
Omnitrix Ascendant

Alan reincarnates into another world with The Omnitrix. Let's see how Alan would lead his second life...... Note: Hey guys I'm writing this fan-fiction as a Fun activity. I'm using AI to write this story. I Admit it. You can give me your suggestions and ideas in the comments. You can also suggest new routes for the story in the comments if I liked the idea I will add it. I usually update on Mondays.

ExplorerVan17 · Komik
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36 Chs

Chapter 4 : The Speed of Justice

Chapter 4: The Speed of Justice

As the first light of dawn filtered through the forest canopy, Alan steeled himself for the task ahead. He stood at the edge of the clearing, the cave entrance looming ahead of him, a dark maw that promised danger and opportunity in equal measure. The Omnitrix on his wrist hummed softly, ready to be activated. Alan knew he needed the right form for this mission—one that combined speed, agility, and combat prowess.

He glanced down at the Omnitrix, its faceplate glowing with a myriad of alien silhouettes. After a moment's consideration, he made his choice. With a focused thought, he activated the device and selected XLR8. In an instant, his body transformed, reshaping into the lithe, blue-skinned form of the super-speed alien.

Alan felt a surge of energy coursing through him as the transformation completed. His senses sharpened, and his reflexes quickened to an astonishing degree. He flexed his claws and adjusted his visor, ready to unleash the full potential of XLR8.

"Time to clean house," he muttered to himself, a determined glint in his eyes.

In a blur of blue, Alan dashed towards the cave entrance, his movements so fast they left a faint trail of afterimages in his wake. The first Goblin he encountered barely had time to register his presence before Alan's claws sliced through it with ease. The creature collapsed to the ground, lifeless, before it even knew what hit it.

"Wow, I just A-trained that Goblin, didn't I?" Alan remarked, a hint of dark humor in his voice. The reference to his favorite show, "The Boys," brought a brief smile to his lips, but he quickly refocused on the task at hand.

The Goblin camp erupted into chaos as Alan began his relentless assault. Using XLR8's incredible speed, he zipped through the tunnels and chambers of the cave, striking down Goblins before they had a chance to react. His claws flashed in the dim light, and Goblins fell one after another, their cries of alarm and pain echoing through the cavern.

Alan's movements were a blur of blue and silver as he carved a path through the camp. He darted from one Goblin to the next, leaving a trail of bodies in his wake. His speed made him almost untouchable; even the few Goblins who managed to swing their weapons at him found their strikes hitting empty air.

In one swift motion, Alan disarmed a Goblin that had been about to sound an alarm, his claws slicing through the creature's throat. The Goblin gurgled and fell, its eyes wide with shock. Alan didn't stop to revel in his success; he was already moving on to the next target.

He encountered a cluster of Goblins attempting to mount a defense, their spears and swords at the ready. Alan grinned beneath his visor and accelerated towards them. He weaved through their ranks with blinding speed, his claws tearing through armor and flesh alike. The Goblins never stood a chance; they were cut down in seconds, their weapons clattering to the ground as they fell.

Alan felt a thrill of exhilaration as he continued his killing spree. The power and speed of XLR8 were intoxicating, and the Goblins were little more than obstacles to be swept aside. He moved with a confidence born of both his new abilities and his growing experience with the Omnitrix.

As he approached the central chamber, Alan noticed a Goblin attempting to rally the others, shouting commands in their guttural language. The creature's authoritative tone marked it as a leader. Alan narrowed his eyes and targeted the Goblin with a burst of speed. He reached the leader in the blink of an eye, his claws slicing through the creature's torso in one swift motion. The Goblin leader collapsed, and the remaining Goblins hesitated, their morale shattered.

Alan pressed his advantage, cutting down the disoriented Goblins with ruthless efficiency. He left no survivors, ensuring that none could escape to warn others or regroup. His claws and speed were relentless, and the Goblins fell before him like wheat before a scythe.

Finally, Alan reached the innermost chamber of the cave, where the Goblin chieftain resided. The chieftain was a hulking brute of a creature, larger and more heavily armored than the others. It stood at the far end of the chamber, flanked by a handful of elite guards. The chieftain snarled at Alan, brandishing a massive, spiked club.

Alan took a moment to assess the situation. The chieftain was formidable, but Alan had the advantage of speed and surprise. He needed to take out the guards first, to isolate the chieftain and reduce its ability to mount a coordinated defense.

In a blur of motion, Alan darted towards the nearest guard. The Goblin barely had time to react before Alan's claws tore through its armor and flesh. He moved on to the next guard, then the next, his movements a whirlwind of lethal precision. Within seconds, the elite guards lay dead at his feet, their bodies crumpled and bleeding.

The chieftain roared in fury and charged at Alan, swinging its massive club with surprising speed. Alan dodged the blow effortlessly, his body a blur as he circled the chieftain. He struck at the creature's exposed flanks, his claws cutting through the chieftain's armor and drawing blood.

The chieftain howled in pain and swung its club again, but Alan was already gone, his speed making him nearly impossible to hit. He continued to strike at the chieftain from all angles, his claws leaving deep gashes in the creature's flesh. The chieftain's movements grew more sluggish and desperate as it bled from multiple wounds.

Finally, Alan saw his opening. The chieftain stumbled, its club falling from its grasp as it clutched at its injuries. Alan seized the opportunity and lunged at the creature, his claws piercing its heart. The chieftain gasped, its eyes wide with shock and pain, before collapsing to the ground, dead.

Alan stood over the chieftain's body, his breathing heavy but steady. The Goblin camp was silent now, the only sounds the crackling of the fires and the distant drip of water. He had done it—he had destroyed the entire camp, wiping out the Goblins and absorbing their essence through the Omnitrix.

He glanced at the Omnitrix, feeling the familiar surge of energy as it absorbed the essence of the fallen Goblins. The device glowed brighter for a moment before settling back to its normal state. Alan felt a rush of vitality and strength, his physical attributes enhanced by the absorbed essence. He felt the muscles in his body grow.

"Aaahhhh..... I really like this feeling" he said with a satisfying sigh.

He looked around the chamber, taking in the aftermath of the battle. The Goblin bodies lay scattered across the floor, a testament to his newfound power and determination. Alan knew that this was just the beginning—there were more challenges and dangers ahead, but he was ready to face them head-on.

As he exited the cave, the morning sun cast its golden light across the forest, illuminating the path ahead. Alan took a deep breath, feeling the warmth of the sun on his face. He had overcome a significant obstacle and emerged stronger form it...

"In this life I will leave my mark in this world." He shouted.

"Oh I forgot about the gold..." Alan returned into the cave.

Hey guys hope you liked the story.