
Episode 23 - Abandoned World (1)

I was guided by the judge towards the exit of the Underworld. The exact location wasn't known because I was wearing a special eye patch. We seemed to go up and then down. After a long walk, the judge took off my eye patch.

[Follow along this path.]

I opened my eyes and saw a dark and narrow road. Perhaps this was the exit that didn't require going through Charon, the ferryman.

[You should look in 'front'.]

"What does that mean?"

I looked around but the judge had already disappeared.

I had no choice but to start walking along this path. The light faded and darkness settled around me. It was initially possible for me to determine the direction using the walls but the walls soon disappeared. The place I relied on disappeared and I felt like a ship floating on the ocean without buoys.

The myth of Orpheus suddenly popped into my head. What would happen if I looked back? Then a faint light appeared in the darkness.

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