
Chapter 207

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Himeno's plan was straightforward: to team up with Abel to take on the Gun Devil. 

She never felt that relying solely on Aki would be enough to exact revenge, and even with the entire Special Division 4 at her side, the odds seemed stacked against them. 

Yet Aki refused to give up. Pushing forward could very well lead to total annihilation. 

It was only logical, then, to unite all the manageable forces to grasp even the slightest chance of success. 

While Himeno did not have a clear understanding of Abel's power, the fact that Aki was visibly unsettled and hesitant to speak freely suggested that Abel was no ordinary individual. 

Moreover, his ease in dispatching a formidable devil just by shedding some blood boosted Himeno's confidence in him significantly. 

Unfortunately, Abel had no interest in something like the Gun Devil. A Blade Devil would have been more his style. 

If Himeno was insistent on courting death, Abel could simply opt out of that optional part of his prayer order. After all, he could live without the reward. 

The next evening, the members of Special Division 4 gathered for dinner. Prepared for any eventuality and at the insistence of his companions, Abel also attended the dinner. 

What was supposed to be a routine gathering took an unusual turn with the arrival of a woman. 

"Miss Makima? What brings you here?" 

"I stopped by after work. Is my presence unwelcome?" 

"Not at all! Miss Makima, your very presence is an honor!" 

Compliments flew, and some couldn't hide their infatuation. It was clear that Aki wasn't the only one smitten with Makima; Denji felt the same. 

"It's that woman from the other day," murmured Abel, setting down his glass and recalling their previous encounter. 

She was the first person to give him a sense of danger. Was it because of a powerful devil she was contracted with or something else? 

After some pleasantries, Makima conveniently noticed Abel sitting in a corner, drinking alone. 

"Is he also a member of our Special Division 4? Why haven't I seen him before?" 

"Oh, that's because..." 

Himeno quickly explained the situation. 

Makima nodded. "I see, Mr. Abel, thank you very much for saving everyone." 

"It was merely a coincidence." 

"Mr. Abel is too modest. Where are you currently employed? Would you be interested in a position with the officials?" 

Abel shook his head; he felt she was fixated on him. "I'm quite content and free with my current life. Joining the officials? I'll pass." 

"What a pity. If you ever change your mind, Mr. Abel, feel free to let me know through Himeno." 

Makima, seemingly just making casual conversation, didn't persist after Abel's refusal. Instead, she easily engaged in light talk with the others. 

During the event, a drunken Himeno and Denji even shared a French kiss, which turned disastrous as the intoxicated Himeno ended up vomiting into Denji's mouth. 

This caused all present to show signs of disgust. 

Even Abel was profoundly shocked! 

Fortunately, he was still young and hadn't been ensnared by the woman. Otherwise, he would have been the victim of her drunken antics. 

Due to this fiasco, the remaining guests lost their appetite for continued merriment, and the dinner came to an anticlimactic conclusion. Before leaving, Makima remarked, "I'm off to Kyoto on a business trip tomorrow. It might take a week before I return, so be careful during this time."

Most people didn't take her words to heart. After all, wasn't their work always fraught with danger?

However, Abel felt there was a deeper meaning in the woman's words, a hint she had picked up on something and was intentionally reminding them.

"It seems we need to be on guard in the coming days."

While Abel was thinking this, he didn't expect that danger would arrive so swiftly.

Another night passed and it was daytime again.

At noon, Himeno invited Abel, Aki, Denji, the devil with two horns on her head named Power, and others to a nearby restaurant for ramen.

Abel had learned only yesterday that the woman with horns was actually a devil and that her true form was that of a Blood Fiend.

As for Denji,

"How can you guys stomach this ramen? It's awful."

While eating, a man in a suit seated by the window suddenly spoke up.

"I actually think it's pretty good," said Denji, heartily slurping his noodles.

"Can't even tell good from bad, huh?"

"Not surprising, I've heard if you eat the same flavor of things as a child, you grow up with a dull palate. Not discerning flavors can decrease your happiness level."

At that moment, Abel snickered, "You talk as if you've eaten many delicacies."

"Of course, my grandfather was in the mafia but he was good to me. From when I was young, he'd use money from selling flour to take me to various high-end restaurants. I've tasted countless exotic delicacies."

"Even though to others he was a vile man who committed many evils, to me, he was the best grandfather in the world, the 'necessary evil.'"

"It's not like he killed many women and children."


Abel couldn't hold it in and laughed again, "Sorry, sorry, please continue."

"What's so funny about what I said?"

"It's not just funny, it's hilarious."

Stern-faced, Abel retorted, "In the end, aren't you just the third generation in a mafia family who's been to a few fancy restaurants? Have you ever tasted the century-old concentrated soup so clear that it's nearly invisible when served on a plate?"

"Ever had the Swamp King, a creature with a massive body like a carp and limbs like shrimp?"

"What about the Pink Rhino, with its huge, hard snout?"

"Or the Strawberry Turtle, which lives only in dense fog and has strawberries growing on its back?"

"You haven't had any of those, right? And those unforgettable Ice Dragon Dumplings - you haven't even heard of them."

Frustrated and embarrassed, the mafia descendant shot back, "You're spouting nonsense! Rhinos with nostrils, Strawberry Turtles—do you think making up nonexistent creatures will fool me?"

Pityingly, Abel shook his head, "Someone who has never tasted the truly fine things in life wouldn't know what happiness is."

He was turning the man's own words against him.

If only his system inventory were accessible, he'd enlighten this guy.

"Abel, do those things really exist?"

"Of course, I've tasted them all, and they are the epitome of delicacies, flavors that some people can't even imagine in their entire lives."

The mafia descendant was provoked and suddenly stood up, pulling out a handgun.

He shot Denji in the head first, and then aimed at the man who had been spewing ridiculous claims.


Another gunshot echoed.

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