
It was you, wasn't it

The right time to make my move.


After exiting the gorgeous crystal elevator, we reached upon a long corridor lined with luxurious cream carpet and decorated with jade vases and white roses.

My dirty shoes, however, did not dirty the carpet. I felt heavy as I was being held hostage by the 3 men beside and behind me, all over 6ft wearing black suits and black masks.

I wasn't wearing much but now less since my bag and coat had been left in the boot of the black car.

1 minute passed, 2 minutes passed, 3 minutes passed and yet we still hadn't arrive at the place.

To be honest with you, my mind was blank. I couldn't get my thoughts straight. It was all over the place, I had cuts and bruises on my body, my legs as weak as a petal on a flower, my eyes stinging vigorously and my head was hammering with pain.

I remember now. It was the time of the month when I get regular migraines along with weakness in my muscles. I felt so dizzy, I couldn't stand straight. My legs arms were red and aching horribly. I can't possibly withstand this pain any longer. It's all to much.

I usually have migraine tablets on me but after rummaging through my pockets helplessly, struggling in the embrace, I knew I wasn't going to find any. Moreover, these people aren't normal kidnappers. They were experienced as they dragged me along the wide, pin-drop silent, corridor. With violence and unforgiveness in the heads. No mercy.

Right now, I wish everything would just turn back to the way it used to be before. Normal, silent, quiet. I couldn't regret my decision to come here anymore, and what hurts me more was that my sister was at home. Alone. Wondering where I was.

Suddenly, I felt an ubrupt stop and looked up. With all my remaining strength, I broke off their embrace and moved to lean against the wall next to me.

We stopped right at the end of the corridor before the man to my left made a phone call and left. Then it was just me. Just me in the wide corridor, that soon became corridors, that soon became smaller, that soon became blurry, that soon became black.

Black and nothing more.

I had a dream. I long dream. One that was unclear to me. One that I couldn't remember. It was horrible. I woke up and it slowly hit me that this was no dream. Indeed, it was reality. I woke up from heart ache.

I was laying in a white bed, with a white sheet over me. Luckily I was still wearing what I wore yesterday but that wasn't the point here. The point is, even thought I was in a stranger's bed, even though I wasn't in my own bed, it felt like home. This place. I felt like I knew this place.

Strangely enough, as I was getting deeper into my thoughts, I was awaken by the sound of a closing door. The front door. And that's when I knew I was alone.