In Dare’s world it’s dominate or be dominated. She’s betrayed by her best friend and has no choice but to be dominate in order to take care of her little sister. Along the way she meets a mysterious man who challenges her dominance. Will she accept this challenge ?
Excruciating moans escaped from the room. Dare closed the front door as quietly as she could letting the sounds sink deep into her heart. She rushed to her room and stood as the door quietly for a few seconds scared of what she might see. She open the door and her eyes-widen. "WHAT THE F*CK?!" She screamed. Her boyfriend immediately grabbed a pillow trying to cover himself. But Dare wasn't focused on him, she was focused on the girl he was sleeping with. Her best friend. "How could you.." she asked her as tears rushed down her face and her lips shivered. "Babe, I thought you were working late??" Her boyfriend, Ace blurted out. "HOW COULD YOU?!" She yelled again at her now ex-best friend who was attempting to cover herself with the comforter. Dare walked towards her ex-best friend, Chloe and slapped her. "Get out." She told them, staring at them with pure hate in her eyes. "Don't ever talk to me again." She said in a keen tone.
Chloe and Ace tried to get dressed but Dare grabbed their clothes and threw them outside. Ace and Chloe hot on her tail making sure nothing happened to their clothes. "Be reasonable, Dare.." Ace muttered."GET OUT!!" She yelled. "B-but..-" Chloe stuttered, afraid of being outside naked in the open. Dare already knew was she was gonna say and cut her off, "I don't f*cking care, LEAVE!! This will be the last time I ask before I resort to violence." Dare threatened, gritting her teeth. Chloe and Ace both knew that Dare wasn't joking and immediately ran out. Dare slammed the door behind them and immediately fell to the ground crying. Nobody cared, those were the only people in her life that pretended they did. She sobbed her heart out, reminiscing about what had happened. Her mom and dad died in a car accident when she was 17, her little sister was 1 at the time so they lived with their grandma until Dare moved out and gotten enough money to take care of them both. Baby Drea walked out of the room rubbing her eyes. "Is big sissy ok?" Drea asked. Dare looked up and picked Drea up. "I didn't mean to wake you." She mumbled. The thought of those two doing something while she was here, sleeping, made her blood boil. It angered her. "Let's get you back to bed." She said patting Drea's back. With a few pats on the back Drea went back to sleep. Dare thought to herself, "Atleast I still have you, Drea." She kissed Drea's forehead and laid her down. Dare went back to her room. She didn't want to sleep in there anymore, her mind was still haunted by the recent events so she grabbed spare sheets and slept on the couch. The night pasted quickly, Dare didn't get much sleep she was turning and twitching all night. She woke up in the morning and got into the shower. She took a long cold shower, still thinking about the events that unfolded. "No Dare you've got to be strong!!" She thought in her head. She turn the water off and only put on her panties and bra and then wrapped herself in a robe. She then went to the kitchen and started breakfast, she knew Drea would be up soon.
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