deck of the Black Pearl Robin continued to touch her right cheek.

Which she had been doing for ten uninterrupted minutes.

Ever since Roberts had kissed it before heading to bed for the night.

The feel of his lips on her cheek was still present in her mind. As well as the words he spoke to her.

"So please, put your faith in us will you?"

Faith, trust, friendship.

Those words were like a foreign language to Robin.

But in the depths of her heart she felt with the Thanatos pirates those words would not remain foreign much longer.

Upon realizing this Robin put a smile on her face, and not a fake one which she usually showed but a true and blue smile from the bottom of her heart.

Which even Robin herself didn't realize she was wearing.

Nico Robin also didn't realize her heart skipped a beat when Roberts confessed to her and planted the kiss on her cheek.

But just like with acknowledging the Thanatos Pirates that seed in her heart would sprout soon as well.

Without her even realizing it.


Three chapters in one day!


Also show your appreciation by giving me powers stones and review otherwise I will curse you with with a week long dream about the 2 girls and 1 cup.

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