
One Piece: I Am The Main Character(On Pause, Might Rewrite)

Because of his challenging thoughts, Gan gets transmigrated into the One Piece world with a goal much bigger than the main character, join Gan on his Journey to the peak. No Harem

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12 Chs

Former Admiral Z's Test

General P.O.V

"Gan, is it? I'll have Z test you, if you pass his test, I'll make an exemption and let you join the marines early." said Sengoku.

"I won't disappoint you sir" replied Gan

"Alright you're dismissed, Garp remember you have to work two times more for the work days you've missed, take your brat with you, Z will be ready to test him tomorrow" said Sengoku hurriedly dismissing Garp

"No problem, lets go Gan, I'll take you to our living quarters, it's in the residential area of marineford"

"Okay, Gramps!" replied Gan. Hearing Gan call him Gramps, Garp shed fake tears with a smile while walking out of Sengoku's office hugging his grandson. Gan had a look of surprise on his face, it seemed that he just realized what he had said. His surprised face quickly changed to a smile seeing Garp's facial expression, he may not have realized it at first, but he has slowly become more and more comfortable around Garp.

Seeing the Grandpa, Grandson duo walking out of his office, Sengoku's face wore a tired expression. But his gaze was fixated on Gan as if pondering something, he simply nodded his head and went back to his paperwork.


Gan P.O.V

"This is where we're gonna be staying, that room there is yours" instructed the old man.

"It's kind of small, for a marine hero I expected something better but knowing who you are I can't say I'm too surprised." After our talk with Sengoku, me and the old man walk over to the residential area where the families of marines stay.

I'll be waiting here until my test with the famous Black Fist Z tomorrow. Yes, he hasn't left the marines yet, and according to my calculations, the incident in which he loses his arms is gonna happen next year in the year 1515. With his training I'll learn the famous Rokushiki or six form style. Some of the moves are useless to me, like Moon step or Geppo, which allows the user to fly by kicking the air, the thing is, with my 'space space' fruit I can simply fly, and it will probably be faster than Geppo.

The other technique that I don't really need is Shave or Soru, which allows the user to move at high speeds. With my devil power, I can appear anywhere instantly as long as it's within my observation Haki's range by traveling through space. But learning these moves might come in handy sometime in the future, so I have no problem with learning them.

What I really wanna learn is 'Seimei Kikan', which allows the user to completely control all of their body parts, even parts that cannot normally be controlled, such as hair. In such a case, the user can manipulate their hair to such a refined degree that they can actually wrap their hair around their opponent in order to bind them.

"gan, gan, Gan, GAAANNN", "Ahhh" a ringing sound in my ears breaks me out of my thoughts. 'What the hell is wrong with this old man, I knew he was crazy but he actually just made sound waves from his voice and the thing is, HE did it point blank into my ears'

"Good thing I have a 'logia' body because I genuinely believe I would've gone permanently deaf.'

"Are you crazy old man, you're gonna accidentally kill someone one of these days you know" I said with an angry expression, still trying to regain my composure.

"I called your name quietly five times so cut me some slack, and you weren't responding to me" he said while digging his nose casually as though it wasn't a serious matter.

"Anyways I was trying to tell you that I'm off to work, if I'm not back by tonight, just go report to Sengoku in the morning, and Z is gonna test you, bye bye" he said while bolting through the door.

I simply went to bed since I was tired from everything that happened today.


Z(Zephyr) P.O.V

I received a report yesterday from Sengoku to test Garp's grandson, I didn't think too much of it, until I read his report and realized that he was only 8 years old, and according to Garp he has Warrant officer level battle power. Sengoku even said that he's smart beyond his age, so my curiosity was piqued.. Walking into the building towards Sengoku's office I observe everyone looking at me with looks of admiration, something I've long grown used to.

"So where is the Brat Sengoku?" I went straight to the point as soon as I saw Sengoku, but looking to the right side of Sengoku I saw a kid with neck length black hair, black eyes, standing a little over 5 feet tall, with tan brown skin, he wore an expressionless face.

'Hmmm, this must be him, indeed there is something special about him'

Sengoku ignored my antics and simply looked over to the brat giving him a nod.

"My name is Monkey D. Gan, nice to meet you sir" he said, his face changed from expressionless to one of respect before reverting back, I didn't miss any of his movements.

"The name's Z, follow me to the training grounds" I said as he followed me to the training ground.


General P.O.V

Standing in the middle of what can only be described as a colosseum are two figures.

The taller figure is the former Admiral Z, who can be described as a large, muscular, tan-skinned man, standing around twice the height of a typical man such as Luffy in canon, with short purple hair, his outfit consisted of a purple suit with a Marine coat draped over his shoulders like a cape, his arms not in its sleeves. Z also wore a pink shirt with a polka-dotted tie under his purple suit. Like Garp his coat has uniquely colored epaulets with his own being blue.

Opposite him was a young boy who looked to be around the age of 12, he had shoulder length black hair, black eyes, tan brown skin, and he stood at a little over 5 feet tall. The young boy is of course Gan who now wore a black shirt half buttoned up, with his chest out similar to shanks, and long black pants.

"Alright let's see what you got, hit me with your best shot" said Z with a smile looking at Gan's expressionless face.

"No problem, watch out" as Gan finished his sentence his entire body started to transform into a translucent like state before he disappeared from his position.

"Void Movement"



Z's expression changed to one of seriousness as his hands turned black whilst spinning his body around blocking a punch that came from behind him aiming for his head.

Gan had a smirk as his body that suddenly appeared from behind Z transformed from its space form back to its physical form as his fists made contact with Z's elbow that was raised in front of his head blocking his fist.

All of this happened in less than a second, Z had a shocked look on his face, maybe because of Gan's speed, or his devil fruit powers.

Both of them stepped away from each other, creating distance, Gan and even Z raised their guard seemingly getting serious.

Gan raised his right hands and made a punching motion as his fist transformed into its translucent space-like form.

"Void Punch"

*Swish* *Swish*

Gan's fist came out of a void to the left of Z heading for Z's ribs, but Z quickly sidesteps to the right. Gan wasted no time and quickly launched another "Void Punch" with his left hand this time the fist came out of a void from behind Z's head, Z ducks the punch easily without looking back.

Gan fakes a punch, while instead using his foot that also turns space like and kicks out,

"Void Kick", the kick comes out of a void behind Z aiming for Z's legs, seeing that Z jumps forward avoiding the kick, Gan continues making void punches and void kicks from a distance while Z keeps dodging.

This went on for about ten minutes before Gan suddenly stopped and put on a serious look on his face. He then raised both of his hands above his head turning them into space, he then claps them together as if about to pray and said out loud

"Space Coffin"


The space around Z, seemed to bend into him, confining him, sweatdropped from his forehead as he looked over to Gan who had his hands clasped with a tired look on his face.

"You really are a monster" said Z outloud to Gan, his entire body then turned black as he covered himself in Armament Haki.



Z disappeared from his former position and headed into the translucent wall made of space that was closing in on him, he raised his right arm and punched the translucent looking wall.

*Bam* *Crack*


The space-like wall cracked and shattered like glass, however although it was barely visible, Z arms had blood dripping from it.

Gan on the other hand was on one knee, seemingly exhausted from his last move, he slowly and shakily got up on both feet gasping for air, after trying for a couple of seconds.

Z looked at his blood dripping hands, and then at Gan, this time he looked at Gan with a smile, he was now fully convinced that Gan had Admiral level potential.

"Alright, you passed, meet me at Sengoku's office tomorrow, same time as today, we have a lot to work on. When I'm done with you you're gonna become the youngest Admiral in Marine history" Z said with enthusiasm leaking from his body, after seeing Gan's performance today he truly believed that Gan had that potential.

"Yes Sir!" replied Gan with a smile on his tired face, he was truly happy, especially since his plans were falling into place.