
The Hell I Call Home

"Do you know what true suffering is. Have you ever experienced pain so much that you want to kill your self. It might sound horrible but turns out that after 1000 years of suffering it doesn't feel so bad."

my name is Josh I am a normal guy living life normally and contently except if you consider the fact that i'm in another plane where I am eternally suffering until the end of the universe. It's cool because iv'e been here for 1000 years by body has completely adapted to the harsh environment. Now my body is functionally indestructible and whenever the pain comes back it basically tickles me a tiny bit.

today I woke up ate breakfast killed a giant mosquito and am now laying down on the makeshift bed I made, staring at the sky I started to wonder what I would do today but that was interrupted by a voice saying "well you seem like your having fun", I sat up on the bed only to see a tall gigantic figure with a humiliated like body but instead of his face he had hundreds of eyes which all looked in different directions.

I looked up and said "how's it going Fred haven't seen you in like what 10 years". Fred looked hurt and replied " actual we haven't seen each other in 12 years and my name is not Fred it's Fre-dis-it-wilif-duf-isen-fron-siskin the 16th", to which I replied "I will not refer to you by that horrible abomination of a name I will only call you Fred.", "fine" said Fred "can you at least join me in the games.", as soon as I heard the word games I immediately stood up ran over to Fred jumped up 20 feet so I was on about the same height as Fred's eyes and slapped the left side of his head. Fred flew 1000 feet to the right, and immediately Fred stood up brushed himself off and jumped 1000 feet back to where I was standing. and asked again "so Josh will you join me in the games".

now at this point you may ask "so Josh what are the games" to answer that question I must first ask you a question what is the number one cause of death in the plane i'm in is it:


old age and disease.


the harsh weather conditions and short pain spasms.


murder by other inhabitants of the plain



the games.

if you guessed the games you would be correct. in fact the games kill off 99% of the new comers and 50 percent of the old veterans of this world every year I wanted nothing to do with them and had avoided the games since my first game when i almost died and broke both legs and I only "won" the game by default because I was cowering behind a rock most of the time and survived past the timer. and no mater how amazing the artifact you get for wining is I learned the hard way that it wasn't worth it. for example when I "won" I got the clock of Tiker-Tibles a legendary artifact that allows you to slow or speed something up was it helpful and amazing yes, was it worth dying for no. and I got lucky some people get nothing as a reword.

at this point you might see why i did not want to join the games.

but Fred was having none of this all of his eyes focused on me and he said "Josh Cade Moore you are under arrest and are subject to mandatory participation in the games" he flung a large orb at me and before I could react it hit and swallowed me the last thing I remember is Fred looking in my direction with his many many eyes.