
One Piece: Bone Demon (Hone no Akuma)

Dante, a 24-year-old college graduate, wakes up on the small island of Nirena in South Blue in the world of One Piece after a night of heavy drinking. Thrust into a reality of pirates and marines and armed with the extraordinary powers of the Bone Devil Fruit, he trains to increase his strength. And embodying the Will of D, he decides to amass a crew to roam the world as a free man. Whether he will be a force for good or bad remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: Dante's arrival will change everything. _________ Release Schedule: 1 chapter per day Bonus chapter: 1 chapter every 200 Power Stones READ THE INFO CHAPTER FOR PICTURES OF THE CHARACTERS. *Constructive criticism is appreciated. *I will keep publishing if you guys like it. *Exclusive thanks to Alittlepiggy33 the author of "Re:life with karmic gacha", for recommending my fic on his.

Berserk_Asura · Komik
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28 Chs

CH-4: Venturing out the Island

A week later, the merchant ship arrived, Kosuke and I stood at the docks, watching the crew unload goods. The ship was enormous, larger than anything we had ever seen, with sails billowing in the wind and a bustling crew going about their tasks. It felt like the perfect opportunity to start our journey.

Gathering my courage, I approached the merchant. "Excuse me, sir," I began, my voice steady despite my nerves. "Would you be willing to take us on as chore boys?"

The merchant, a burly man with a grizzled beard and sharp eyes, looked us up and down. "Chore boys, eh?" he said, scratching his head. "I don't know, boys. There isn't much work you could do that would be of real help."

Kosuke quickly stepped forward, determination in his eyes. "Please, sir, give us a chance to demonstrate what we can do. We can carry loads off the ship, help with cleaning, anything you need."

The merchant raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Alright, let's see what you've got."

We moved swiftly, carrying loads off the ship. Our loads weren't as large as those carried by the big, muscled men, but they were still significant. Our muscles strained under the weight, but we pushed through, proving our strength and determination. After several trips, the merchant's expression softened.

"Oh, you kids have quite the strength," he said with a chuckle. "You can come aboard."

Excitement bubbled within us as we hurried back to our hut. We packed our bags, stuffing in our clothes and the little money we had saved. As we prepared to leave, we made rounds in the village, saying our goodbyes.

"We'll be back someday," I promised the villagers who had gathered to see us off.

Among the crowd were Aunt Agatha and Peterson, our old teacher. Aunt Agatha, a stout woman with a warm smile and kind eyes, enveloped us both in a tight hug. "Oh, my dear boys," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "Take care of yourselves out there. Remember, you'll always have a home here."

Peterson, a tall, thin man with spectacles perched on his nose, adjusted his glasses and gave us a firm handshake. "You two have always been exceptional," he said. "I have no doubt you'll succeed in whatever you do. Keep learning and stay safe."

Kosuke nodded, his eyes determined "Thank you, Aunt Agatha. Thank you, Mr. Peterson. We'll make you proud."

Aunt Agatha wiped a tear from her cheek. "You already have, my dear. You already have."

With our farewells said, we boarded the merchant ship, hearts pounding with a mix of excitement and nerves. As the ship set sail, the island we had called home grew smaller in the distance. Our new life on the open sea had begun.

Our daily tasks on the ship involved washing the deck, organizing the goods, and ensuring everything was securely tied. It was hard work, but we relished the challenge, knowing it was a step toward our dreams.

Weeks passed, and one evening, the ship docked at a new island. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the small city. The captain gathered everyone and informed us, "We'll set sail again tomorrow morning. Get some rest and be ready."

Eager to explore, we quickly finished our tasks and set out into the city. The streets were alive with activity, shops brimming with various goods and the enticing aroma of street food wafting through the air. We marveled at the bustling marketplace, eyes wide with wonder.

"Look at all this food!" I exclaimed, pointing to a stall selling skewered meats and exotic fruits.

Kosuke nodded, equally amazed. "Let's try some."

We sampled different foods and desserts, our taste buds exploding with new flavors. Realizing our clothes were worn out, we decided to buy new ones. After some browsing, I chose a tshirt and a denim jacket and cargo pants, while Kosuke picked a black sleeveless jacket, a red T-shirt, and black pants. We spent 8,000 beri on clothes, leaving us with 42,000 beri.

We changed into our new outfits and continued exploring the city. My eyes caught sight of a bookstore, and I couldn't resist going in. I purchased books on navigation and biology, along with a map of the South Blue. The map, our priciest purchase, cost 10,000 beri.

With the sun dipping below the horizon, we reached the outskirts of the city, an area with few pedestrians and even fewer shops. As we decided to head back to the ship, we were suddenly ambushed.

A fist came out of nowhere, landing hard on my face and sending me sprawling. Before I could react, a kick slammed into Kosuke, knocking him to the ground. Disoriented, I looked up to see four men surrounding us, typical ruffians with scars and malicious grins. Two of them held knives, their eyes glinting with malice.

"Why are you attacking us?" I demanded, struggling to my feet.

The ruffians laughed. "Selling you kids will bring us good money," one sneered, his voice dripping with cruelty.

I quickly signaled to Kosuke, using hand signs we had developed during our training. Kosuke nodded subtly, understanding the plan. I charged at the nearest goon holding a sword, shouting to draw attention away from Kosuke.

Using the power of my fruit, I increased the bone density of my fist and threw a punch. The goon smirked at the incoming punch and caught it nonchalantly with his hand extended forward. Only to wince in pain from the impact caused by the rock-hard fist.

At that moment, two shots rang out. Kosuke, having pulled out his hidden pistols, took down the men holding knives. They collapsed, lifeless, with holes in their foreheads.

Meanwhile, I didn't waste a moment. I extended the bones in my knuckles, forming claws with hooks, and pulled at the goon's palm. The man cried out, jerking his hand back in response to the sudden pull but it only resulted in the goon further injuring himself.

The last goon ducked behind cover, firing potshots at Kosuke, who took cover and returned fire.

I blocked an overhead swing from the sword with a gauntlet formed of dense bone which emerged from my forearms. Then I proceeded to counter it with an uppercut, plunging my claw into the attacker's head.

Instead of retracting the bone claws and dropping the body, I kept using the body as a shield. Advancing towards the last goon hiding behind cover, I used my free hand to pull out my own flintlock.

After reaching an appropriate distance from the last attacker hiding behind cover, I raised my flintlock, aimed it toward him, and pulled the trigger.

With the fight over and the final enemy slumped down, dead, I retracted my claws and dropped the body.

"Let's get out of here," I said to Kosuke, who nodded, his eyes a bit dull. We ran back to the ship, adrenaline still pumping through our veins.

Moments later, figures gathered at the scene, discussing the gunshots and the dead ruffians. Some called for revenge against the killers, while others suggested reporting the incident to their leader. They eventually disappeared, taking the bodies and traces of battle with them.

Back on the ship, I noticed that the killing hadn't affected me as much as I expected. Maybe it was my exposure to gore in my past life or my hunting experience. Kosuke, however, was disturbingly silent. Not that he wasn't stoic to begin with, but this silence was different.

I sat down beside him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Kosuke, they were criminals. They would have sold us, and we would have died. You protected us."

Kosuke's eyes brightened slightly. "I just… I never thought I'd have to kill someone."

I nodded, understanding the weight of his words. "I know. But remember, you did it to keep us safe. You kept your promise to protect me."

Kosuke managed a small smile. "Thanks, Dante. I guess I needed to hear that."

My expression softened. "You're my best friend, Kosuke. We're in this together."

After a moment of silence, Kosuke asked, "How do you know so much about the world and crime?"

I shrugged, trying to appear casual. "I've read a lot, there are times when being a bookworm helps."

Kosuke nodded, accepting the explanation with a smile. We ate a quick meal and then retired to our quarters, exhaustion finally catching up with us.

The next morning, the ship set sail again. Using the map I bought, I searched for places where we could learn and grow stronger. My eyes fell on a familiar name: Karate Island. I approached the captain, curiosity and hope mingling in my voice.

"Captain, do we have any plans to head toward Karate Island or any nearby islands?" I asked.

The captain, busy with navigation charts, looked up. "We don't have business on Karate Island, but we will stop at a nearby island in a few months. Why do you ask?"

My eyes lit up. "I've heard there are places where we can learn martial arts and become stronger. It could be beneficial for us."

The captain chuckled. "You boys are always looking for ways to improve, huh? Alright, we'll see what we can do when we get closer."

I shared the news with Kosuke, excitement evident in my voice. "There's an island where we can learn martial arts and become stronger."

Kosuke's eyes showed a flicker of interest. "That sounds promising, Dante. I'm looking forward to it."

For the next few months, we trained diligently and did our chores. Our routine became a blend of hard work and intense training, each day bringing us closer to our goal. We sparred with each other, pushed our limits, and continued to learn from the books I had bought.