
Are You Here To Mock Me?

Rosenia tried to stay out of her quarters as much as she possibly could but it was difficult to get away. Sigmund was there watching her every move and would pitch a fit if she tried to leave without permission.

As afraid of him as she was, she was also disgusted. This fool hadn't been smart enough to keep his title and blamed his mistakes on everyone else. He was no better than an animal at this point.

More than anything she wanted to go home but she would be disgraced forever and shunted to a hidden part of the palace, never to see the light of day again. Rogan may have favored her over all their other siblings but that did not mean he was kind.

If she strained diplomatic relations between their closest ally because she could not handle her husband's temper Rowenhilde would be in trouble. Rogan would not let that go unpunished.

So she kept her predicament a secret and hid in the gardens as often as she could. They were beautiful with all of the buds in full summer bloom.

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