

“Who are you?” The voice said who stared at Roselina with curiosity in his gaze. Roselina opened her eyes and saw the man's face and jumped to sit upright on the bed with a scream. She tried to get off the bed but felt soreness between her legs and realized she had slept with the man and lost her virginity to him. “Go away.” She screamed without looking at the man's face as he left the bed for the bathroom. He didn’t meet her in the room before he came back as she left with no traces. Roselina drove home looking rough and sad, crying while driving back. She met her father with his wife. “Where have you been since yesterday? Look at you, you spent your night out there with whom?” Her father yelled at her. “And who are you to ask me that? You're not my father, why yell at me like that, do you even care?” Rosalina yelled back with tears. 20 hours ago...(Yesterday)... “Don’t worry, father, I'll disappear as you want,” Rosalina yelled to her father, who was fuming with anger, his eyes all red. “How dare you raise your voice at me, you unfilial daughter.” Mr Kim Hyun Woo yelled at Rose, who was not going to engage with whom he wanted her to marry. “I dare, father, I have told you I don’t love him, U-Jin is just my friend and yet you’re forcing me to get engaged to someone I don’t love for your reasons… you can just choose your second daughter to marry him, okay.” Rose yelled and ran to her room, locking herself up. “Honey, why don’t you just leave her since she won’t listen, after all, she’s not your daughter.” Mr Kim Hyun Woo's wife, whose name was Yeri, said, rolling her eyes. “If she’s not going to do what I want, then she should leave my house.” Mr Kim Hyun Woo said angrily while Rose came out of her room and unknowingly, heard them. “What! Did she just say I’m not your daughter?” Rose said, shocked and unable to believe what she heard. Mr Kim Hyun Woo was shocked to see her because they thought she was in the room. “Huh… well… uh” Mr. Kim Hyun Woo didn’t find suitable words as he stuttered, but Rosalina stormed out angrily with tears, entered her car, and drove with speed as she couldn’t believe she was just a bastard of the Kim family. “I’m not going back to that house,” Roselina muttered to herself with tears as she tried calling her friend’s number, but it was off. Then she decided to go to her house, but she didn’t find her at home as her door was locked. Rosalina was so sad and thought of going to the hotel and spending her night there, but she drove to a club to have fun, maybe she could forget all she had on her mind. POV This is Roselina, but her Korean name is Yoona. She lost her mother when she was ten, who died of a heart attack the day her father confessed he had a wife and a daughter but later brought them to the mansion. Mrs. Min-Ji didn’t look like she was hurt and accepted the fact that her husband married and had a daughter secretly and brought them to the mansion because of how much she loved him. But things changed when Mrs. Yeri and her daughter started living in the mansion and always caused trouble, especially with her daughter. When Rose and Mrs. Yeri's daughter are fighting, Mr. Kim Hyun Woo takes Mrs. Yeri’s side, shouts, and yells at Roselina’s mother. The day they fought, Mr. Hyun Woo refused to see Mrs. Min Ji, who was having a hard time in her room, crying until she started having a hard time breathing and died from a heart attack. QUESTION...… Who was the young man? Do you think their one-night stand was destiny? Would destiny get them to meet again after that night? How would Roselina live her life when she found out she was pregnant? Are you curious to know about this novel? Okay, let’s look into this story and grab our popcorn as we check into this serial novel and find out what it has for us.

Rikky_Joy · perkotaan
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44 Chs

Pregnant? ( Can I Have Abortion? )

"Yes, do you have an appointment with old Sir Kang Shin?" the man in the suit asked.

Yoona paused for a second before nodding.

"I'm a family member here," she said.

"Okay, please come with me," the man in the suit said and led the way into the house.

They walked into the house together and met Old Kang Shin with his wife and three people in the sitting room.

"This miss said she is a family member and wants to meet you," the man in the suit said after greeting her with a bow.

Mr. Kang Shin and Old Madame Kang turned to look at Yoona and were shocked.

"Come forward," Sir Kang Shin said to Yoona, who bowed as she walked further to them.

"Who are you, young lady?" Sir Kang Shin asked Yoona, looking at her familiar face.

"Why does she look so much like Min-Jin?" the man seated opposite said as they all looked at her familiar face.

"I'm Yoona, Mrs. Min-Jin's daughter," Yoona said with her head down.

"What!" Old Madame Kang said, covering her mouth.

Sir Kang Shin didn't say anything for a while as the living room was silent for some minutes.

"I know how much you hate my mom. It's fine if you don't accept me as part of the family, since my mom was disowned and not part of the family anymore until she died. But I came here today to ask something, which I know Sir Kang and Old Madam Kang are the ones, who have answers to my questions," Yoona said softly.

Sir Kang's eyes were red as they looked at their granddaughter talking.

"What question do you have for us to answer?" the man sitting opposite said again.

"It's been three weeks since I found out Mr. Hyun Woo is not my biological father, and I went through Mom's diary and found out Mom was married before my foster father. She was pregnant with her ex-husband before their divorce, which made it me today," Yoona said, looking boldly as she spoke.

The whole family was surprised because none of them knew about this. Min-Jin had hidden this from them since she wasn't part of the family before she died.

Old Madame Kang burst out crying.

"Please, could you please tell me my mom's ex-husband? Because I need to know my father, even though I'm not accepted into the family," Yoona asked softly.

Sir Kang was short of words, as everyone in the living room was in shock. Old Madame Kang couldn't stop her tears as she cried, remembering her daughter Min Jin.

"Your mother caused this to herself because we told her that the man she thought she loved would only bring her misfortune, but she wouldn't listen," Sir Kang Shin said.

"If you were good parents, I don't think mother would be in that condition and die after being neglected, not only by her husband but by her own family," Yoona said coldly, which caused the man sitting opposite to frown.

"Don't you have a manner or way to speak to older people?" the man said, disgusted.

"Since I have no answers to my questions, I'll leave then," Yoona said as she walked out and left the mansion to her suite.


"📞Hey, what's up?" Suzy's voice said from the other side of the phone.

"📞Yeah, I'm fine. I'm in the hotel suite already. Though I met them, they don't seem to care, so I'm going to stay here for a while to find out who my father is," Rosalina said softly on the phone, talking to her friend Suzy.

"📞Okay, be careful and take care of yourself. I'll come to visit on my day off. But are you going to stay in the hotel until you find what you're looking for?" Suzy said, asking.

"I'll just get myself a house to rent for a few months. I can't be in the suite for so long," Rosalina said.

"That's good then. Please take care, okay?" Suzy said with a concerned tone on the phone.

"I will. I'll hang up now. Bye," Rosalina said and hung up.

Rosalina walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower. As she returned to the room with a towel around her chest.

Her phone rang while she walked to get it and picked it up;

"📞Hey," she said softly, knowing who it was.

"📞Hi, I heard from your dad that you left home because he wants us to be together," U-Jin said softly on the other side of the phone.

"📞U-Jin, you're my friend and will always be my friend. I have told you as well that I don't have any romantic feelings towards you, and you know that. But, how could that man keep on forcing me to marry you? Has he told him he's not my biological father? I'm not his daughter, and I don't belong to that family anymore, so I have nothing to do with them," Rosalina said on the phone.

"We've been friends for years, and it's not bad if he chose me to marry you. Don't get me wrong, I'm just saying. He didn't mention you not being his biological daughter, but your sister and her mother told me that. I didn't believe them until now that you are saying it. But I'm here and will always be here for you if you need anything, okay?" U-Jin said on the other side of the phone, sounding calm.

"Yeah, thank you. I don't think I'll come back to that place to live," Rosalina said softly.

"Where are you now?" U-Jin asked.

"Seoul, to look for my family," Rosalina said softly.

"Okay, don't worry. I'll come to visits once in a while to check on you," U-Jin said softly and sweetly.

"Thank you, Jin. I'll talk to you later. I'm tired and need to rest," Rosalina said as they exchanged pleasantries before hanging up the call.

Two months later...

Rosalina was in the sitting room eating snacks since she had been feeling somewhat sick and picky, as she stopped eating the food that she loved the most.

Rosalina wondered what was going on with her but she wasn't paying attention until the afternoon when she was eating her snacks while watching a movie with her friend, Suzy, who came to visit her after getting a week off from work.

Rosalina felt her throat sore and felt like she was going to throw up. She stood up and ran to the bathroom and vomited.

Suzy was worried and scared, wondering what was wrong with her best friend.

She helped her out of the bathroom while walking back to the room.

"Are you okay?" Suzy asked while Rosalina could only nod her head weakly.

"I think I'm weak and feeling dizzy," she said weakly.

"We have to go to the hospital for a check-up. You look sick," Suzy said, while Rosalina nodded, agreeing to go to the hospital for a check-up test.

"Get something comfortable to wear. I'll drive you to the hospital," Suzy said as Rosalina changed into something comfortable, and they left the house for the hospital.

After the check-up test, the doctor walked to them with the result.

The doctor smiled as he invited them to the office.

"Here's the result," the doctor handed the result to Rosalina with a smile.

"The result shows you're two months pregnant," the doctor broke the news to them.

"What!" Suzy yelled in shock.

The doctor looked at them, confused.

Rosalina was shocked and looked at the doctor blankly as she tried to digest what the doctor had just said to them.

"Pregnant?" Suzy asked again.

"Yes, Miss, your friend is two months pregnant. Congratulations," the doctor said, smiling, not knowing what the situation was like for them.

"Can I have an abortion?" Rosalina said sharply, making the doctor look shocked.

"No, thank you, doc. Rose, we have to go," Suzy said as she stood up and pulled Rosalina up from the seat.

"I said I want an abortion. Can't you hear that?" Rosalina said a bit angrily, but Suzy pulled her with her as she dragged her out of the doctor's office.

"What the heck are you saying? You want to abort the pregnancy. Are you okay?" Suzy scolded Rosalina.

"I'm okay. How do you expect me to keep the baby that I don't even know the father? A one-night stand with an unknown man," Rosalina said with tears.

"Let's go back home first. We have to think deeply before taking any step or doing something stupid," Suzy said as they walked into the car and hopped in, driving back home.

Throughout the drive, Rosalina was lost in her thoughts until Suzy tapped her lightly to inform her they arrived at her house.

Stepping out of the car, Rosalina didn't wait for Suzy as she walked into the house.

Suzy knew how down and sad her friend was.

She walked to her in the sitting room and hugged her, comforting her. That was all she needed as tears rolled down Rosalina's cheeks.

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