

Sol shakes his head at their antics. After giving each of them a dose of growth hormones, he leaves them to experience their new bodies.

Sitting on a window ledge, he takes out his snail and dials Janet.

"Master? Anything for me?"

"Yes, it's time to put our hardwon information network to use."

The expression of the snail in his hand perks up when it hears the news. "I've been waiting, Master. I originally thought you had no use for my services after so long."

"First I need to know if any pirates, bandits, or thieves have the Bomb, Cut, Slow, or magnetic paramecia devil fruits. See if anyone has the nine-tailed fox mythical zoan too. Lastly, I need to find a two-year-old boy named Kuzan."

"Give me a moment."

Silence fills the hall as he waits for her response.

"Ok Master, I have info on two of the devil fruits you are looking for. The Bomb fruit was eaten by the leader of the Bomb Devil Bandits on Kukun Island. The Slow fruit was eaten by the Time Thief of Supru Island."

"I haven't received any Info about the others and It will take some time to find a single child in all of South Blue. Did you want to know about any other devil fruits, or just those?"

"Oh? You ask like you have information on others." Sol raises his brows with interest. He only knows of those devil fruits in South Blue, along with the Cold fruit.

"There is a newcomer pirate crew called the World Pirates. They have two devil fruits on their ship. The More More fruit and the Cube Cube fruit. They're rather strong, their captain Byrnndi World already has a bounty of 60 million."

"World Pirates?" Sol searches his memory but he's sure he's never heard of them. He's never watched the anime or movies, so they could have appeared in them.

But that doesn't matter. If this Byrnndi World is strong, he'll be a good grindstone for his fruit.

"Keep an eye out for the World pirates, Bomb bandits, and Time thief for me. I'll have Diana take care of the bandits and send Krista and Eula after the thief. If World looks like he's going to leave South Blue, let me know."

"Leave it to me, Master. Give me a year to solidify my control and I'll be ready to send a hundred girls to West Blue."

"I know you won't let me down." Hanging up the phone, he calls the girls next. Telling them to contact Janet and go after the devil fruits.

They already know how to steal fruits, so it shouldn't be a problem.

"It's time for project Themyscira to begin." After sensing the strongest five thousand people within his range, mist explodes from his body and flies towards them.

Colorful mist seeps into every part of the capital, almost every target is a man save a hundred or so women. All the men are changed into women during their sleep and soon fall under his charm.

While changing and charming them, he forced their bodies to produce an egg with their best genes. These eggs will only accept the best genes from their mate.

Once the children are born, he can raise them as an army for his future territory; Stealing inspiration from Big Mom. This way, he won't have to bog down his mind with so many charmed people.

After charming them, his range was reduced by over 20km all at once. He knows it's only temporary, but it still slows his haki training. His final order was for them to fuck a man and get pregnant, then come to the castle.

Doing this, he can't help thinking of his own situation. Seeing the birth of Kuma and enacting this plan, it's got him thinking of his future heir.

Someone he can pass his will to incase he falls.

If he can, he wants the most suitable woman to bear his child. Big Mom is only twenty at this moment, she should have five children with four more being born later this year.

The ace of her children, Katakuri, was born last year.

Thinking of the greatness shown by him alone, the idea of an heir is planted deeper into his mind.

While Charlotte Linlin is the perfect choice, he feels like it's impossible. She's located in the new world and may already be part of Rocks's crew. 

A list of people runs through his mind, both men and women. Right now he has two choices readily available, World and Bonney. Based on Kuma in the future and her special physique, she seems like the obvious choice.

"First, let's finish the sub." Shaking his head, he puts it behind him for now. At least until he meets World.

Finished with his thoughts, he heads for the basement to see how they've adapted to their new genders.

Each of them can feel their increased power. While their flexibility has declined, it more than makes up for it with stamina and strength.

Eileen swings his two swords like a madman. His long black hair has been tied into a ponytail, making him look more masculine. His swordplay can no longer be called a graceful dance but a raging storm.

Jasmine, Nora, and Vivian have increased stamina so the power they can produce with their fruits has multiplied.

Each of them have put on old clothes stored in Vivian's body.

"I don't think I can call you my girls anymore."

Hearing Sol's voice they all stop their practice. "Master!" Vivian jumps over happily but stops when Sol holds out his hand.

"Don't call me Master as men, call me Captain."

"Captain? It doesn't roll off the tongue as smoothly as master does." Vivian pouts, as a grown man. Thankfully, Sol is blind and cannot see the strange image.

"Have you adjusted to your new bodies?" Ignoring Vivian, he turns towards the others.

"It's weird." Eileen shakes his head. "I have to relearn a lot of my techniques and movements."

"It's no problem for us, as long as we can increase our strength." Jasmine looks at Nora who agrees with a nod.

"Well, we have to finish this sub by next year so save your practice for later." Seeing no big problems, he looks through their eyes towards the sub.

As time passes, the more he wants to start his adventure. Everyone else from this era has already started building their reputation.

Hearing Sol, they reluctantly put aside their practice and got back to work.

Over the next few days, several women started arriving at the castle. Sol guided the pregnant woman to the basement to help build the sub.

To stop them from complaining about being turned to women, he forbade them from speaking. To Sol, they were nothing more than carriers for his army.

When their task is complete, their essence will be drained.

With an extra five thousand pairs of hands, the speed of construction increased.

Months passed and it soon neared completion. As an ace assassin in the 21st century, you need to know a lot more than how to shoot a gun or swing a knife.

Each mission was completed alone, to prevent more exposure risk. That means knowing how to gain access to some strange locations. Building bombs, rigging machinery, hacking computers and cameras, and rerouting a building's air and electrical systems are just the basics.

If you aren't a master technician, you'll be caught by the millions of cameras or smartphones people carry nowadays. Just accessing the real internet without skill can reveal your location.

This submarine is an accumulation of all his knowledge throughout his life. The outside looks similar to a standard submarine with a sleek jet-black design.

The front comes to a sharp point, allowing it to better cut through the water. The slightly curved top has a special place in its center that stretches 100m long and as wide as she ship.

Instead of being made of metal, the outside is thick black tinted glass. This is a special area of the ship, extending three decks down. Inside, it's built like a small island, an idea taken from Thriller Bark.

The entire thing can float to the surface where the glass dome will retract into the wall. The entire island will be connected to the sub by a cable system that can drag the island forward.

Besides the island, the sub will use decks 6-10 to build an internal ecosystem, each one a unique environment based on a different sea area. Deck 11-20 is where all the people will live. Areas 1-5 located at the bottom will be used for the technical and engine rooms.

When the end of the year finally arrived, the mass delivery began. Five thousand babies were born right after another.

To deal with them, he selected three hundred of the most hardworking parents during this time. Some used to be men, but that never got to them.

Each of them was responsible for taking care of sixteen babies. With them to rely on, he began disposing of the rest.

When the year 1478 arrived, Sol's ship Themyscira was finally completed.

Sol stands in the control room on Paradise Island, from here the entire sub can be controlled.

The room is filled with control panels, instruments, and monitors that observe every angle in and outside of Themyscira.

Sitting in the command chair is Janet, while twenty of her trained personnel sit at other stations.

These girls have been trained during this time to operate the sub. Another few girls were trained to take care of internal maintenance, constantly learning how to better maintain the ship.

Jasmine, Vivian, Eileen, and Nora stand behind Sol, but his attention is on one woman in the room.

A woman with long wavy purple hair and amber-colored eyes. Her kind face makes anyone want to get close to her.

What makes her different from the other is the fact she's the mother of this body.

He never knew how he wanted to face her, but he knew he wouldn't leave her on this island to die alone.

Every now and then she steals glances at her son, not entirely sure if it's really him. While he looks the same, his body has drastically changed.

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