

“Who are you?” The voice said who stared at Roselina with curiosity in his gaze. Roselina opened her eyes and saw the man's face and jumped to sit upright on the bed with a scream. She tried to get off the bed but felt soreness between her legs and realized she had slept with the man and lost her virginity to him. “Go away.” She screamed without looking at the man's face as he left the bed for the bathroom. He didn’t meet her in the room before he came back as she left with no traces. Roselina drove home looking rough and sad, crying while driving back. She met her father with his wife. “Where have you been since yesterday? Look at you, you spent your night out there with whom?” Her father yelled at her. “And who are you to ask me that? You're not my father, why yell at me like that, do you even care?” Rosalina yelled back with tears. 20 hours ago...(Yesterday)... “Don’t worry, father, I'll disappear as you want,” Rosalina yelled to her father, who was fuming with anger, his eyes all red. “How dare you raise your voice at me, you unfilial daughter.” Mr Kim Hyun Woo yelled at Rose, who was not going to engage with whom he wanted her to marry. “I dare, father, I have told you I don’t love him, U-Jin is just my friend and yet you’re forcing me to get engaged to someone I don’t love for your reasons… you can just choose your second daughter to marry him, okay.” Rose yelled and ran to her room, locking herself up. “Honey, why don’t you just leave her since she won’t listen, after all, she’s not your daughter.” Mr Kim Hyun Woo's wife, whose name was Yeri, said, rolling her eyes. “If she’s not going to do what I want, then she should leave my house.” Mr Kim Hyun Woo said angrily while Rose came out of her room and unknowingly, heard them. “What! Did she just say I’m not your daughter?” Rose said, shocked and unable to believe what she heard. Mr Kim Hyun Woo was shocked to see her because they thought she was in the room. “Huh… well… uh” Mr. Kim Hyun Woo didn’t find suitable words as he stuttered, but Rosalina stormed out angrily with tears, entered her car, and drove with speed as she couldn’t believe she was just a bastard of the Kim family. “I’m not going back to that house,” Roselina muttered to herself with tears as she tried calling her friend’s number, but it was off. Then she decided to go to her house, but she didn’t find her at home as her door was locked. Rosalina was so sad and thought of going to the hotel and spending her night there, but she drove to a club to have fun, maybe she could forget all she had on her mind. POV This is Roselina, but her Korean name is Yoona. She lost her mother when she was ten, who died of a heart attack the day her father confessed he had a wife and a daughter but later brought them to the mansion. Mrs. Min-Ji didn’t look like she was hurt and accepted the fact that her husband married and had a daughter secretly and brought them to the mansion because of how much she loved him. But things changed when Mrs. Yeri and her daughter started living in the mansion and always caused trouble, especially with her daughter. When Rose and Mrs. Yeri's daughter are fighting, Mr. Kim Hyun Woo takes Mrs. Yeri’s side, shouts, and yells at Roselina’s mother. The day they fought, Mr. Hyun Woo refused to see Mrs. Min Ji, who was having a hard time in her room, crying until she started having a hard time breathing and died from a heart attack. QUESTION...… Who was the young man? Do you think their one-night stand was destiny? Would destiny get them to meet again after that night? How would Roselina live her life when she found out she was pregnant? Are you curious to know about this novel? Okay, let’s look into this story and grab our popcorn as we check into this serial novel and find out what it has for us.

Rikky_Joy · perkotaan
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44 Chs

Outstanding Wife

Rosalina finished cooking and set the table for her two adorable little ones.

The kids ran to the dining room and sat down happily, smiling.

"Wow, you made all the delicious food, yay! I can't wait to start eating." Joon Ah said happily.

Rosalina smiled and kissed her daughter's cheek lightly.

"I made your favorite," Rosalina said to the little girl who was smiling happily.

"What about Dad? is he not going to join us?" Joon Woo said and looked up at their mother, who smiled and nodded her head to him;

"Of course, your daddy will join us when he is ready," Rosalina said to the children, while Joon Ah stood from the dining chair and ran to the living room, clutching their dad's hand to the dining table. Gu won grinned and walked with her to the dining room.

Rosalina prepared their food while the rest of the family prepared to eat. Gu Won took a spoonful of kimchi to his mouth. He grinned as he was stunned by Rosalina's delectable meals.

He sat still for a few seconds and leaned over Rosalina, who was eating quietly and not paying attention.

"You are a good cook. It's so rewarding to try the delectable food you've prepared." Lee Gu Won said.

Rosalina stared at him for a moment and smiled;

"Thanks for your sweet talks," Rosalina said so, causing Gu Won to chuckle as they ate quietly afterward.


A few months later….

Rosalina became so popular and loved by everyone in a few months after her film was released and had millions of viewers in less than a month.

Her success has compelled the majority of successful companies to work with her, and a lot of films have been signed, and are waiting for her to get back to them.

She became one of Korea's most popular and successful actresses and models.

"This week has been such a tense day for me, I need to take my time and relax for a while. For now, cancel any contract, I can't kill myself with work,'' Rosalina told her assistant, who was advising about some tasks that are still to be done.

"I have signed two profitable contracts for you, and I have scheduled your meeting for the two companies. One is filming with SK industry, as they have chosen you to be the female lead for the filming, and the other is R & B. Since they've chosen you to be their female ambassador, it's just taking a picture for their brand, for marketing, but you're going to have a couple shoot with their male ambassador, Sung Ho." Assistant Hana said softly.

Rosalina grinned; "why do you have to accept them without me knowing? You should cancel it because I don't want to work for two months. I need to enjoy myself as a who I am, not going to continue with work as a workaholic." Rosalina said and twitched her mouth.

"I'm sorry, but they're just too profitable to let the opportunity pass away. I promise you that I will not disturb you to work until you are ready again," Assistant Hana said acting cute by blinking her eyes severally at Rosalina.

Rosalina sneered and smiled;

"Are you acting cute right now? You should figure it out yourself, but I'm not going to work for the time being, until I'm ready again. I guess you're now my boss, right? Rosalina said softly but frowned.

Assistant Hana smiled cutely;

"You are the boss, but I should pursue profitable work for my boss. I'm sorry, but are the ones I picked cool? I have promised the two CEOs that I would encourage you to work with them." Hana said with pleading eyes.

Rosalina sighed and looked at her;

"Okay, fine," Rosalina said causing assistant Hana to smile happily and tell Rosalina she would schedule her meeting with the first deal.

"Okay, but you should schedule the meeting for next week because this week is my whole week to relax and I have to attend my hotel banquet tomorrow," Rosalina said to assistant Hana who nodded her head.

"I'll get going now because it's getting dark, or do you need me to go on an errand for you or some other work for me?" Assistant Hans said smiling as she accepted her.

"No, it's fine you should leave now. I'm sick of talking about W

work." Rosalina said to her assistant.

Assistant Hana chuckled and bowed slightly before leaving.

Rosalina's assistant left her and she stood up from the living room walking up the stairs to her kids' room.

''hey, babies," Rosalina called as she entered their room.

"We are going to start living with great grandma and grandpa truly?" Joon Ah asked, looking so cute with her pretty smile.

"Why are you guys so happy just because of that? Do you want to leave mommy and start living with your dad's grandparents?" Rosalina said and frowned.

"We aren't leaving you, Mommy, we're just going to spend some time with them." Joon Woo said comforting.

"You should both behave well and not trouble your great-grandparents, okay?" Rosalina said smiling.

"Okay, mommy. We promise to be a good good" Joon Ah said smiling happily. Rosalina smiled, she had no choice but to. They are their grandparents, so they should be happy, Old Madam Lee has been a nice person to her, but the rest of her family does not like her except Old Master and Madam Lee.

Rosalina and Gu Won had been pretending to the family that they were in a real relationship, but it was all just a show. But Rosalina has been having strange feelings for over a month now since Lee Gu Won has always been kind to her.

Her heart would skip she thinks about him. She hated the feelings, but she couldn't help but think about him.

Tomorrow is the day of her hotel banquet where she will reveal herself as the CEO of the Royal Land Hotel, which she owns but hides from everyone except her best friend Suzy.

"Should I tell him? I should not, no. We don't have a serious relationship or a close friend to tell him about it. I'll just keep quiet and let the media outlets do their work." Rosalina said to herself as she walked into her room.

* * *

"Are you sure of what you're saying? She owns the hotel, and tomorrow is the day she will be introduced as the hotel's hidden CEO." Gu Won was in the office, asking about what Rosalina had been up to lately, and he told his assistant to report everything about what she had been up to recently.

"Yes, boss. Ms Rosalina'd mother bought the building when she was still alive hid it from her husband and made a statement to his lawyer that Ms. Rosalina should claim it when she grows up. Ms. Rosalina was in school when she claimed the building and transformed it into a hotel with the help of her mother's lawyer, who had been told to give Rosalina the building ownership when she was growing up, so she transformed it into a hotel that was successful and became one of Seoul's most luxurious hotels today." Assistant Hyun said softly.

"Okay, get me a VIP ticket and I want to invest in the hotel. Schedule a meeting with the person in charge of the hotel now and say, "I want to invest in the hotel on my behalf." Gu Won said to his assistant.

Assistant Hyun was shocked to hear his boss said he would love to invest in the hotel, but he composed himself before being disciplined if he challenged his conduct.

"Okay, boss. I will do it right away." Assistant Hyun said and bowed before leaving the office.

Gu Won finished the last files he was working on and packed up, smiling to himself like he had won a lotto.

"I never thought she could do all this on her own, even though she owns the hotel, which is also one of Seoul's best hotels. I can help her get the hotel to the top of the list, I know I won't regret it. I like women who are outstanding and who do things on their own. Which made me curious and even want to know how capable she is handling things on her own." Gu Won said to himself, sounding like he was talking to someone.

He took his coat that was hung and walked out of his office. He took the elevator to exit the company closed for work for the day.

He hopped into the car and drove himself to the grocery store, picked up some items for his children, and decided to buy Rosalina an expensive, high-end women's silver necklace.

He hopped in the car after shopping and drove straight to the villa.

"I hope she will take it from me." He said to himself.

He drove into the compound and parked his car well, it was getting dark, so he took the shopping bags out of his car booth and walked into the house. He met his children in the living room; they ran to him when they heard he was back.

"Dad." The little girl screamed and ran to hug him with her twin brother.

"Daddy bought you a lot of snacks and toys for you." Gu Won said hugging the children. He dropped the shopping bags and took their hands, walking them to the living room.

Two maids walked up and took the shopping bags to the kid's room.

"How about you guys go to check what Daddy bought you, huh?" Gu Won said to the children. They nodded their heads and ran upstairs to their room.

Rosalina, who was watching, stood up to leave the living room, but Gu Won stopped her;

"Hold on." He said and walked to her, taking out the small bag he dropped on the sofa.

"This is for you." Gu Won said, softy.

Rosalina smiled softly;

"You don't need to get me things. I am sorry, but I can't accept it." Rosalina said softly not taking the bag.

Gu Won smiled and took her tiny hand, giving her the little bag.

"I'm willing and happy to get this for you. Please accept it as a present from me. If you decide not to collect it then I don't have a choice but to kiss you unless you take it. Gu Won said and smiled pervertedly.

(^ ^)

Rosalina was stunned when Gu Won said that.

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