
Chapter 1


I woke up fluttering my heavy eyelids up and let out a moan once I stretch my arms and legs. Today was the third day when my fellow angels departed to their work so basically, I'm alone here

Well, not really alone since my Superiors are here and other angels are also here. But those angels hadn't debut yet, you can say new arrivals. They're still schooling here like the ones on earth but most importantly to know why are they here and what are their job once they reach their age of maturity, which is mostly at the age of 13

If you're that agile, brainy and wise. You could even start your first task!

I did my usual routine. Well, it doesn't mean I'm an angel I can't eat or do any stuff a human need and can. Although we're not oblige to, we can still do some if we want to

Going out of my dorm, I just wore my pajamas and head towards the cafeteria. New angels we're eating there with the guidance of my superiors but I didn't take much of my attention to them and just ordered my food that's on the menu today

I just take one apple and some Greek yogurt. I'm not much of a Morning person as well as my appetite. I thank the cafeteria in-charge and head back to my dorm but this time, I greet my Superiors when I encounter them. Of course, you should be polite, we're taught that way

My usual routine here in the Headquarters is simple. Wake up, Eat, slack off, Eat, slack off, Eat, Sleep. You can even memorize it easier than memorizing the Periodic Table of Elements in Chemistry

Since I have nothing, literally nothing I just list down some things that I can do for the meantime, probably for a lifetime since I wasn't recognize by my superiors but I think they have a good reason. They're not Superiors without a reason anyway

I decided to walk around at the butterfly garden, it located at the back part of the Angel's Headquarters where different kind of plants and butterflies (obviously) living and growing in that place, my favorite part there is there a fountain and a miniature waterfall that was on display

Heading my way to the garden, I open the thin white metal kind like steel gate and enter the alluring sight of this nature. Does earth also possess this Beauty?

Strolling along the stone path inside, I was greeted by small flying creatures soaring across thin mid-air rotating around me as if they were the planets in the solar system while I am the shining sun

I smile at the scenery. Heaven is really beautiful, what more to its creations? Life is indeed fascinating and exquisite. It made me think why people on earth wanted to take their life while they miss out the grand on what was given to them from above. They're even fortuitous to have the chance to live and grow in that world

I admit, I envy them

I died without a chance. I'm still an infant as what my superiors told me, I still don't have the knowledge when I was there, nor a single memory...

"How are you guys?" I ask the butterflies as they flipped their wings to fly lifting my hand below them. I smile once one landed on my palm

"Hey there..." it was delicately angelic. Its wings were plain white with a single black mark on its right wing. I slowly made my way to the wooden unstructured like chair bench that was place at the front of the majestic fountain

My smile grew wider when the white butterfly didn't fly away on my palm. I sat down and gaze at the white three-layered architecture with water sprouting at the top down to the bottom leading to a mini like lake that is linked to the waterfall at the end of the garden

"Have you ever been to earth?" I ask the small living thing on my palm; it flutter its wings once and I smile "I don't know if that's a yes or a no. But I'm happy that your here to accompany me" I uttered. I look back to the other butterflies who have different colors painted on their wings "Oh" I exclaimed in realization

"You're the only one whose wings were white" I beamed "Your one of the kinds, I see" It fluttered its wings twice before flying away from my hold "Where are you going?" I ask the white creature and followed it slowly. Where is it going?

Continuing to follow the butterfly, it led me back to the stone path I walked before in entering this garden "Oh!" I immediately lowered my head giving my superior a bow in respect and honor

"Good day Ms. Yongmin" I greeted her with a bow simultaneously. I look around her to see any sign of the white butterfly and unfortunately, it disappeared to my sight "What are you doing here Jeongmi?" She asks with her smile

She was wearing a white sleeveless dress that has a V cut mermaid skirt that lengths to her legs "Oh, I decided to walk here since I have don't have any task yet Miss" I smiled back being careful with my words. She nodded "Do you always go here to the garden?" She asks

I nodded "Not always but most of the time I guess, I just felt at ease when I'm here Miss" I smiled and she nods her head a little indicating her understanding at my statement and smiled "Is there a problem Miss? Is the garden forbidden?" I ask questioningly, making sure I didn't do anything bad since she came here

"No, you didn't, I'm here for you Jeongmi" she smiled and guided me back the chair bench when where I was sitting before. We both sat down on the wooden bench. Not gonna lie, I'm nervous to whatever she is going to say, even her presence already made me shiver and tense

"Your already...?" She slight nudge her head. I find it funny why I consider it cute but my Superiors' visuals are no joke; they can be cute and can be savage or both. Even can be sexy

I smile before answering "I'm already 20 Miss, I'll be turning 21 next month" One of the Teachers here when I was still schooling, she told all of us our each other's origin and she spoke to me mine. I was born in May 15, 1998 and died more than three months after

She nodded and greeted me in advance which I replied in gratitude and joy. "You're not unhappy why we didn't you a task until now?" She asked and I immediately raised both of my hands in deny. I don't want her to misunderstood anything

"Oh no no, I understand Miss. I know you have your reasons" I smiled reassuringly

"You're really a patient and naive girl" she complimented me; I felt my cheeks burn slightly. I just got a compliment from one of my superiors "That's how you taught me Miss" I returned it to her wholeheartedly

I'm not even sure if I'm patient. Yes, I know I always wonder why they didn't give me anything, yet I felt I wasn't waiting for them to give me one. The feeling that, you think you already knew that you wouldn't need to wait anymore because you think that it will never happened?

"Are you not mad?" I shook my head "Well, as I said a while ago, I know you have reasons. And honestly, it made me question why I haven't got one since I debuted but I think it shouldn't be mad of. I think, I should also know you and the other superiors' side first before I get mad. I shouldn't think about myself the whole time" I opened up

"Although, I honestly thought. You forgot me" She continued to listen "I thought that, my superiors forgot that they have another angel named 'Jeongmi', or I don't have the characteristics to be a guardian angel, that I still need to learn"

Anguish, grief and hopelessness. That was what I feel in those years of being an outcast and a wallflower. It's like people didn't notice I exist or is it because I failed? Did I? I even remember one of my teachers praised me and her words give joy to my whole being: "You will be a great guardian angel"

But I don't understand. When my batchmates and I turned 13, they all got their first assignments. And went back to my dorm empty-handed

But even so, I need to understand. I don't have to be selfish. I just have to look for the brighter side, this garden, somehow it made me feel secure and out of harm's way

Life is beauty, but what I learn from my superiors when I was still schooling is that the beauty of life are the hardships and obstacles that it'll give you to make you stronger

"Hmm, what if I say, you got your first task?" My head jerk in an instant, my eyes widened at her remark. I felt my body jolts, my brain started to send some signals around my body "P-Pardon?" I stuttered at the Lady before me. Did I hear it right?

I don't want to believe. Did my ears need to be checked? I probably misheard it but I'm sure I heard her those words coming from her mouth very clear!

She chuckled, probably notice and observed my reaction. I don't want to misunderstood by chance! She handed me a folder- which I didn't notice she had ever since she came here. Or did she use some of her powers? She's a superior anyway

I accepted the folder from her, my hands felt cold and slightly shivering. This is too good to be true. Could it be...?

"Your first task"

My lips quivered. I look at her feeling numb, my emotions are everywhere. This was something that I've been dying to have ever since I turned 13, ever since I debuted! For more than seven years, my long-time awaited wish was granted!

I didn't think twice and felt myself hugged her, my tears escaping and trickling against my cheek. Does this mean I'm not really unrecognized? Did they really remember me? "Thank you, thank you so much" I spoke between small cries. She patted my back comfortingly and rub it "Goodluck"

I released myself from her hold lightly. I smile and wipe my stained cheek and the corners of my eyes "Go get ready. You'll depart tomorrow"

The next day came. My eyes shot open and shut my alarm clock with my hand. Stretching for a few seconds I squealed in pure bliss. Today's the day, the day of my departure, the day where I will work my First Task!

Scurrying towards my bathroom, I took a full body bath. My departure will be at 8 and I woke up two hours earlier. I can't hold myself for not being agitated and nervous like a kid going to school for the first time. I need to look presentable and fresh. You know similar to the ones in the movies where you are going to work on your first impression when you are going to a job interview?

Only with a towel wrapped around my lean figure, I contemplate on what I'm going to wear. This is an important one, I will have to wear the outfit I'm going to choose for the rest of days until my assignment is done so it has to be one of a kind plus this is the first task in my whole life after debuting

Though it sounds like a little disgusting about wearing the same wardrobe for days and not taking a bath, we angels don't stink. Not to mention, we are not obliged to clean ourselves since our bodies are not really real. It's like a we are just holograms projected by a projector. An optical Illusion

I picked up a beige long sleeve dress that lengths to my knees, the sleeves were laced with flowers as its design and the skirt were two cloths layered, the bottom one was a plain beige cloth and it's top was laced embroidered my butterflies that matches it's sleeves

I sat down on my dressing table to style up my hair and light makeup. I'm not that much of a fan of make-up and cosmetics, I'm more in skincare but for the sake of looking presentable, I'll try my best. Looking at Yeonseok's drawer, I just grab a simple BB cream and lip tint that is light shaded. I know what you're thinking but I can't forget what Yeonseok told me before

Like I said, I wasn't a fan of make-up but she is... stubborn

She insisted me to wear one and me having a good vast and boundless knowledge about her personality, I gave in. Fortunately, I could still remember how she does my makeup c'oz today, I'll do it for myself

Just adding a small amount on the face sponge thing, I dab it on my skin lightly. Cringing at the thick like substance on my skin, I spread and blend it on my skin tone. Hoping that it wouldn't be that obvious that I am trying much

I look at my reflection and punch the air at my success. This BB cream is not that bad. I look back at my reflection mumble a few random words asking for Yeonseok's talent in cosmetics to be passed to me for this special day


I hurriedly put the BB cream and the sponge thingy inside the drawer and checked my face. I don't want to get caught trying too hard just for my first-time task, it will be embarrassing. I stood up and walk to the door twisting the knob and took a peek whose behind "Oh?"

I pulled the door giving more gap to our boundaries "Miss Hyessa" I bow in a fraction of a second after registering who's the person behind the door. Am I that fortunate to be visited by our superiors?

I smiled and gestured her politely to enter our dorm. Thank the above I didn't mess our place or it'll be more embarrassing

"Oh, it's okay Jeongmi. I'm here to just check on you" She smiled. Even though she is the youngest our four top superiors, for me she outstands the most because of her sharp features and gazes that could make you shiver and think that you should do your best to look great and not make any mess

"Did you already pack?"

"Eh? What do you mean, Miss?" I ask feeling myself being reluctant. Did she just ask if I already packed? Why do I feel like I've been mishearing a lot from my superiors? First Miss Yongsun, now Miss Hyejin. I should get my ears and hearing checked

"Didn't you check your folder?" She asked and I shook my head in a 'no' message like a cat who didn't know about the world it's stepping on. Why did I forget about the folder?!

Mentally slapping myself, I went to grab the folder Miss Yongmin gave me from the Garden and opened to folder. I guess this is my answer why I haven't been receiving an assignment since I debut. Way to go Jeongmi

태스크 (Task)

Name: Junghyun Lee

Age: 22 years old

Occupation: Police Officer

Task Information: Guardian Angel Jeongmi is tasked to secure and protect the life of Police Officer Junghyun Lee at all cost

Task Restriction:

1. Guardian Angel Jeongmi is restricted to be seen and by Officer Junghyun Lee and notice her presence

2. Guardian Angel Jeongmi is restricted to meddle in Officer Junghyun Lee's personal life

3. Guardian Angel Jeongmi is restricted to build any emotion and feelings towards Officer Junghyun Lee

"Oh? Miss Hyessa" I called her and showed her my folder still remembering to show respect and honorifics. "It didn't state how long my assignment is..." I muttered in confusion. Probably they just gave me the draft one and switch it from the final one

I know I shouldn't think negatively. But why do I feel like the other angels who are assign in the system didn't recognize me? Why do I feel like I'm low?

"We made your task. As of now, we can't determine when your task will end. But we will check on you from time to time and eventually tell you when your task will be done" she smiled giving me a reassuring pat and rub on my shoulder to ease my worries that was travelling in the corners of my brain

I don't know why but why does this task makes me feel uneasy, there's this gut feeling itching in my whole system as if warning me that something will happen in the near future

Taking my clothes out from my drawer, I prepared a travel bag (That was given to us when we debuted in case, we needed to pack enough things and stuff depending on our assigned task). Since this Officer Junghyun Lee is a police officer technically, there will be chaos like those you've seen on Television or Action movies

Instead of wearing this elegant beige dress, I decided to wear a black sweater and some jeans partnered with black converse. Miss Hyessa told me my arrival on earth is different since I have a luggage. I packed a bunch of pants in any kind, cargo, sweats and two jeans. Not forgetting the socks I'll be protecting a man here who's always on the run so might as well have those bottoms that could make me run easily

We are not allowed to use our wings as much as possible so better bring these pants for running and chasing. I also packed some hoodies, shirts and two jackets. Dress? I packed two, I decided to bring the beige one that I was wearing before and a white off shoulder dress that has a V cut skirt up to my knees

Fortunately, my travel bag was big enough to put everything inside. For assurance, I also packed one travel pack bag, I put there my folder that obtain my task, I also put one cardigan inside and a slipper

Satisfied at my packing, I closed both bags and look myself at the mirror looking like a typical teenage girl. I sat down on the dressing chair thinking about finishing my makeup, I did my eyebrows and put on some lip balm (which I own) before applying the lip tint that was Yeonseok's

"Not bad" I uttered to myself looking at my own reflection, I tied my hair in a simple ponytail before grabbing my bags. Good thing I woke up two hours before my departure, otherwise I would've been panicking that I didn't ready and pack anything before leaving

I went out of Yeonseok's and I's dorm, heading to the main entrance where Miss Hyessa was waiting

Fear and Happiness. That was what I am feeling right now. Fear of messing things up, for the fact that this will be the first task I ever had. Even though my superiors are going to check on me time to time, my task is on me fully. Happiness of being recognized again, that my superiors and fellow angels still remembered me and that I could start my duty as a guardian angel today

Walking down to the stairs, a figure came to my sight. Miss Hyessa turned around and smiled at me. I smiled back returning such sweet gesture and increase the pace of my walking to her, not wanting to make her wait more

"I see your really prepared for this well" She glance at my packed things and I nodded shyly.

"This is my first task, Miss. I should do my best" I bow my head slightly. Not to impress Miss Hyessa but I want her to show how grateful I am to have my first task in seven years and do my best not to let them down

She gave me a motherly smile and nod before gesturing me outside where a black limousine was waiting. I awed at the sight. I could feel goosebumps around my whole skin. Suddenly I heard a chuckle from my side. My cheeks burned in pink tint; it took me a lot of courage to face Miss Hyessa just to see her looking amusedly at my pack bag. I glance at the direction where she was looking and notice my bag was partly unzip. I took the head of its zipper and was about to close my bag when a hand stops me "Miss Hyessa?" I ask questioningly

"Leave some small opening to your bag. Don't close it fully" She spoke. I followed her order without asking the reason. Sometimes, you just have to listen without knowing everything, people like Miss Hyessa have more experience than I did so it's better to listen attentively. That's what I learn here

The man wearing a black tux went to the other side of the limousine and ask for my luggage, I gave him my travel bag and he opened the door for me. I glance back to Miss Hyessa

"Don't worry Jeongmi, you have company" She smiled one more time and gestured me to go inside the black transportation. I smiled and nodded. Stepping in the limousine, I awed more in amusement. It looks better on the inside than on the outside. Just like people

If what's inside is beautiful, it'll glow on the outside

I sat down straight on the grey leather seat being careful not to ruin such masterpiece and took off my pack bag that is on my shoulder and settle in beside me

I waved back to Miss Hyessa by the window and she waved back as the limousine started to move away from our headquarters which was my home. The more the headquarters became farther and slightly disappeared at my sight, the more I realized a new chapter of this second chance life I had will unfold


"Take care of her" Superior Hyessa spoke softly "You praying for Jeongmi?" Hyessa smiled at the sight of her friend and co-superior. She nodded "I wonder what the heavens plan for this soul, but I guarantee she is one of the kinds"

"How so?" Sera ask Hyessa with her eyebrows knitted together in full curiosity about the words that has escape from Hyessa's lips

She smiled at her friend and walk back to the main entrance of their headquarters leaving Sera unsatisfied. Little did Jeongmi know, there's someone who wanted to guard her throughout her journey on earth.


Inside the Black luxurious limousine, I glance at the unfamiliar scenery that was displayed on the other side of the window pane. The whole ride was silent, everything that we passed by were painted in light sky blue that was covered with the visible white mass of liquid and frozen crystals that were colored in pure white

"Excuse me, Sir" I called out the man with a black tux who was driving the vehicle. He gave me a gentle hum giving me a message to proceed

"How long will we arrive?"

"Not long, we will arrive within five minutes" I nodded in understanding before glancing at the window pane. A hint of green and cement like grey color captured my eyes "Oh?!" I jolt in pure amazement like a kid getting her first cotton candy

We were on the clouds this whole time. Obviously, we are above the earth. I heard the man on the driver's seat laugh at my reaction

"First time?"

"Yeah," I replied still have my attention glued at the foreign community before me. "Do you always go here?" I ask back now giving him a glance


"You're lucky..." I muttered and he chuckled. He's so fortunate visit the world the heavens created, though I am not sure if he can whatever he wants to, but atleast he always visits here

"May I know your name? My name is Jeongmi" I saw the corners of his mouth quirk up in a smile

"Zero" he answers still his eyes focused on the road... or should we say between min-air. Zero? Was it me or his name is unlikely recognizable? I'm sure I heard it somewhere on some memories on my head. I just can't point it out

I heard him chuckle. My eyes wandered in a small hint of being embarrassed. He must've seen my face thinking too much as if there's a huge psycho killer case I've been dealing with

"Sera is my sister" He gave me one single glance before the whole vehicle came to a drop leaving me screech in complete shock because of the impact completely forgotten the fact that he's the younger brother of Superior Sera. "You okay right there?"

With my hand on my chest trying to keep up and let my fragile heart ease. Taking a few breathes before looking at the man asking how I was. I gave a couple of nods before taking the thick sling of my pack bag and slide in over my shoulder

Noticing Zero step out of the car, I waited inside to let him open the door for me. Not bossing him around but I just have the feeling to wait for him to open the door for me

Sometimes, you need to follow what you feel that you need to do

I saw him grab my luggage from the back before opening the door by my side, stepping out of the vehicle, my eyes wandered at the people walking around the area "You do know that people can't see us, right?" he asks

"I know. It's just, it's my first time here. So, I'm quite foreign to everything" I explain and he nodded

"Uhm... Where are we?"

"We are at the City of Seoul and this is the apartment where your human lives, you'll be staying with him until the end of your task without him knowing" he instructed. No matter how much I wanted to ask why should I stay at a guy's house when I'll probably witness something that I shouldn't

Sure, he is a police officer but not every police officer is decent plus he's a 'man'. Not being judgmental but just being cautious of today's generation. I remembered when my teachers at Angel School told us about the society today and it made me feel chills running down to my spine. What if he'll bring his flings or girlfriend home and do stuff while I was at the corner?!

My pure eyes will be tortured to the fullest! Of all this thought running across my mind. I decided to shut myself and just follow like a pet dog saying 'yes' to everything to its owner

I nodded at Zero's remark and he continued "You need to follow him wherever he goes. You need to keep full eyes on him twenty-four seven"

Wait, what?

"Wherever he goes?" I divert my gaze to the tall bad beside me with nervous eyes. He breaks a chuckle and shook his head at my misunderstanding "Of course not, if he goes to the bathroom or do something too private, that's an exception" I feel like there are five boulders that were lifted from my chest that I could breathe properly again

"I should be going now," he speaks up before giving me my travel bag and speaks again "He lives at apartment number 34, third floor. His pass code is 9805" He then raise him arm on chest level checking his wristwatch "Today's Friday, April 10, 2020. And it's exactly 6 in the morning" I nodded and thank him for the information before greeting him farewell and drove away

Turning my head to the building where its architecture was quite classy and modern, I let out a huff and sigh. This is it. My first task

"This is the moment you've been waiting for Jeongmi" I muttered to myself before lifting both of my fist at shoulder level in front of me "Let's do this Jeongmi, do your best!" Encouraging myself

After taking a few moments for myself, I took my travel bag which Zero left on the cemented ground and walk towards the building's entrance without being noticed by other people obviously

Since I am on earth, I can have the trait of an ordinary human. I could get hungry and get exhausted. Hopefully, I can still manage to obtain my powers despite the distance between earth and back at the headquarters

Earth is a fallen world, where energy from what's under can also linger around which sometimes decreases my strength. I'm no God so I can't also always outnumber the strength of the underworld plus I'm just an ordinary angel unlike my superiors

I went to the elevator and wait and press the up button. If you're thinking if I could walk through walls, well it takes a lot of power to do so and I don't want to drain myself just for that. I need to be practical; I don't want to let my superiors down

Glancing to the clock attached to the wall, it's already 8 in the morning

Hearing a 'ding', the two metal doors parted as I made my way inside with some humans entering. I look at which floor they are pressing and fortunately, someone pressed the third floor

Waiting patiently until we reach the third floor, I went out along with the lean girl wearing all black with her dark brown hair tied on a loose bun. She looks cute and young.

She would fit to endorse a cosmetic product or be in commercials on TV

She was fiddling with her phone as I took glances on each door's number looking for the one Moonbin told me. I noticed the young teenager went to a halt in front of an apartment

Apartment 34

I glance to the young girl type the pass code which Zero told me before twisting the metal knob. I hurriedly went inside once she got in before she closes the door which I successfully did and I praise myself for my speed

She took off her black slider slippers and scanned the area- which is a whole mess

I heard her release an annoying breath "Doesn't he know how to clean up?" She put down her phone inside the back pocket of her tight black jeans before heading to a door, which I guess was the master's bedroom "Oppa (Older brother), wake up!" I heard her voice echoed along the corners of the apartment

With full curiosity, I let down my bags before walking to the direction the girl went. She must be the younger sister of Junghyun

"What are you doing here?" I heard a male voice speaking "Mom told me to check on you. Could you even clean? Your already an adult for pete's sake!"

Oof. That's a big mood

"How ironic. You should be the one checking on me, not the other way around" I heard her complaining before stomping her way to the kitchen and opened the fridge grabbing some Banana Milk

She looks really charming and beautiful. My shoulders dropped in remembering what my reflection looked like, I'm totally far from her beauty. I could even notice her small curves and long legs underneath those clothing

Not to mention, she has boobs and butt. Not too big but not too small. Perfect size I must say

Don't even question mine

"Wake up and eat something before cleaning your house" the young girl spoke while sipping on her banana milk bossing her brother. Speaking about her, I remembered that I didn't get to have a look yet on her brother- the human that I should protect

I heard some shuffling and divert my attention to the guy who is still on the bed. My jaw dropped in instant seeing that he didn't wear anything on top. His muscles contracting at every move

Good heavens, forgive me

My eyes stood still on the man before me. He slightly brushes his hair with his big veiny hands messily. I wandered at his refined sculpted like back form like seeing a paradise by the ocean

"I know, I know. Stop bossing me around little piggy" He groan and stood up turning round. As if time went to a halt and played back at slow motion, my eyes burn in complete admiration, my mind went blank and fuzzy, my body felt still and cemented, locking me in place

His chocolate brown orbs met mine making my veins throbbing underneath my skin, my heart combusted in my chest that I could feel it bump along my rib cage, my blood flow increases its pace making me feel goosebumps more to the fullest extent

I suddenly felt my jaw a bit heavy that it unconsciously drops making my lips parted at the sight displayed in front of me

My breath hitched when my gaze went to lower to his face. How can a human be this breathtakingly attractive? He's no human

He steps closer and closer making my heart and whole being panic at such emotion and an unexplained energy coming from him. My mind clouded as if everything that I've learn from Angel school vanished in a blink. I forgot how to breathe

His fined sculpted passed beside me, our fingers linked making my heart went on a full stop

"Oh? I something wrong?" A female voice erupted waking up my senses back to its normal state

"Nothing..." his angelic and soothing voice soothes my system and turn my head slowly meeting his face close to me. His touch burn my skin and I can still feel it lingering

I glance at the two feeling numb at the sudden emotion that flickered the flame. Taking a couple of deep breathes, composing myself I went back where left my bags and look for a corner for me to stay

"What has gotten into you? You've been out lately" The younger one asks, having her cat eyes darted straight at her brother. If her gaze is a gun, then she already pulled the trigger since she came inside his apartment

He ignored his sister who was pouting in dissatisfaction. She slams her palm on the kitchen counter hard that even an unseen soul like me will jump on their position. How come he didn't even flinch at the sudden commotion? Or is it because he is already used to it "Tell me~"

"So annoying..." I heard him mumble against the apple he was biting "You know I can hear you" She spoke before rolling her eyes

What a personality she has for a young girl like her

Junghyun didn't responded at the statement of his sister and continue to chomp down on the red fruit on his hold "Wahh, aren't you 22 already? Can't you atleast clean?" Her face was painted with pure disgust as she looks around at her brother's place

"Yeah I'm 22 and your still 16, which mean you need to respect me"

"Respect, my butt" She ranted like spoke. I guess people are true of saying that sibling don't really go on well with each other

What a nice first day of work

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