
Chapter 1: Transmigration

Chapter 1

After a long day of hitting the books at school and working up a sweat at the gym, I arrived home completely drained. The moment I devoured a hearty meal, I passed out on my bed, exhaustion taking over.

That's when I heard it, the creaking sound of a rusty wooden door. My eyes snapped open and I quickly sat up, turning my gaze towards the source of the noise. In the doorway stood a woman, her figure only visible by the faint glow of the moon.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" she asked as she stepped into the room.

"No, it's okay," I replied, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

The woman lit an oil lamp by the door, the warm glow casting a soft light across the room. As she walked closer, I could finally make out her features. She was tall and slender, with shoulder-length black hair that framed her delicate face. Her eyes were a striking blue, with dark, wide pupils that seemed to draw me in. She had a long, thin nose, and her waist was so small it almost seemed impossible. But it was her ample breasts that really caught my attention, and I couldn't help but marvel at her beauty.

The woman walked over to a nearby closet and dropped a rucksack that seemed to be bursting with books. I could see piles of books peeking out from the bag, and I realized that she must be a scholar like myself.

Without any hesitation, she started to undress, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. I couldn't help but gaze at her, as she revealed her alluring figure. Once she was fully naked, she gracefully climbed into bed and got comfortable under the covers, facing away from me as she prepared to sleep.

I couldn't believe my luck. Taking advantage of the situation, I quickly shed my own clothes and crawled into bed beside her. The night was filled with a passion I'd never experienced before, and I didn't question it for a moment.

The next morning, I woke up with a huge smile on my face, remembering the amazing dream I had just had. But as I turned over to get out of bed, I was met with the same gorgeous, light-skinned woman from my dream. Her breathing was calm and steady, and her eyes remained closed as she slept deeply.

My mind was racing. "What the hell?" I thought to myself, completely shell-shocked at the realization that I might have actually slept with this woman.

After calming down a little, I took a look at my surroundings and realized that I am in a completely unfamiliar place. The house I'm in is mainly made of white walls, with some blue decorations that adorn the walls. The starkness of the white walls provides a sense of cleanliness and order, but the blue decorations add a touch of character and creativity to the room.

As I look around, I notice the simple wooden table next to the bed, which seems to be well-worn and has seen many years of use. The bed itself is covered in violet and white sheets, which are soft to the touch and provide a comforting and cozy feel.

I walk over to the window to take a closer look at the desert environment outside, which is bustling with merchants selling their different products. I can hear the sounds of their haggling and the occasional animal bray.

I take a deep breath and notice the smell of sand and dust in the air, which adds to the feeling of being in a desert environment. The door to the bathroom is situated to my left, with its simple white and blue decor that offers a functional and practical space to wash off the desert dust.

Feeling the need to wash up after working up a sweat with the clearly naked woman still sleeping in the bed, I walk up to the bathroom and open the wooden door. The latter squeaks when opened, making me cringe as I slowly turn towards the sleeping woman, letting out a sigh of relief seeing as she is still asleep. I enter the bathroom and close the door behind me, walking towards the shower as my naked reflection flashes in front of me for a split second. As I pass the vanity mirror, I freeze in place.

Taking a couple of steps back to look at my reflection, I realize that I am not myself. I am a very tall, broad-shouldered, and muscular man with lightly-tanned skin, white hair, and fuchsia-colored eyes. Just as I am about to start shouting bloody murder, a mild headache crashes into me. I grab my head with one hand and hold onto the vanity for stability. A series of memories start flashing in front of me, after what feels like hours but are only a couple of seconds.

I stop panicking and instead, sport a large grin splitting my face in two. Looking into my reflection with clear joy this time, I realize that I have somehow transmigrated into the world of "One Piece," as none other than Tengen Uzui, and furthermore, I am somehow married to none other than the devil child herself, Nico Robin.

As I turn on the shower, the warm water washes over me, soothing my nerves and calming me down. I can't help but marvel at the changes in my appearance and the world I am in. I look around the small bathroom, taking in the details. The walls are made of beige tiles, and the floor is a matching shade of brown. The bathroom is dimly lit, with the only light source being the natural sunlight filtering in through a small window. The bright sunbeam casts a warm golden glow throughout the space, creating an ethereal atmosphere.

As I finish washing up, I hear the bathroom door creak open, and I turn around to see Nico Robin entering the bathroom. She is still in all her natural glory, and I can't help but smile at her beauty. As she walks toward me, I feel a sense of excitement and happiness at the thought of exploring this new world with her by my side. I think to myself, "I feel like I'll be enjoying my stay in this world. What a time to be alive!"



- Tengen Uzui

- Nico Robin

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