


also— mostly known as


( appearance ; a pocket size retro hand-mirror mainly made of steel, coated with golden paint but due to how old it is, the paint is looking chapped while the steel underneath started to turn like a bronze metal material. sides of the mirror is shattered due to trial and errors of used spell for it )

❧ Made around the 1950s by a witch who was mainly known for using curses, prohibited magic against muggles; black magic. The mirror is named ❛❛καθρέφτης της αλήθειας❜❜ kathréftis tis alítheias, greek translations of mirror of truth. After the second wizarding war, this mirror was nowhere to be found. Some say that a lucky man must've picked it up, some say that the one who truly owned it might have retrieved it from Hogwarts where it was kept for such a long time.

❧ The mirror is capable of giving you a peek of the real truth you've been trying to seek with your whole heart. Sometimes, it works and seeks on its own... that is if it senses you're true desire of seeking of truth with your whole heart; most of the time, it works when the words that followed and quoted are chanted as you grip the mirror ❛❛mirror, mirror in my hand, do show me....❜❜ then followed by your request. The mirror is also capable of answering such questions, even mathematical ones; it will respond in a few minutes with pure truth.

❧ Celestia Sheen Scrubb, mostly known as Tia back when she was used to be known as a harmless, innocent muggle-born witch. Celestia is the creator of the mirror of truth, it was said that she had used plenty of charms and spells on the mirror to be perfect although of course there was plenty of error which is why some pieces of the glass at the side are missing. She was officially announced as a wanted at her age of eighteen for being caught using prohibited magic, curses on certain muggles; using black magic to threaten people. around the late 1980s, she was said to have died due to somewhat poisoning; her body was found in a muggle village near the entrance to Diagon Alley, cold and pale, body laying down a bed, dry white liquid around her mouth—whilst the mirror was on her grip. The mirror was then said to be just around the building of Hogwarts. Not until the second wizarding war ended.

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