

After their discussion with Sengoku. Leon and Hina were heading towards the market.

Leon looked quite annoyed and Hina was just walking behind him with a slight smile.

"Leon kun! What's the hurry? Slow down." Hina called out looking at Leon's annoyed but cute face.

She understood, why he was upset. Being tricked first thing in the morning, by his grandfather no less!

"Humph" Leon grunted: "That old man going back on his own words. I will get back at him."

Leon was talking about what happened afterward in the office.

"Brat, remember, even though you have my permission, the conditions still apply, meaning, in six months you have to prove yourself.

I will leave how you will do that, to yourself! I simply want the results" Sengoku replied, already back in his fleet admiral attitude

"The same applies for lieutenant Hina. if you don't show me that you are worth investing such a capable instructor than she is out!" Sengoku added: "One more thing, her matter is not entirely up to me. Your Grandma will have the final say as she is directly under her and I am not fighting her."

Sengoku raised both his hands up.

"You cunning old man, you are still bullshitting after tricking your grandson!" Leon flared up, seeing the shamelessness of his grandfather: "Instead of calling you 'Sengoku The Buddha' everyone should call you 'Sengoku The Devil'!".

Leon was pissed right now but not on Sengoku but rather himself for falling in his trick. He was a 17-year-old for god's sake(mentally) and 22 if he counted the 5 years, he spent here!

"Hehe!" Sengoku laughed and posed by showing a 'V' sign with his fingers: "That's your grandpa for you!"

"I will get back to you. You old man!" Leon replied gritting his teeth, thinking all sorts of ways to antagonize him.

"Ok, enough talk!" Sengoku clapped his hands together: "Leo, you go outside, I will have some talk with lieutenant Hina here"

"Hmm, about what!?" Leon questioned: "Don't play any more games, old man. I am telling you, I won't join the marines and start my fishing career!"

Leon threatened as he already fell victim to this Devil Buddha.

"Don't worry, just official talk." Sengoku calmly replied: "Now go outside and close the door properly. No peeking!"

Seeing Sengoku's calm expression, Leon complied. He gave Hina a little nod and went outside the room.

Outside, Sullivan Greeted him with a smile. He quite clearly knew what happened inside as they were shouting so loudly but kept quite seeing Leon's mood.



"Leon Kun, are you still upset?" Hina asked seeing him still pouting: "Hina feels that, the Fleet admiral said those things because he wants you to become a marine who is just as great as him or even greater."

Hina consoled him.

"I am fine Hina nee." Leon assured her: "I am not upset about that anymore. I am just a little worried about the futur…, its nothing." He slipped up!

"Future?" She heard him!: "Hina thinks that Fleet admiral doesn't mean to force you. He just probably wants you to be a respectable marine and will not force you any further if you don't want to."

"Yeah! You are right Hina nee" Leon immediately agreed: "I am just overthinking about it. Hahaha."

Leon sighed in relief. She didn't think too much into it.

Leon already had his aim and ambition set before he even chose this world and he was not going to change that! He just needed to change how he approached them. One thing he clearly understood that sooner or later he will be forced to choose a side.

"By the way, Hina nee, what did the old man wanted to talk to you about?" Leon asked: "He didn't tell you to report everything I do or something like that, did he?"

Leon knew Sengoku must have asked her something. Definitely!

"Hehe." Hina laughed sweetly: "No, you idiot, Fleet admiral didn't ask Hina to do anything like that."

"Ok," Leon replied not quite convinced.

Soon they got out of the marine base. Just as they were about to hit the road someone called out from behind.

"Leon Chan, Hina chan, wait for me!" Gion was running towards them while waving her hands.

All the officers working around were looking at her in confusion. They didn't understand why an officer was making a ruckus in the Marine Headquarters.

Gion didn't care about it and soon met up with Hina and Leon.

"Leon chan, where are you guys going?" Gion asked after taking a few breaths.

"Hina nee has off day today so, we were just planning to explore and have a nice day." Leon said: "Are you busy Usagi nee?"

"I had that urgent report to submit but now I am free for the day" Gion replied cheerfully: "You guys are hanging out? I am joining in."

Gion was an officer in the 9th division unit. Now that she completed her report. She was free until further orders were given.

"Let's go then" Leon happily replied.

Gion started chatting with Hina and Leon followed behind them.

Gion was also known as Momousagi was currently 17 years old and a 'Lieutenant Commander' no less! She was also Leon's part-time caretaker.

Usually, when Tsuru went out on missions, Leon didn't stay in either of his grandpa's house and needed a caretaker, and because of Leon's sudden uncontrolled outbursts of haki and his overall unusualness, a normal caretaker did not suffice.

Therefore, as Gion was in another division, Tsuru appointed Gion whom she was quite familiar with, to take care of Leon for the period she was not here.

In a way, Leon was even more familiar with Gion then Hina. Leon too didn't have any complaints about it.

"Gion was a Gorgeous and slender woman with long-black curly hair and wore red lipstick which enhanced her allure even further. But, the real queen here was the 'mole' on the right side of her face just below her lips. It made her outright bewitching to the opposite sex.

Of course, her body proportions didn't lose either! She was currently donning a full-sleeved, dark pink-colored shirt with an open neckline that showed her voluptuous cleavage.

Down was even more daring as she wore Dark Brown shorts which only covered her tight but bouncy buttocks and only 20% of her legs. The rest of her toned, slender thighs were on full display for the cultured viewers, and to top it off she had black high heels on!"

She also had a big spider tattoo on the side of her left thigh giving an intimidating feel to her.

Overall, she looked like a 'Detonator' that can make you explode like a bomb.

This is why Leon was having a hard time right now because he was automatically looking at her bouncing ass. His body had again become hot and his little brother was slowly rising....

"Ba-dump… Ba-dump…" Leon's heart was beating loud enough for him to hear: "This is bad!"

Right now, they were in the middle of the street with people everywhere. Now, if his tent goes up in the middle of the street then it will be the flash story of the month!

Gion and Hina didn't notice him as they were still gossiping in front of him but soon stopped!

"Leon kun look, aren't those your friends?" Hina who was walking in front of him pointed towards her right: "Looks like they are still waiting for you"

Leon looked where she was pointing and sure enough, both Saeko and Saya were standing there in the heat.

"Saeko, Saya!" Leon called out to them while waving his hands.

As soon as they saw him, they ran towards him with smiles on their faces.

"What are you both doing here, standing in this heat?" Leon asked after they reached him: "Didn't I tell you to go home?"

"Hehe, we were just looking at the stores here" Saya replied, acting like a sly kitten: "Right, Saeko?"

"Yeah, I was looking for some groceries mother wanted me to buy," Saeko replied cutely, blushing halfway through.

She was pretty obvious with her lie as she was not even making eye contact with Leon.

"Ho! Is that so" Gion chimed in from the side: "It looks like even the two little birds are turning into foxes!"

"Ah! Gion nee" Both Saya and Saeko didn't notice Gion until now: "You were here?!"

"Oh! You both didn't even notice me?" Gion asked with a smile: "Looks like, by the time, you two grow up, I will be completely invisible!"

Gion replied while stealthily glancing at Leon, to tease them which seemed to work as their cheeks turned red and they lowered their faces to hide from Leon.

Leon on the other hand was focused on his own problem. He was controlling his breathing right now, to control his fast heartbeat. Slowly, his little brother also calmed down and returned to its normal form. The presence of Saeko and Saya helped him get out of his predicament.

"Phew! Dignity safe!" Leon mumbled softly. He had cold sweat all over: "You two, didn't I tell you to go home? Look, your faces have turned red, because of standing in the heat too much!" Leon looked towards Saeko and Saya who were hiding their faces and lightly scolded them.

"Sorry" Both of them apologized instantly, not wanting to dwell on this topic.

Hina and Gion just rolled their eyes at this dumb creature. He was perfectly fine when flirting with them but became a complete idiot with these two.

Leon too was not at fault here. He looked at Hina and Gion as Beautiful Women whereas he viewed Saya and Saeko as little kids, which was true as they were the same age as him.

"So, did you both get what you wanted?" Leon asked looking at both of them: "if you both are done, then wanna come with us?"

"Yeah! let's go" This time, both of them replied happily.

The Group of five then started walking together alongside the road.

Leon chan, are we going somewhere specific?" After some time Gion asked as they just planned to enjoy the day. The rest of the group looked at him for an answer.

"Yeah, First, let's go to the nearby marines supply station" Leon replied: "I have to meet up with that old geezer and order the things I need to be delivered."

"Delivered?" Gion asked in confusion

"The materials I need for my training, Gion nee" Leon answered happily

"What?!!" All the three girls except Hina exclaimed in shock.

"Yes, he got the permission from the fleet admiral" Hina explained this time:

"Leon kun went to headquarters to get the permission for his training" Hina then slowly described the whole story to them as they kept moving forward.

Leon planned to go to the warehouse after the supply station.

Now that he had a capable group with him, he planned on cleaning the warehouse today with their help. After that, he planned on having a romantic date with the two beautiful ladies. After some time they reached the area where the station was located. As they were walking, Leon noticed an ice cream shop on the right side of the road.

Leon was pretty familiar with this shop. Nobody would ask why?

"Ladies, care for some ice cream?" Leon looked back and asked the group: "This is the best ice cream shop in Marineford, I can guarantee that!"

"Why not?" Gion replied and all of them agreed: "Get me a… Ah, Leon chan!"

Leon didn't wait to hear what they wanted and dashed towards the store.

An old woman was sitting at the counter and fanning herself with a folded newspaper.

"Aunt Martha, How are you" Leon went ahead and greeted her: "You got my favorite one right?

"Oh, Leon chan! I am fine" The lady replied sweetly while looking at Leon's excited face: "Stock was filled just 2 days ago so I have everything you need."

The old lady liked Leon because of how energetic he was, especially when it came to ice cream.

"Cool! Then give me 2 chocolate-flavored cones, 1 mint with chocolate chips sprinkled over, one pure vanilla and one vanilla with strawberry flavor." Leon finished ordering in one breath. "Hurry aunt!"

"Just calm down!" The lady started gathering his ice creams: " Looks like this time you came with friends." Martha looked at the group that was coming towards the shop.

"Here you go" She brought all the five ice creams and put them in front of Leon: "These are the ones you asked, right?"

"Yep!" Leon exclaimed and paid. By this time the group already reached the shop.

"Leon chan why are you in a hurry? You didn't even hear our request!" Gion complained

Leon smiled and simply picked the ice creams from the counter.

"Here you go." Leon gave one chocolate cone to Gion: "This one's for you and you" He gave the only vanilla and strawberry one to Saeko and Saya: "And this one is for you Hina nee" Leon gave the Mint with chocolate chips to Hina.

They were surprised but had a smile on their face. Leon remembered all of their favorites.

"Looks like our Leon remembers something other than the things he eats" Gion commented while eating her chocolate cone ice cream.

"Of course, I do" Leon puffed up and replied: "I will always remember everything about the people I love, no matter how long and how far they are." Leon declared proudly.

The girls were surprised by his sudden declaration but didn't put it in mind thinking it was just boasting of a kid except for Hina, as she had been with him for the whole morning and felt the difference in him and surprisingly Saeko! She believed in him completely without any reason.

"Ok, let's go now." Leon didn't dawdle around and headed forward, with the group following him. Soon they reached the shop.

The shop had an old aesthetic to it. It felt like, it had been here since Marineford was created. In fact, the shop was one of the first construction on this island as a supply station and had never been changed. The shop was also quite big.

As Leon and the group went inside the shop. An old man was sleeping on the counter. He had a rigid body despite being old, showing his service in the marines and a Mario styled mustache.

Leon slowly went near the old man without making noises. "Old Geezer!" Leon shouted: "Is this how you treat your customers?"

"Ahh!" The old man woke up startled. He already knew who would do such a dastardly thing to him and soon found the culprit.

"You little monkey!" This time the old man flared up: "This time I will beat your ass up"

This old man's name was Godsworth. Leon was already familiar with him because of coming here several times with Tsuru and Garp and had a comical relationship with this old man.

"Grandpa, please calm down" A sweet voice came from inside the store. A girl, nearly the same age as Hina and Gion, came out from the door behind the counter. "You already have a breathing problem." She gently reminded him.

She had long, light blue hair that came down to her waist and had a beautiful oval face. For clothes, she was wearing a simple white t-shirt and a blue frock that matched her hair. She looked simple, kind, and beautiful at the same time.

"Oh, Peachy nee! How are you today?" Leon asked. Her name was Peachsworth, only god knows why? so, Leon called her Peachy for convenience.

"Leo kun, I am fine but, how are you?" she worriedly asked: "I heard you fainted yesterday"

"Oh that, it's fine. I was just hungry so I fainted!." Leon replied nonchalantly

"Fine but you need to take good care of yourself, okay?" she replied sweetly.

"Hmph! You don't have to worry, Peach. Look at the little devil. I say he takes pretty good care of himself being all-round and all" The old man behind the table replied with a grin.

"Heehee" Peachy laughed sweetly and so did the girls: "Grandpa, stop picking on Leo Kun"

"Who is picking on him, I am certainly not" The old man replied with a cheeky grin to tease Leon.

"Yeah, Yeah, stop picking on 'little me' old man but who knows someday I might run away with your granddaughter and leave you with nothing but your smelly face and this rundown shop," Leon replied calmly while picking his ear.

This time all the girls laughed together at Leon's joke making the old man even angrier. "What did you say brat?!!" Godsworth went on a godly rage: "I will beat your ass up today even Garp or Sengoku won't be able to stop me."

"What about Grandma?" of course leon was talking about Tsuru.

"Negotiable!!" Godsworth replied

"Ok then," Leon said and somehow the old man instantly shut up.

"So, what have you come here for?" The old man asked: "I don't have time to waste on kids"

"Yep, even though you got the time to look for Miss Sharnia every day in the evening!!!" Leon smilingly replied

"Hold on brat! Tell me what do you need, I will give you everything!" The old man as if getting a power boost sprang up from his chair and held Leon's mouth with one hand. He then looked around to see the reaction of others present. They were only smiling at him as if telling him the already knew!

The old man quietly sat back down on his chair feeling he lost something but couldn't put it into words.

"Respect!" A voice helped him from the side. He looked to find out a smiling 5-year-old boy, his nemesis looking at him with a smile.

"Calm down, grandpa!" Before he could blow up again, Peachy calmed him down: "Leo kun, don't tease grandpa anymore and tell me what do you all need."

"Peach, we came here for Leon kun. He needs equipment for his training" Hina replied from the side: "He got permission to train"

"Oh! Little Leo is already a marine?" Peach asked sweetly

"Yeah…fortunately," Leon replied in an unenthusiastic tone while remembering being tricked first thing in the morning.

"So what do you need Leo kun?" Peach asked while the old man was still down.

"Bars, weight lifting belts, ankles, wrists and back weight lifting equipment, and most importantly weights. Lots and lots of weights especially…." Leon started describing the things he needed.

The group did their own things. Saya and Saeko were following Leon and looking at all the things that took their fancy in the shops especially some stocks of swords and guns. Gion was checking out one of older stocks in the sword section trying to find something good and Hina was simply standing at the counter looking at the others.

After some time the old man that was now with Leon started shouting again.

"Brat! You cant have this." The old man was shouting from the basement: "What will you do with it? Did Sengoku even gave you the permission for it?"

"Old man, I told you didn't i? I got permission and I need this." Leon replied

Hina and Gion went down the basement to look at what was going on. Saya and Saeko were already with Leon.

"I am going to have a word with Sengoku" The old man stormed off to get the den-den Mushi.

After Hina and Gion came down. They looked at the thing Leon was arguing about and were shocked

"Leon chan, What will you do with it?" Gion asked Leon confused

"Yeah, isn't it better to try something small," Hina said. She was worried and so was Gion

"Hina nee, Usagi nee don't worry. It's just for show, nothing much!" Leon calmly replied

Soon after, the old man came back.

"What happened old man?" Leon asked with a grin: "Do I get it or not?"

"Hmph. You have the permission" The old man replied unwillingly: "Anything else?" the old man asked

Nope! I am fine for now but I am sure I will be back!" Leon replied sweetly

"I hope not!" The old man instantly rejected his idea. The others laughed again at his antique.

A few minutes later they all came up from the basement.

"Leon kun where are we going now?" Hina asked

"Mmm… now that we have got the equipment, we also need to clean the warehouse." Leon replied: "Usagi nee, take Saya and Saeko head towards the warehouse with the delivery. Hina nee and I will go and get the things we need to clean the warehouse and meet you there." Leon suggested as it was nearly noon and the sun will be at his highest, so he wanted to finish the cleaning now and have a free, pleasant evening with the ladies.

"Then you both bring the cleaning supplies and we will head with Peach as soon as she is ready" Gion agreed with Leon. Saeko and Saya also nodded their heads agreeing with him.

"You don't have to hurry, It will take some time to load the ordered equipment to transport." Peach replied from the side as she was making a list of the equipment need to be delivered. After, Giving the location of the warehouse to peach and the group Hina and Leon left.

After 15 minutes of walk, they finally reached the first shop that sold cleaning supplies but it was closed so they started looking for another shop. After half an hour they finally found a shop and got the supplies needed,then they headed back.

Leon was having a bad time because of the scorching heat of the sun. He was already boiling from inside because of the weird energy still flowing within him and now he had to deal with outside heat too!

Hina was walking in front of him with supplies in one hand. For Leon this was a torture, the Intense heat of the sun, the continuous heat of his body, especially where it all converged and a certain disease made sure he couldn't keep his eyes off of Hina's curvaceous body.

Leon had controlled himself for long but now he was at the brink. He was sure if they continued walking in this heat, he will snap! Just as he was going to call out to Hina to have a little rest. Hina turned around.

"Leon kun, I know a shortcut, let's go through that alleyway" Hina pointed towards a small alleyway between the buildings with shade from the heat: "Let's go through there. It will also protect from the heat." Hina didn't know about Leon's inner condition but she already noticed Leon having a hard time in the heat so she was searching for a place for him to rest.

Leon heaved a sigh of relief. Clarity came back to him as soon as he saw the shade from the sun a hurried there with supplies in both hands. Hina quickly followed behind him.

Leon rushed towards the alley but before he could stop his leg, he slipped on some slippery liquid someone must have throne in the corner and Hina who was right behind him had the same fate. But Hina being athletic didn't panic and did a black flip and stood straight and Leon being a pumpkin to boot did what he did best…

"Ah ah ah Hina nee!!" Leon stretched out his hand while falling and trying to grab Hina for support but ended her dragging her with him.

"Bam!" They both fell on the ground with Leon on his back and Hina on top of him!

Leon kun, are you ok?!" Hina immediately asked after falling on Leon

"..." Leon

"Leon kun?" Hina repeated because he suddenly became silent.

"Whoosh!" Leon suddenly flipped Hina over, with him on top of her!

"Leo…??" Hina pinned on the ground looked towards Leon.

Leon didn't say anything and slowly leaned towards Hina's lips and stooped just an inch away from her. Their faces were so close they could breathe in each other.

Hina was confused and puzzled. She knew he wouldn't do anything like this. She slowly calmed down. When she looked at his eyes, it seemed to have lost all colors. It was dark and blurry.

She felt weird for some reason while looking at his eyes. What she didn't know that the heat, that was constantly raging inside leon was currently radiating out of him and affecting her! She felt hot throughout her body same as Leon.

Of course, Leon himself was unaware of this development. The only thing he could see right now was a blurred vision of something he wanted to touch and feel. He wanted to give in to this feeling!

He was subconsciously looking at Hina. Her exquisite face, beautiful white neck, her alluring pink lips and the sweet fragrance of her curvaceous body. All of this was making him near insane. He was feeling like an starved animal given food after countless days only for him to reject it in the end. This feeling was overwhelming his mind and senses.

At last, he couldn't fight it anymore. He moved his head downward and stopped right over Hina's chest. He slowly leaned down and kissed between her plump breasts, then slowly moved forward and kissed on her milky, exposed cleavage while taking his time. Every time he kissed her body, he felt shocks of adrenaline throughout his body as if it was commanding him to ravage her.

On the contrary, Hina was also feeling something similar. At first she felt paralyzed but the constant energy radiating from Leon also affected her. Her mind became blank while her perception became stronger. Every touch of Leon felt as though he was sending electrical shocks in her body. She felt as if her body was not hers to command! She somehow felt afraid but excited at the same time.

Leon was slowly kissing her neck while giving her small pecks and bites. He was enjoying this sensation. Finally, he noticed her alluring pink lips as if waiting there just for him to taste them. As if Hina noticed his burning eyes filled with blazing passion, she slightly parted her lips as if inviting leon to have her. Leon couldn't restrain himself anymore and attacked her little mouth, trying to explore every bit of it.

"Meow!" Suddenly, a sound resounded in the silent alley and because there were no people nearby, it was loud.

"Screech!" Both Leon and Hina felt like two massive chunks of metal collided with each other near their ear. They instantly came back to their senses and found themselves in a situation they couldn't explain! Especially Leon, he was flabbergasted and dumbly kept looking at Hina who was doing the same.

"Leon kun?" Hina signaled Leon with her eye to look down.

Leon instantly realized the problem. He immediately got off of Hina and stood up looking the other way feeling guilty for some reason. Hina wasn't faring better, she was red all over especially her cheeks. She quickly adjusted her clothes.

After that, both of them remained quite for a few minutes not knowing what they should say.

Hina was lost in her thoughts right now. Unlike Leon she vividly remembered the moment. Although she was not angry at Leon, her mind was in turmoil right now. She blamed herself for not being able to control the situation but more than that she had a complicated feeling. She was nearly an adult(15) and she nearly kissed a 5 year old boy and the feeling she felt during that moment was definitely not of one between 'a little brother and a big sister', rather...

Whats more, she somehow wasn't feeling guilty about it! Shouldn't she be ashamed of it? What happened to her? She couldn't make sense of her thoughts right now.

Leon on the other hand quickly calmed down and was observing Hina. He already figured what was going through her head but couldn't explicitly say to her 'Woman i am older than you!' Could he?

He knew Hina must be blaming herself right now and it was better if this incident was forgotten, at least that's what she must be thinking. Even though he didnt clearly remember what happened, he didn't forget the rushing sensation he felt at that moment, nor did he wanted to forget.

*Cough* Leon tried to get Hina's attention.

Hina look towards him and found him grinning like an idiot. She was confused, here she was seriously contemplating about the recent situation and this cheeky brat was laughing!

But, for some reason she calmed down after looking at his grinning mug. She was overthinking about it too much, while it was just an accident. Although, she didn't know what caused that sudden change in Leon, she was sure, he would not do something like that just for fun. Plus the whole situation was weird: "Leon kun, lets forget about this accident and let's make sure not to…."

"Stop!" She was suddenly interrupted by Leon.

"What's done is done, no point in worrying about that Hina nee. I deeply regret what happened just now." Leon consoled her: "Why cant it happen a few more times?!! I am ready to fall a few more times if that's what triggers the situation. But, don't you worry Hina nee, the next time you fall on me, i will make sure to hold you tighter. You will feel no fall damage!" Leon replied confidently: "Also, the next time i see that damn cat, that day shall be his last." There was vengeance in his eyes.

Leon turned around picked up the bags with materials and headed back.

Hina took a few seconds to process what she heard. Upon confirmation she still came out with empty words. Here she was reprimanding herself for a mistake that wasn't even her fault and here's the criminal who was asking for more sugar!

"What was going through this little demon's mind?" This was the biggest question in her mind.

"What happened Hina nee, let's go or we will be late." Leon asked sweetly after picking up all of the fallen supplies and strut off like it was none of his business.

He knew he had to be shameless given his situation with the disease or his aim of making a harem in the future. He figured why not completely embrace his shamelessness! So, from here on out, he decided that he was not going to not hold back and fully use the chances provided to him by that old man. At the same time, he figured, why not impart some of his wisdom to his girls? They will appreciate it later!

Hina came to her senses and look towards Leon who was currently in very good mood, especially now that the energy raging inside him had calmed down for some reason. He was felling quite good.

For some reason looking at him walking away without any remorse made Hina from lightheaded to confused to super annoyed, real quick! He wasn't even reflecting on his mistake! She dashed forward and pounced on him from the back and held him in a lovely choke hold. Of course, she didn't put much force into it, just enough!

"You shameless brat, what did you say?" She held him with one hand and used the other hand to pinch his cheeks tightly: "Here is Hina worried about you and you are making fun of me." Hina was determined to give him a lesson.

i am.... soryee, Hina nee. Plese...let me off this time. I will make sure to catch you real tight next time....Promise!." Leon replied while getting his cheeks stretched by Hina but ofcourse, he was happy, because currently his head was being engulfed by her two soft melons and he was thoroughly enjoying this soft sensation, until caught!

Hina didn't know what to say anymore. This shameless kid was not backing down one bit moreover he was even praying to get more chances.

"Little, shameless rascal. the next time i will teach you a lesson!" Hina murmured to herself and relesed him. She picked up her share of supplies from him and started walking.

Leon was very happy right now. While walking, he kept looking at Hina. He didn't know but he was drooling from the side of his mouth while thinking of the previous situation.

Of course Hina noticed him idiotically looking at her and also knew, that this shameless brat was not thinking about eating ice cremes!" She pinched his nose: "Little Devil, look forward when you walk" Hina tried to act angry.

"By the way, Leon kun. You are quite heavy, aren't you?" After, walking for some time Hina asked.

Leon looked towards her with puppy eyes and replied: "Even Hina nee is making fun of me now! *Sob*" Leon tried to act hurt

"Pop" Hina knocked Leon's forehead: "You dummy, I am talking about your actual weight. It felt heavier than it should be"

Hina remembered the moment when she tried to save Leon from falling. Even though she didn't have a solid footing because of the slippery liquid. She was sure, she pulled him with enough strength to make him stand straight with no problem.

"Oh, you noticed" Leon embarrassingly scratched his head: " My weight has always been nearly three times greater than that of an average person with the same build as me. Hahaha"

"So that's why!" Hina figured this could be the case when she couldn't get him off of her with little force.

But, if want to punish me for that incident then go ahead. I 'Leon' am a man of my words, and will not back down from it!" Leon loudly claimed while straightening his back trying to look like a proud man.

"No. Still too early for that." replied Hina calmly.

"Khaa!" Leon nearly choked on his spit: "Damn women! Show some mercy."

"Hmm? You said something? What are you waiting for, lets go or we will be late!" Hina replied while trotting off ahead.

There was some pride somewhere, but no matter for it was gone now. Leon became like a deflated balloon while Hina was having her little laugh.

"Well, whatever, sooner or later, I will show her the man I am!" Leon cheered himself up: "Ok let's forget the man part… for now! Just tell if you want anything Hina nee. I will do it for you."

"Oh, Little Leo will do anything for Hina?" she asked smilingly, as if teasing him.

"Even if you wanted me to bring you a star, i will do it. Even if I am not capable of it, I sure as hell will give it a try!" Leon looked directly in her eyes and replied confidently.

"Little idiot" Hina murmured while looking away.

" *mumble* Otherwise, the groceries stores are there. will get some Christmas stars...*mumble* " Leon thoughts

"Well, Leon kun, there is something that I wanted to ask you?" Hina suddenly replied

"Hmm! What?!!" Leon asked slightly startled: "Just tell me Hina nee, I will do it."

"Today in the office, why did the Fleet Admiral call you 'Monkey D. Leon'?"

"Well, that's because...!!"

Yo, Here's another chapter and Thank you for reading.

BoredDWritercreators' thoughts
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