
One Piece: An Edens Fall

"Your adventure has just begun. Now, where will your own two feet take you?" - Mother. -------------------------------------------- Ziggy was raised on a small island in the South Blue with no association with the outside world. What will change when a girl and a talking cat meet him? And then there's his mysterious grandfather. -------------------------------------------- Aboard the Edens Zero, a lonely boy with the ability to control gravity embarks on an adventure to find the fabled treasure known as One Piece. Or is it the memories and friendships that you made with your crewmates during the adventures? -------------------------------------------- Adventures of Ziggy and Eden Pirates in Onepiece world Onepiece X Edens Zero This story mostly follows Onepiece canon but Edens Pirates.

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4 Chs

01 - The Granbell Island


Somewhere on the South Blue

Under the night sky, a young boy named Ziggy watches the night sky alongside his grandfather and Michael, his caretaker.

The grandfather has golden mane-like hair reaching down to the ground.

The three of them are stargazing, and suddenly the boy notices a shooting star. "Oh! That star is moving!!"

"You know what that is?" The golden-haired individual said, "It's a dragon."

"A Dragon!!!"  Ziggy repeated in excitement.

"And I think I know that particular Dragon, who is the only Dragon I know of," the old man added.

"Really!!??  Who is it!!?? Tell me!!!"  Ziggy was jumping with excitement.

"I think it's a comet," Michael, the caretaker, said.

The grandfather chuckled. "I fooled you, Ziggy!! Shihahaha!!!" 

Ziggy was dumbfounded. His grandfather loves to prank him. He pouted.

"But you won't know until you see it up close." The Old Man added while patting Ziggy's head. 

"There are loads of things you'll never know if you stay on this island all your life. You need to go to lots of kingdoms, meet lots of people, fight strong people, have an ambition greater than the whole world...

…And make lots of friends." The old man has a look of regret flashing across his face.

"Friends?" Ziggy asked.

"Friends and ambition are the most important things in the world. They'll support you through thick and thin and take you to the top of the world."

"If you have a friend who will shed tears for you and an ambition to be on top of the world…

…You'd better treasure them forever."

"You mean Michael and you!?" Ziggy asked curiously.

"I don't have any great ambitions, Ziggy; I just want to see you grow up healthy and happy." Michael said. 

"My ambition has changed; I will tell you about it when you are older, when we meet on the Grand Line."

"Grand Line!!!  One day I will travel all the seas and visit all the islands in the world, then I will go to the stars and visit all the moons, and then I will travel to...

…What else is there, Grandpa!!??" 

"Shihahaha!!!  There are more than 20,000,000 islands in this world, and no one has ever visited all the islands. And who knows what else is out there; even with my abilities, I can't travel to the cosmos."

"Then that is my ambition; I will travel to all the islands, find the world's mysteries, and travel to the cosmos!!" Ziggy said with a grin.

"Shihahaha!!! and how will you do that?" The old man was curious.

"I will make friends, and with their help, I will do it." Ziggy was proud of his decision. 

"Shihahaha!!! That's a great ambition to have, my boy."





A boat can be seen sailing towards Granbell Island. 

"Look Rebecca! There is an island!" A Blue talking cat said excitedly.

"The map says it's an island called Granbell." The cat added.

"Oh!! Granbell Island!!" The teenage girl named Rebecca said.

"It looks better than I thought. I'd heard it was just an old deserted theme park." Rebecca added.

The girl named Rebecca and the talking cat dock their boat on the island.

"This island doesn't have any ports, so it's true that Granbell Island is abandoned.

But it really does feel like we've come to a Fantasy world." Rebecca said. 

They are standing in front of the entrance to the island. It has a big entrance gate that says 'Granbell Theme Park'. The village looks like it's from a fantasy world. The villagers can be seen walking around in the area. 

"But there are people in there," the cat pointed out.

"But there aren't any ships or ports on this island, so how do people arrive or leave? Do they never leave this island?" Rebecca was confused.

"That's a possibility, I can't see any young people; there are only old people in here." The cat said.

"Do you think there will be a hidden treasure here, Rebecca?" The talking cat added with a doubt.

"Of course there is. This place doesn't seem to be wealthy, and since the residents are all old, there might be a possibility that there is a hidden treasure on this island that no one has discovered yet. And the island is small, and there is a small forest that way, the treasure might be there somewhere." Rebecca excitedly pointed in the direction of the forest.

"Sounds a bit delusional, but okay." The cat murmured.

"Hey you, I haven't seen you before. Who are you? What do you want from our island?" Someone shouted from inside the village.

"It's okay, we aren't pirates. We are just adventurers that want to travel around. I am Rebecca and this is my friend Happy." Rebecca introduced themselves.

"Aye!!" The cat said.

"We are here to restock, rest for a while and explore this place." Rebecca added.

"So you are guests, right? Then welcome to our Granbell Village. I will show you around. My name is Joseph. You are the first visitor we have had in years. Not even pirates come around these parts of the sea, not that I complain about having pirates. But our island is close to being forgotten." Joseph responded with some emotions, going from happy to sad.

"But don't worry, there is an inn called Granbell Inn at the end of the road, you can rest there and have some food. I'll show you the way." Joseph brightened up.

"Thank you for your hospitality. But why doesn't this place have a port? We tied our ship to a tree near the sea."

"It's because we don't leave this place, even for selling goods, the island has this village only, and all of the residents are way past the age for sailing. We have wild animals in the forest, we farm the land, and there is a river flowing through the middle of the island. The climate is good all around the year. And the whirlpools around the island are dangerous for us old people to sail." Joseph said. "You have great navigation skills if you sail past the whirlpools." He added.

"Yep, we are awesome." Happy shamelessly replied.

In reality, they caught up in a storm and accidentally arrived past the whirlpools.

They entered the village, and the residents were happy to see a visitor. Some of them even give them some fruits for free. 


Sometime later. Rebecca and Happy can be seen eating inside an inn called 'Granbell Inn'. Rebecca changed her dress into something the villagers offered. A full-sleeved white shirt with blue accents, a blue short skirt, black knee-high boots, and a hat. Happy is wearing a small white shirt and dark blue trousers.

"Woohoo!! This is so much fun!!! An amusement park all to ourselves!" Rebecca screamed in ecstasy.

"Even the food fits in with the theme." Happy happily replied.

"And they have stuff like this!" Happy showed a poster with monster-killing quests. 

'The monsters' are technically wild animals. The quest offers rewards for killing or capturing 'the monsters'. Trophies, clothes, and food, to name a few.

"Let's beat up some monsters and win some glamorous prizes." Happy added.

"That'll be a great adventure!!" Rebecca agreed.

Both of them set out for the woods to complete some quests.


In the forest, Rebecca and Happy can be seen looking for quest monsters.

"There are only birds, rabbits, and squirrels." I don't want to kill them, they are cute."

"I know you'll say that Rebecca. Maybe there will be some if we go further."

They saw a huge cat monster sleeping in a mountain valley. 

""IT'S HUGE!!"" Both screamed.

"Be quiet, Rebecca, that monster will wake up otherwise." Happy reprimanded Rebecca! even though he also screamed.

"Yeah, let's be quiet. We are lucky that the thing didn't wake up. But Joseph said there were only wild animals and not monsters. This thing is definitely a monster."

"But you know, now that I look at it… it's a kitty!" Rebecca squealed quietly.

"Sigh, here we go." Happy sighed.

*MRROW…* *PURR...* *MRROW..*

The monster was snoring.

"Kyah…, it's so cute!"

*ZWHUD* *SQUEAK* Suddenly something came crashing on top of the cat monster, knocking it out, scaring Rebecca and Happy, and knocking them back from the shockwave.

"Kittyyyy!!!" "Aaahhhhh!!!" Rebecca and Happy shouted while falling down.

On top of the knocked-out cat monster, a person can be seen. He was rubbing his head while mumbling something.

"A… A person?!" Rebecca was confused.

*GLARE* The person menacingly looked towards Rebecca. He has spiky black hair covering half his face and covering his back fully. He was wearing a high-collared, red-and-black open jacket with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms. Underneath, he wore a simple white shirt with a v-neck collar. He also sports baggy, green-colored trousers, which possess noticeable white details on both sides. Lastly, his choice of footwear is a pair of simple, black boots. Overall, he looks like a ruthless pirate.

"Eeeeeek!!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!!" Rebecca screamed in fear.



Sorry for not posting yesterday.

I didn't have any time to edit the chapter yesterday.

Once again, this is a One Piece X Edens Zero crossover. And I am doing this for fun. I will try to upload daily, but no promises. But weekly at least one chapter is a promise.

So what do you think about the start?

I added some twists to the story.


Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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Mr_Nightcreators' thoughts