
Mark In The World

"What am I looking at, Robin?" Luffy asked his crew's cute archeologist.

"This is a Poneglyph, captain. Before this, I came across one on a stone tablet in Upper Yard which also mentions the Shandians as the ancient protectors of the text." Robin explained to her captain. It was currently night time and most of the people were asleep, except for Robin and Luffy.

Robin was the one who woke the sleeping Luffy since she wanted to show him what she found this morning.

So right now, they're in front of the Golden Belfry Bell. Before this, it was hanging off of Giant Jack in the aftermath of Luffy's battle with Enel, and the Shandia Chief gathered as many men as possible at the beach to try to hoist it up. So the Shandians and the Skypieans worked together and hoisted it up.

"What does it say?" Luffy asked.

"It's another ancient weapon called Poseidon. The Poneglyph didn't tell me much, but it did tell me that it has the power to communicate with and control Sea Kings. " Robin revealed. Luffy hummed.

" That's boring. I'm not interested in some weapons that I can't even find. What I'm interested in is that message over there. " Luffy pointed at another piece of writing on the side.

" We came here, found the text, and followed its guidance. Gol D. Roger. " Robin read out the writing that Luffy was pointing at. It greatly surprised him.

"Wait, he can read and write Poneglyphs?!" Luffy was shocked.

" I guess so. I was shocked too. I also figured out that the Pirate King already found the poneglyph that this tablet was referring to. This tablet has thus already served its purpose, as the poneglyphs are meant to be read in conjunction in order to fill in a piece of blank history. " Robin added.

" What's this blank history thing, Robin? I've heard you say it before and it sounds important to my journey to becoming the Pirate King." Luffy asked Robin.

" This blank history is known as the Void Century because there is nothing left to acknowledge anything that happened in it, aside from the poneglyphs which are written in a language that only I know how to read."

" However, it causes a problem with the known histories of the world as nothing ties up because of that missing period. Though many seem to know there is a gap in the historical record, virtually everyone is unaware that filling in this gap is possible. " Robin explained.

" The true history of the world apparently contains secrets so dangerous that those who are aware of them, including outlaws, are highly reluctant to talk about them. " Robin muttered as Luffy nodded.

" Then the Roger Pirates must know it then, because they did reach Laugh Tale, the end of the New World in the Grand Line. " Luffy theorized.

" You might be correct, captain. " Robin whispered. There was a comfortable silence that followed as the two pirates were lost in their own thoughts.

" Hey, Robin. Can you write Poneglyphs? " Luffy asked, surprising her.

" I-I can try. " Robin stuttered out, not expecting her captain to be asking her this kind of question. Luffy grinned at her.

"Great! Can you write something beside what Roger wrote?"

" Sure, what is it that you want me to write? "



" What is this? " Zoro wondered as he and his crew were looking at something impressive. They were exploring around the Upper Yard and entered a cave. They weren't expecting to see a colossal flying ark parked idly in it.

"This has the kanji for 'God' written on it. It must be Enel's." Nami muttered and everyone started searching through it.

The ark contains a throne that is beneath a golden face, and a large storage room.The gears and generators are quite large, and it has a line of oars whose use was not shown. The ark also has multiple rotors and propellers to help it fly.

They gathered around again. "From what I found, this ark's main energy supply is meant to be Enel's electrical energy. There are also two hundred Jet Dials as a backup power supply to keep it up afloat for an hour or two." Usopp explained to them.

"Well, Enel's dead. And I'm pretty sure no one would notice if we stayed here for a while. So let's loot it until there's nothing left!!! " Luffy declared with a grin on his face.

" Alright!!! "




Three months have passed...

Usopp grinned as he looked at Nami who was training. She was trying out his new masterpiece of an invention, which he calls the Perfect Clima-Tact.

It had a new look to it as there is now a ball on each piece, containing what can be assumed to be a Dial.

All of the Perfect Clima-Tact's offensive uses are several times stronger than they were before, and there is now almost no indication of it having any useless functions to hinder Nami.

However, there were still a few design flaws.

The main one being that, unless it is used carefully, it can cause quite a bit of collateral damage.

She looked at Nojiko who was squealing in joy while flying around the forest with a jetpack attached to her back. [Pic]

It was also Usopp's invention. It had multiple Thunder Dials, Jet Dials, Heat Dials and Flame Dials installed in it. The Thunder And Jet Dials are for speed boosts while the Heat and Flame Dials are to let Nojiko float in midair and have enough supply to do so.

Everyone's combat capabilities have improved drastically. Through Observation Haki, Luffy sensed that everyone's Haki has gotten at least 3x stronger than before.

The ones who have either Armament Haki or Observation Haki have been training tremendously in it.

Through sparring with each other, they have improved a lot and have gained some experience in using it.

Gan Fall also was nice enough to spare some of his time to offer them some guidance about using the two types of Haki.

Upon Enel's defeat, Gan Fall retired from his role as Knight of the Sky and became 'God' of Skypiea once again, due to the demand of the people.

And now, it was time for the Straw Hat Pirates to leave Skypiea. But they didn't leave empty-handed.

The Shandia Chief recalls how much the blue sea dwellers valued gold, and was generous enough to give them the broken pillar of the belfry since they can't give them the bell itself.

Without hesitation, Nami said yes. The Straw Hats can't argue with that. With it, maybe they could make a couple million Belly when they sell it in the black market.

They also had large sacks full of gold that the Shandians gave to Luffy as a thank you for defeating Enel and setting the land free. Luffy gladly accepted it.

After they said their goodbyes and an extremely tearful one to Conis and Pagaya, the Straw Hat Pirates were leaving Skypiea through Cloud End.

They reach Cloud End and start descending the Milky Road which will lead them to the Blue Sea.

"Be careful! You are going to start falling soon!" Conis shouted at them.

"Did she say fall? " Usopp mumbled before he froze. Everyone's jaw dropped as they were in the sky with nothing stopping them from falling. Even Merry's jaw was dropped. There was an awkward pause that followed.

"AHHHHHH!!!!!!!" The crew screamed as they started free falling. Suddenly, an Octopus Balloon appeared out of nowhere and grabbed onto the Going Merry and stopped their free fall.

"RIIIING!!!!~~~ RIIIING!!!!~~~"

The crew smiled hearing the ringing of the golden bell. The Sky People ring the Golden Bell so that their departing heroes know how much they are appreciated and are welcome back anytime.

"We have to find a way to return here." Luffy said, everybody nodded in agreement.

"Maybe something similar to Enel's flying ark. An actual flying ship, I must start designing it." Usopp wondered while taking out a sketchbook to draw something on it.



"Ah.... The smell of the sea. I missed this." Luffy grinned as he looked at the calm waves. But then he remembered that this is the Grand Line he and his crew were sailing in, these calm waves could turn violent at any minute now.

"Alright, we need to go to Water 7 immediately! We're gonna sell our gold there, then I'm gonna find a shipwright there for our crew! Then we need to get a musician! Music is important!!" Luffy decided. They all agreed with his smart decision.

They continued sailing through the Grand Line. Everything was calm and the Log Pose already locked on to another island so they sailed towards it.

The journey was calm so the crew did some training in the meantime. When they arrived, Luffy was the first to take a good look at it.

Kaya hummed as she flipped through the pages of the book she was holding. "Ah! Found it! We have arrived at an archipelago called Long Ring Long Land." Kaya proceeded to explain the geography of the island.

Long Ring Long Land is a chain of ten islands in a ring shape, with a path between the islands that surfaces once every year. Because the ten islands of the archipelago are actually linked together as one giant island, an Eternal Pose cannot be used to get from one island to another.

The animals that live here are unique in that they are all longer than normal in some way, such as a tall horse with a long neck.

Rumor has it that the reason for all the animals growing so long is because they are able to live freely without feeling any restraint (mentally and physically) on the great wide plains of this island.

"Yosh!!! Sounds fun!! Let's go everyone!!"

"Hold up Luffy. We have to let down the anchor first." Nami stopped while she was carrying the anchor in her hands. She dropped it into the sea and nodded in satisfaction.

She grinned at Luffy.

"Alright! Now we can go!"


To be continued.....

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