
One Piece: Astral Trapping

Silver, curly hair awkwardly hangs over a strong, gloomy face. Sharp grey-blue eyes, set charmingly within their sockets, open and confusedly watch as snow falls on his face, a scar in the middle of his forehead marks his legacy but, more importantly, leaves a lasting impression of a fighter. Deep cold attacks his body, however he's not at all fazed as he remembers what just happened. "What the... are those pillars in the snow?" "Wait are those giant rabbits!?" "I didn't think from all places I'd be sent here. Damn it's cold as hell!!" ….. No MC isn't a 'trap' and it doesn't involve selling drugs. xD This is my first story, I'll try to stay away from most clichés, open to suggestions and feel free to leave reviews. Protagonist won't have any type of system or guide or whatever, just his knowledge from his previous world and starter pack given by the Isekai fairy when he transmigrated. He will take a very different path from most crews and no currently known straw hats in the crew, some will be very surprised by his crew members. And no Pirate King, but much stronger..."^" I never gave much thought on romance or having a 'harem', but if enough readers want it - I can give my best shot at it. You decide. Drawing in the cover belongs to its respective artist and if he/she wants will be taken down. I don't own OP in case you didn't know...

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11 Chs

First Visit in The Astral Plane

POV: Village Guards

"W-what... was that?" - one of the guards barely managed to make out as it felt like his heart stopped beating for a second.

"Do... do you think that was the 'Lord of the Forest'? Did he save us? - another still trembling questioned.

"LORD OF THE FOREST?", "SAVE US? WE ALMOST DIED!!!" - another round-looking short-tempered guard shouted out, although his arms were still shaking.

Taking a moment for all of them to calm down, count their losses, and mourn their comrades. They were preparing to return to the village when a more experienced guard saw something not too far away buried in the snow.

"Wait, there's something up ahead. Lads prepare for battle we might not be out of the woods yet." - the one that looked more veteran and seemed to be the leader ordered as he slowly took out his spade.

They all stiffened hearing this, but took out their weapons and slowly approached.

'What should we do even if we approach? That's where that giant claw came from, we could barely handle the rabbits.' - that was their thought was as they came closer, but they knew they couldn't back down, their families were only a short distance away, heaven forbid if that beast followed them home.

As they got closer, a human silhouette could be seen buried face up in the snow.

Upon inspection, a long silver-haired youth with a scar on his forehead, and what looked like a necklace made of blue fangs above a dark cloak that covered most of his body - although his athletic form was still evident, his flip-flops showing and his outstretched arm in the snow with a golden bracelet around his bicep.

He also seemed quite tall, as even laying down they could tell he seemed to stand above 2 meters. (A/N: google 'Acnologia human form' to get an idea of what he looks like)

"It's just a kid. But how did he survive in the blizzard? He's only covered by a thin rag." - the commander that first saw him approached and took a look, even though he could tell this young man seemed poorer than most of the villagers - there was something special about him.

And the way his arm was stretched as if he'd hit something before falling unconscious - only one thought came to his mind.


He quickly ordered his men to carry him and return to the village, even though the way he appeared out of nowhere was suspicious, he still helped them and drove the beasts away saving the village.

"Let's get him to a doctor." - was the last thing the commander said before heading back to the village.




POV: Adriel

Slowly opening my eyes and trying to stand up, I realized I was no longer in the frigid wind. Looking just above me, what I could only describe as boundless stars and galaxies in all manner of colours and shapes - for a second I thought a giant red crab streaked across the 'sky' - must be my imagination.

I quickly found out that I couldn't move, or at least when I tried physically moving I just slowly floated along - and I mean SLOWLY.

"Alright this isn't working out." - trying to walk normally wouldn't be effective in what I assume is the 'Astral Plane' - that or I'm already in limbo...

Regardless, when my power was bound to my soul, all of the basic knowledge involving 'Astral Trapping' was transmitted, including knowledge about the astral plane - granted, very shallow knowledge.

'Supposedly everything in the astral plane moves via thought rather than action. Even someone like Kaido would have more success using his brain rather than his brawn'

At first, I thought it would take multiple tries until I'd manage to move, however, it's surprisingly easy - you just have to imagine moving forward and that's exactly what happens.

Granted, I'm nowhere near as fast as that giant crab I first saw - more like a slow jog, but still much better than flopping around in one spot.

I know that for me to return, I have to personally create a 'Gate' back to my body - which seems easy enough, aside from the fact it takes a fair amount of focus just to move around in this place, much less open 'portals'.

'Since I'm already here and don't know how or when I'll return - might as well practice a bit of control and maybe even create an 'Astral Link''

An astral link is in essence similar to a mark or tag which would allow me to draw upon the power of whatever entity/celestial body or energy/force I 'link' with - as well as provide me with a direct connection to it.

'I don't know my current limitations, but doubt I could mark a sentient being currently, as far as I know, I'd instantly die to their mental suppression, my best bet would be a non-senti...'

As my thoughts were wandering off, in the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of a really tiny mass of white light - about the size of a rice grain.

So tiny in this endless expanse that I might have missed it had I not turned my eye for a second.

I had an idea of what it might be but to confirm any theory I had to get closer.

When I did so, something bizarre happened - this tiny mass of light would very slightly push me away, and if I stopped moving, it would very slowly but surely push me back, at the same time instinctively I noticed a small influx of astral force around that light spreading into every direction.

'There's only one thing which I know of that would have this kind of phenomena'

'A white hole' - unlike the much more known black hole, which due to gravity pulls in everything in its vicinity including light (which is why it's black because no light can escape) - a white hole would be the exact opposite.

Nothing can enter, but everything else is repelled or expelled. It's also theorized that black and white holes are linked and basically different sides of the same coin - everything the black hole attracts is expelled by the white hole and at the end of every black hole is a white hole and vice versa.

I could use this.

Astral links allow me to draw upon whatever force I link them to - astral force included. And while in theory, I could create a link in the AP (A/N: from now on 'AP' means Astral Plane), not connected to anything, in the hope of gathering astral force - it would be very ineffective.

Equivalent to trying to catch fish with a small net in the middle of the ocean. It's possible but extremely ineffective. Increasing the number and size of the nets would make it infinitely easier, but currently, my limit is one link the size of my palm - meaning to say - not a very big net.

However, if I create a link close to that white hole - even though it's not a very big one (A/N: if it was bigger, he wouldn't even be able to get close, currently...), it would be like having the fish swim directly in my net.

That way I will be able to passively replenish my astral force, perhaps even increasing my reserves of it.

With that said, now comes the hard part. Coming close enough to the white hole to actually make my astral link effective - the tricky part is the closer you get to it the stronger the repel force is - like trying to make two magnets of the same sides touch, harder the closer they get.

I had no chance of putting the link right onto the white hole and encasing it - the repulsive force was too strong, but I didn't have to. If I could get within an arms reach that would be more than enough to currently fill my astral force reserves.

Using all of my focus I started moving closer and closer to the white hole - and damn was it fighting back!

'Fuck is this what 'Shinra Tensei' feels like'

Really uncomfortable, like one of those slingshot rides at amusement parks - except without the going back down part.

"FUCKING BASTARD, GET CLOSER" - safe to say I'd rather die right now than to let a fucking hole beat me - regardless of how tight the pressure is. (A/N: yes)

After what felt like my whole brain reaching my ass and almost passing out, I managed to just barely get closer than an arm's length.

Without thinking twice I instantly made a link - which felt oddly similar to squeezing clay and leaving a hand imprint.

As soon as I did that, all my focus went on the link and I was directly pushed back a few car lengths away - for the better, almost felt like puking.

Right now I was already dizzy and tired, so after a few moments to stop myself from drifting into 'space'. I started making a 'gate' back to my body.

Which was fairly easy, as I just imagined the portals Dr. Strange uses to teleport, leading to my body - granted in my case, it was a very clumsy portal that took multiple seconds to form (kind of like when Dr. Strange first made a portal).

'Noted don't try to make a gate when fighting, or I'll become skewer meat."

Once through the gate, I quickly 'entered' my body that looked to be sleeping on a comfy regal bed in a stone room.




I opened my eyes and tried to sit up when a sharp voice rang from across my bed rang in my ears.

"AAAAHHH" - the little figure sprang from the chair knocking it over and ran out the room.

That's right. Tony Tony Chopper, the straw hats mascot was just across the room hiding behind the doorframe and peaking at me.

Any suggestions on who Adriel could meet in the Astral Plane?

Any character from fiction or otherwise is fair game.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Senseisancreators' thoughts