
One Piece: A New Beginning

At the age of 12 Darren Butler died from kidney failure. As an avid one piece fan, he loved the show a lot , and from his own words his favourite devil fruit was the Yuki-Yuki no mi. “The Yuki-Yuki no Mi is an amazing devil fruit, Monet miss used it, it’s definitely not weaker than the Hie-Hie no Mi!”. Darren would always get into debates with his school friends of it. After his death he found himself within the same one piece world he loved. And a gift package beside him. —— Warning: 1.Don’t expect too much accurate timelines

RadicalAM · Komik
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20 Chs

5. First Encounter with Marines

Darren oblivious to the bounty that was being assigned, walked away from the battle field.

Snow particles still lingered in the air making the street cold even after he had left 10 minutes ago.

As he walked towards the shore, a marine ship sailed towards Saboady Archipelago. Darren bought some rations as he boarded the boat and sat down.

"Well now the marines are definitely gonna send a captain or above", Darren then used his devil fruits powers to sail away.

He sat there training his observation haki, this is a method he incorporated into his training. After a few days of sailing, he saw a ship in the distance he smiled as he saw a Marin logo.

"They came really quickly", Darren then got up speeding towards the marine ship.

"Captain Hina, the target Darren Rees is speeding towards us!".

Captain Hina looked as she saw Darren, 'he really is a kid".

"Ready the cannons", Hina replied, Darren speeding towards them saw the canons facing him. "Wait Captain Hina, I'd like to talk to you".

"Hmm?, talk? Hina doesn't talk to criminals". 'She really does talk in third person', "well Hina, I'm sure you have seen the video and know that the Celestial's were in the wrong right?".

Hina frowned as she couldn't think of a rebuttal. Darren then continued "you are marines, and you uphold justice, so please see right from wrong".

Darren was trying to gaslight her, but it seemed to not have worked, "I'm sorry but Hina has been given a mission to capture you a pirate".

"Pirate?, hold on hold on, Miss Hina your mistaken, I am no pirate", 'they actually said I'm a pirate?'.

Hina taken aback looked at him "your not a pirate?", "no".


After a moment of silence from the marines and Darren, Hina said "still for killing a Celestial Dragon you have to be arrested".

"Miss Hina I'm afraid I can't comply". "Then there's no reason to talk". "Fire the canons!".

*Boom*, 'let's see how strong you are future Rear Admiral Hina!'.

"Snow wall", the canons hit the snow wall as it protected the boat Darren then fired small snow bullets in the canons mouths malfunctioning it. "Captain Hina, the canons malfunctioned!".

"Don't worry, Hina will attack him" Hina replied. Darren proceeded to sink his ship in the sea, surrounded by snow protecting it from getting wet as he jumped onto the marine ship.

He then took out the marine soldiers on the boat as he made his way towards Hina. "Captain his too strong!", Darren then fought against Hina using his Fish-Man Karate they exchanged blows soon Hina's hand started phasing.

Darren then made his body intangible as she passed through it, Darren taking the opportunity roundhouse kicked her.

'His a logia user?!, this has became annoying for Hina', Hina thought. "Your fruit is useless against me captain".

"Snow blast!", a beam of snow dashed towards Hina with its aftermath sending the remaining Marine soldiers of the boat "ahhh!". Hina crossed her arms preparing for the blast as her marine coat and red suit ripped apart.

She then crashed into a ship wall. Darren standing there saw a Den Den Mushi as he picked it up and rang Marineford.

*Pruprupru* *Ding*.

"Moshi moshi?". "Ahh, hello Sengoku-san, it's me Darren Rees and it seems the bounty you have put on me is quite unnecessary since I'm not a pirate". "Huh?, Darren Rees, you're the kid who killed the Celestial Dragons, hoo, you're a brave kiddo calling us when ur wanted."

"Well, you have seen the video right?, I had no choice but to kill him since he threatened my life, it really is self defense".

As Darren continued his conversation Hina dashed at him kick towards his face. "Well your captain is attacking me right now so we'll speak later, and please stop calling me a pirate".

He then hang up before Sengoku could reply. "Wahahaha, Sengoku the kid got you good wahahaha". "Shut up Garp", "but what's interesting is that kid said his not a pirate and doesn't like to be referred to as one".

Garp then stopped laughing as he said "do you think we can make him a marine, wahaha then atleast you'll be rid of this headache easier than having to chase after an kill him".

"Hmm, that is a good idea".


Darren an Hina continued exchanging blows, Darren fought with Hina perfecting his skills more and he found it amusing how she kept getting back up. "Captain, it's quite obvious I'm stronger than you so let's end this".

"Snow prison" Darren clenched his left hand as a prison trapped Hina. "There we go, see you later".

Darren then jumped off the ship as his boat resurfaced, he then landed and sailed away. Hina still trapped in Darren's snow prison tried breaking out.

It took her about 15 minutes until the Snow Prison gave way. Looking into the distance she wondered why Darren spared her as they were enemies, she then got up and called marineford telling of her failure to capture Darren Rees.

"Hina failed to capture Darren Rees", she said whilst the off board soldiers climbed back on the ship. She looked around the ship as it had a few cracks and damages.

"The ship needs to be repaired aswell".


Back at marineford, in Sengoku's office both Sengoku and Garp read Captain Hina's report as they both stayed silent, "from what Captain Hina said, he seemed to have been toying with her the whole time".

"That little kid is stronger than he looks, and his usage of his devil fruit is impressive, his able to bring out the true potential of the fruit".

"We'll increase his bounty to 260 million berries" Sengoku added, Garp taken aback said "what about trying to recruit him?, he clearly has the power of a Rear Admiral and above". "Indeed, but we'll see for now", Garp then sighed.


Enjoying the breeze Darren thought back to the fight with Hina 'it seems that until the New World, using Haki isn't necessary, so whilst I'm here I should further strengthen my devil fruit mastery'. Darren then played around with snow at the top of his fingers as he trained his observation haki at the same time.

He then unleashed his conquerors haki's full power as the surrounding sea became restless, waves and vortexes appeared with knocked out fish surfacing at the top.

After depleting his haki reserves he relaxed lying down and looking at the sky. Three weeks passed as he arrived at his second island, Foolshout Island.

"I've lost the persuit of the marines so this'll be my base for now and I'll train here", "I'll also celebrate my 15 birthday in a few days".

Smiling Darren hid his boat in a corner as he stepped on the island. He saw ginormous Cactus's everywhere, thinking of a place to build a hut he ran around until he found a great spot which was hidden pretty well.

"I'll build here", he then built a snow hut as he went in and brought out his rations inside.

"This hut will keep me warm during the heat aswell great work" Darren gave himself a thumbs up.

"I'll train here for a few months then leave, I have to see Skypia"

"I'm quite close to learning ryou so before I leave I should learn it".