
One Piece: I Am The Main Character(On Pause, Might Rewrite)

Because of his challenging thoughts, Gan gets transmigrated into the One Piece world with a goal much bigger than the main character, join Gan on his Journey to the peak. No Harem

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12 Chs

Meeting Ace and Leaving

Chapter 5 Meeting Ace and Leaving

Gan P.O.V

'System' I called out in my head.

Name: Monkey D. Gan

Age: 8

Vitality: 19(5)

Strength: 15(5)

Agility: 19(5)

Observation Haki: Level 1 mid grade

Endurance: 18(5)

Intelligence: 30(5)

Devil Fruit(Space, Space): Currently able to move body or body parts through space within Observation Haki's range.


Overall Battle Power - Lieutenant Junior Grade

'Hmmm, so it shows my battle rank now, that's good I guess, but why is this kid staring at me like that?'

Before me is the famous Portgas D. Ace, well, famous in the future at least, but that's beside the point. After my little battle with the old man, we went to visit Luffy who cried after I told him I was leaving. The thing is, I was barely around him all of these years. But he's still my little brother so I told him that I'll bring him gifts when I visit which calmed him down a little. After saying goodbye to luffy and Makino, who I remember was present at my birth, me and the old man came to the port, but Garp left to get something and came back with Ace to introduce us to each other but this brat has been looking at me with disdain since he laid his eyes on me.

'Anyways I just wanna get this over with' "Hello, my name is Monkey D. Gan, nice to meet you!" I said with a neutral expression stretching my hands out to shake his.

Ace P.O.V

So this is the guy the geezer told me about, he doesn't look much, I don't get why he thinks this guy is stronger than me. And he's joining the filthy marines, he's just a follower, how can he be compared to me whose goal is to be king of the pirates. I turned to the old geezer who was grinning at me with an amused smile. I don't know why but I felt irritated by it. I then turned my gaze back to the kid who had no expression on his face whilst introducing himself with his hands stretching out to shake minds.

"The name's Ace" I said with a grin, of course I didn't shake his hands, but seeing him retracting his hands with the same expression on his face made me feel like he was looking down on me.

"Let's fight" I said, this time with an irritated expression. I hate people looking down on me.

"Are you sure Ace, I told you he's stronger than you" the geezer interrupted with his grin growing wider, which was making me angrier. 'How can this kid be stronger than me, and the Geezer told me earlier that he was younger than me, I just couldn't believe it'

"I'll see about that, hey you lets fight" at this he looked up at the geezer as if waiting for confirmation which the old man nodded at. He then looked over at me with that same emotionless expression. 'I'll knock that expression off your face'.

"No problem, let's make this quick, I really wanna get off this island" that was the last straw for me.

I started sprinting over to his position intending to punch him in the face, of course I had my guard up, the old man said he's stronger than me so I'm not gonna be careless.

I saw him raise his right arm into a punching motion, and punch out his fist, a smile creeped onto my face at that sight. 'This kid can't fight, how is he gonna reach me from all the way over there, I knew the old man…'


My thoughts were interrupted after getting hit from behind in the head, I lost control of my body and was heading uncontrollably in Gan's direction. I wanted to raise my guard but my body won't respond to me, and not only that, I was confused on how I got hit. I had my guard up so how and what hit me.

Controlling my body a little I looked at Gan's fist that seemingly blended into space, but before I could even think about what was going on I saw Gan's feet do the same thing as his fist when he made a kicking motion.

*Bam* *Grrrr*

Suddenly I was flung to the side after what felt like a kick hit me. This time after rolling on the ground a couple times, I couldn't get up, I tried, and tried but my body just stopped listening to me. Then I saw Gan standing over me, this time with a grin similar to the old mans.

"Good fight Ace, you must be strong to stand up after my first punch and even stay conscious after my kick" 'So he was the one that hit me in the head, how did he do that?'

"I can still fight, I'm not done yet" I said, even though I knew my body couldn't handle another exchange with Gan.

"Bahahaha, what do you think Gan he's got potential don't you think?" the old man's annoying laugh caught my attention.

"Yeah old man, he does have a lot of potential, is he gonna join the marines too?" 'Me, the Marines, Never, I'll be the next pirate king' is what I wanted to say but the old man spoke first.

"Yes, yes he'll make a fine marine just like my little monster" 'why would the old man say that when I already told him my dream, ahhh it doesn't matter'.

"So is he gonna be undergoing your special training too, old man?" asked Gan with an amused smile.

"Yes, he's ten years old so it's time for his training" answered the old man.

"Well whatever, I'm sure he's gonna survive it anyways, well I hope" replied Gan.

"I'm still here you know, stop acting like i'm invisible" I interrupted their little conversation about me with an angry expression.


General P.O.V

"Well, are we done here old man, I already said goodbye to luffy so let's get going" said Gan.

"Alright, alright, come on boys let's get going before Sengoku gets mad at me again Bwahahaha" Garp replied with a smile on his face.

"Hey Ace, I'm gonna visit you every three months so survive until then Bwahahahaha" Garp laughed out loud drawing irritated gazes from Ace, Gan and even his own men.

"If this kid can survive it, so can I, and when I see him again I'll show him who's stronger" replied Ace surprisingly with a smile.

"Yeah yeah let's go, your men have already packed everything on board the ship" said Gan.

Just then a man walked to the edge of the ship and called out "Vice Admiral Garp, we're ready to move."

The man who is known as Bogard is a tall man, roughly half a head higher than Garp who is just a bit shorter than Kuzan. He has short hair. He wears a marine coat, which is draped over his shoulders. He wears a matching beige suit and hat, with the hat covering his eyes in a shadow.

Seeing this Gan sprints towards the ship and leaps from the ground, all the way up to the floor of the ship which is about a 10 feet jump from where he was formerly standing. This action drew Gasps from the Marines on board the ship, some even had a look of admiration.

Only Ace, seeing this, had his fighting spirit seemingly ignited, although he was clearly not happy with this action, he walked away, hurriedly heading in the direction of the forest. Garp saw this, but ignored it, and started walking in the direction of the ship and jumped up to the floor of the ship from an even further distance and height than Gan but no one was surprised. This made him put on a fake sad expression but everyone continued to ignore him.

Seeing this he said "Set sail to Marineford, I have a lot of work to do when I get back."

"Yes Sir" His men replied in unison.