
Omni-Dimensional Chat Group

WARNING: UNREALISTIC ROMANCES HAREM AND GORE. ALSO, EXPECT SLOW-ISH PACE Also this is just any chat group so don't expect anything new. After getting a new phone, Ryuu Cinco finds himself tangled in multiverse madness and becoming a new entertain for the watchers (Readers). [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome The Thousand Master's son ] [ A new member had joined! ] [ Welcome Honored One. ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Insect Hashira ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Titania ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Exhibitionist ]

Try_hard · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
134 Chs

Chapter 21 - Self-proclaimed Human and Self-proclaimed man Reaction

I'm currently 226 in JJK and now at Sukuna Vs Gojo.

I wonder if Natsu fire burn through infinity? I mean he did burn through Time itself and escape a pocket dimension by burning it from within when he fought zero at the nirvana arc.

Btw, can someone a mission reward for the members?

Anyway, I'll try to speed blitz my releases when I can.


Shocked was an understatement from the revelation that he had learned from the strange group he found himself untangled. Vandalieu never expected to see his future and found what he had accomplished a few years from now.

He had read his story and found that it had already ended, finishing everything that he's been trying to end. Vandalieu wanted to revive his mother who had been the first one that showed him affection.

If not for his emotionless face then he would be smiling gleefully. This was one of the traits that he had been born with, his lack of facial expression. He only had a dead fished gaze that would always mystic him to death if not for his breathing and Death charm.

Most of his citizens in the kingdom of Talosheim were susceptible to his enticing charm that allowed him to be noticed since without it then he would look like a spirit for a dead child.

Though this charm is not hypnosis and only boosts his charisma to anything related to death. The hilarious part is that due to this charm led him into having numerous wives in the future.

'I guess it would be bad to avoid them….'

Vandalieu inwardly sighed, accepting his fact that the woman wanting him into the future would only increase.

[ A/N: go Fuck yourself if your going to say my mc should NTR him! Also this is shota has at least 26. ]

Though, he can't deny his love for his own mother and in the future wouldn't be related. Vandalieu nodded to his future self for proposing to her while also marrying the Great Goddess, Vida.

Vandalieu found out that the Goddess Vida, The one who created the Monster and Human hybrid. This caused this Vida race to have both Job System and Rank system.

In the world of Lambda, a hundred thousand years ago where the gods and goddesses roam the land. There were originally 11 Great Gods that manage the world. Three of which died by the hands of the Demon King who invaded their world due to their old world collapsing.

The Demon king was an eldritch abomination that brought Foreign gods called Evil Gods to be his subordinate and tried to conquer their world. However, the remaining 8 gods had devised a planned and summoned hero from another world called 'Earth' which was different from Vandalieu Earth.

The remaining 7 Great gods as the god of space and time had opened the portal unable to have his own hero had gifted this individual with power beyond Heroes turning them into their champion.

However, 4 out of seven were Creation minded and wanted to use their otherworldly knowledge to save the world while the other 3 disagreed fearing for the eventual pollution and same outcome as their own world.

Though this split of faction was on play they had tried their best to fight the demon king army with few of the Great God falling to slumber, being sealed or killed by the Demon king due to its ability to destroy souls.

3 heroes were fools and hardly a threat to the Demon king only seeing the 4 Creation minded as his true adversary. The leader Creation minded hero, Zakkart, had convinced some of the Evil gods to betray the demon king which is the reason why he is more a threat than a fool swinging his sword and eventually devised a plan to kill them and succeeded.

Soon after, the 3 Heroes were able to defeat the demon king by splitting its body into countless fragments. What seemed to be the end of a Great war was only the beginning.

"Those Alda factions haven't done any good have they?"

Vandalieu muttered. After the Great war against the Demon king, Vida who had disagreed with the ways of his brother, Alda and found a conspiracy that the 3 heroes had led his champion, Zakkart to his doom.

She sought a way to revive her champion and somehow succeed but without his soul only created an empty husk and an undead. Vida soon created her own Circle of Transmigration and produced many races with Evil Gods to make stronger offspring.

This did not go with Alda viewing these Evil Gods as enemies even though they helped them. Eventually a Civil war broke out and led to Vida severely wounded and used her remaining divinity to create a mountain boundary range to protect her children before falling into deep slumber.

She had children with the corpse of Zakkart and these were the True Ancestor Vampire and Ghouls. The True Ancestor e children called Pure blooded vampire had sacrificed themselves to create a divine barrier that blocked gods from Alda faction. This was the summary of the event from a hundred years ago in lambda.

'I'm shocked that my soul is the fragmented pieces of the four champions.'

The god of reincarnation, Rodcorte had taken the fragmented pieces of their souls to prevent vida from reviving him as it goes against his authority and molded them together before sending it to his Transmigration circle that didn't have any magic.

However, his carelessness had sent Vandalieu's soul to the place where it shouldn't have been showing the gods' incompetence.

'But at least I know who my allies are. Though it's best to take it with a grain of salt.'

Vandalieu knew that everything he learned doesn't necessarily be true without confirming it. A careless move to use the knowledge thinking its set in stone.

'I wonder if it would cause an effect by learning about the future? The best thing I should do is think of it as a guide.'

He thought for himself before shifting his thoughts in the shop of the chat group and found many interesting items and tools. Vandalieu knew what he needed to do and didn't want to rush reviving his mother.

'There's so many skills and items but everything is so expensive.'

Vandalieu soon enough slept putting it aside though he was excited to have his claw at the one who killed his mother and everyone involved.


Yamato was shocked seeing the plank device in his hands and how he was able to watch things even take "real time painting" and see how he looked. One piece world had limited technology even more in Wano where it was based in Japan around old times.

Wano Country is a country in the New World that is not affiliated with the World Government. It is located on the north side of the New World, northwest of Egghead, southwest of Winner Island, and west of Elbaf.

It was previously occupied by the Beasts Pirates as their territory, under Kaidou, one of the Four Emperors.

It is currently ruled by the Kozuki Family, however, the family's usurper, Kurozumi Orochi, conspired to overthrow and supersede their shogunate with the aid of the Beasts Pirates 26 years before the beginning of the story.

Upon his betrayal of the Kurozumi Family, Kaidou dubbed the island New Onigashima, as part of his project to transform Wano into a lawless pirate paradise. Kaidou intended for his son Yamato to take over as its shogun, though Yamato had no desire to do so.

Hundreds of years ago, Wano was known as the Country of Gold, being once located at sea level. The Ancient Weapon Pluton is currently located under Mt. Fuji, beneath the old Wano Country.

Yamato was surprised reading the entirety of one piece in one sitting since he had nothing to do. He couldn't believe the countless adventures that his friend's brother had and was shocked when he saw next.

'But Ace should still be alive…'

He took out the Vivre card that Ace gave to him and saw that it was still fine, meaning he still had time to save him. Unfortunately, Yamato is unaware of the current happenings in the outside world besides a handful of things.

Yamato saw how tragic his friend's death would be. This made him feel even more guilty for not being able to help him in the story and how Ace died without seeing his other brother Sabo being alive.

He saw how intense the battle in marineford truly was and the number of deaths that had happened that time. Losing Ace and the strongest man, white beard.

However, Yamato gained hope when he saw the story progressing until the point where they arrived in Wano and changed everything.

'It was true. The prophecy that Oden said to Kaidou! And to think Ace's brother is a joy boy…'

He experienced a lot of emotions and now Yamato could only wait for the day when Luffy arrived in Wano to change everything.

'I have to prepare at that time. No, it's possible things will be different from what I saw.'

Yamato wasn't dumb enough to rely on what he saw. He took it with a grain of salt and believed that he still needed to do something to lessen the suffering of the people in Wano.

'Hope these people could help me.' He saw the opportunity that the magical objects showed him. Yamato pondered who they were and to what extent they could help him in his dream.