
The Prize Giving Day

The ghosts were coming faster towards him. Gary tried to run but his legs could not carry him. They were like logs of wood. It was as if they were rooted to the ground. The wicked looking ghosts did not stop. They kept moving towards him. Gary tried to shout for help but no word came out of his mouth. Before long, the ghosts were all around him. They each had long canes.

"Thwack! Thwack!" sounded the whips as they flogged him.

He wept and begged them for mercy, but his pleas were like water off a duck's back. They tied him up and carried him like a helpless rabbit 🐰. Gary found himself being thrown into a deep pit. The ghosts poured sand into the pit to cover him. "Gbim, gbim!" the sand fell inside the pit.

Suddenly, Gary jumped up to hear the sound of someone knocking on his door. covered in sweat, he shivered like a drenched rat when he remembered the nightmare he just had. With some effort, he got up and opened the door. It was his mother, Mrs Thompson.

"Mum, good morning, " Gary said.

"Morning, my son. Are you alright? You look pale," said his mother, looking anxiously at Gary.

"Mum, I had a very bad dream," Gary said, yawning.

"Eeh? No wonder you woke up late. Today is your prize given day. What happened in the dream?"

Gary told his mother everything they happened in the dream. She consoled him and told him not to be afraid. Thereafter, Gary rushed off to prepare for school.

Gary was sixteen years old. Had two siblings; two elder sisters, Abigail and Emily. The first child is nineteen years old while seventeen years old Emily was the second child.

Gary soon forget about his nightmare when he sat down to his breakfast of fried plantain and egg. He was particularly excited about the Prize Giving Day. He knew he would receive a prize. He hoped the he would come first in his class as he often did.

As he was putting on his shoes, he heard his friend, Tom, talking with his mother.

"Good morning, Mrs Thompson."

"Good morning, Tom. You are early today, " Gary's mother replied.

" Yes Mrs Thompson. Today is our Prize Giving Day. I'm excited," Tom replied.

" Gary!" Gary's mother called.

" Yes Mum," Gary answered. He finished buckling his shoes and looked around to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything.

"Hurray up and come out, your friend Tom is waiting for you," his mother said.

" Yes Mum," replied Gary, taking one last look at his uniform before he rushed out. Gary was a very neat and well-behaved boy. His mother taught him and his sisters to be neat and hard-working. The two friends chatted excitedly, as they went to school.

" I wonder who will come first this year," said Gary excitedly.

" I heard that the prize is a thousand dollars and some books," replied Tom.

" Wonderful!" Gary exclaimed. " I bet that peacock, Isabella, thinks she will take the first position this year."

" Don't mind her. just because she beat you last year, she thinks she thinks she will win this time," Tom replied.

Isabella was a seventeen years old girl in Gary's class. Both of them had been struggling for the first position since they were in year one. sometimes, Isabella took the first position but most of the time Gary was first. The previous year, Isabella had come first while Gary had come in second place. Gary had cried all the way home. while isabella went about like a queen, rejoicing, Gary was green with envy and not a smile crossed his face.

"Gary smile now. After all, your prize is big," Tom had told him, trying to console him.

"Tom, I am not happy at all," said Gary, sighing.

"What about those who failed, have they killed themselves? What about me, didn't I come fifth? Am I going to kill myself?" Tom queried.

Isabella had paraded her prize before their envious eyes. The only thing she did not do was stick out her tongue and make ugly faces at them. Gary had sworn there and then within is heart never to allow her beat him again. When Gary got home, his mother had welcomed him gladly.

"My son," his father said, clearing his throat. " You did very well, but we would like to see you receive the first prize 🏆. The girl who came first today doesn't have two heads I'm sure. Always strive to be the best in Whatever you do. Never accept defeat or failure in your life," his father concluded. Gary then determine to always come first in any thing he do in life.

His parents were not wealthy but they were happy and could afford to take care of their children. Mr Thompson works in the army.

That day, as he walked to school with Tom, Gary's heart beat fast. He was anxious to know his fate. What if he did not come first and isabella did? He wondered. He closed and opened his palms in worry. Noticing his anxiety, Tom decided to tell him stories to divert his attention. He liked Gary's neatness and intelligence.

Tom was also intelligent but not as intelligent as Gary. Gary helped Tom in subject like Mathematics and physics. On other hand, Tom taught Gary how to fish and trap animals. They ate, read and played together. Their friendship even extended to their parents. They visited each other occasionally.


The pupils of Crown Ville College were very excited. The prize giving day was celebrated in grand style. Parents were invited to watch their perform different activities like debates and so on. The people in attendance were treated to food and drinks after which the main event, the giving of prize took place. Pupils felt very proud to be called upon out of hundreds of their mate to receive their prize.

After the merrymaking, the giving of prize to outstanding students began

A hush fell on the assembly hall, as everybody waited expectantly for this great moment. In the silence, one could even hear a pin drop. Some pupils held their breath, as the names were called. Soon, it was time for year five student.

"The winner of the third prize for years five is Daniel Jackson." There was a loud cheer.

" The winner of the second prize is Abigail Jones." An overwhelming cheer accorded her to where she would collect her prize. "The winner of the first is ..." The principal stopped in order to heighten the suspense.

Gary nearly collapsed. 'What if I make the fourth position?' he wondered.

"The winner of the first prize for year five is Gary Thompson.

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