
Weed and Bloom

"Do you need anything?" Tatsuya asked, his face remained expressionless.

Leon raised the corners of his mouth. "You have a good sister."

Tatsuya arched his brow, rather surprised. But he says nothing.

Leon retains his smile, unaffected by Tatsuya lack of reaction. Leon knew that something was wrong with Tatsuya's emotions.

In the show, someone or something had removed some of Tatsuya's emotions to increase his magical abilities!

This is something that Leon will never forget but he didn't know who is the one responsible to do that, though he can somehow guess. It's either those from Yotsuba that famous for their secrecy or Tatsuya's family.

That's why in the anime, Tatsuya can only seem to show any emotions like anger and happiness when it's had something to do with his sister, Miyuki.

At this moment, Tatsuya finally looked at the face of the person in front of him. Tatsuya was sure the young man in front of him is aware of Tatsuya's blazer that lacks an emblem with the design of blooming flower that signifies his status as a lowly Course 2 student, but Tatsuya can't seem to find any trace of disdain from the young man's gaze.

"I'm Leon Walker, a freshman. Nice to meet you."

Weirdly, Tatsuya feels goodwill from the young man's tone, a person who just meet him out of nowhere.

"I'm Shiba Tatsuya, Nice to meet you too." Tatsuya relaxed his brow.

"Did you also come too early? You must be too excited, just like me and ended up coming a few hours earlier." Leon asked, rather excited.

"... No, I'm here to accompany my sister in rehearsal for the school entrance ceremony." Tatsuya said, a little hesitated. He was taken aback by Leon's cheerful mood.

"What a great guy! then you must be a good elder brother who cares about his sister very much." Leon nodded seriously, with mischief twinkling in his eyes.

Tatsuya stared hard at Leon, trying to find the right words to say, but instead found himself speechless.

Tatsuya finds Leon to be very friendly, but he is not sure if he wants to have anything to do with Leon. Tatsuya feels there's something off about the young man in front of him, but he can't put his finger on it.

While Leon and Tatsuya were deep in conversation, students could be seen coming towards them. All of them had the same emblem of eight-petaled flower on their blazer. They probably the upperclassmen who responsible for the entrance ceremony.

The upperclassmen jeered when they arrived in front of the auditorium.

"Hey, Isn't that kid a Weed?"

"Yeah, he's early, he sure is enthusiastic for a mere reserve."

Rude and mocking remarks escaped from their mouth. Even though they are pretty far, but their voices are loud enough for Leon and Tatsuya to hear them.

"In the end, he's just a spare."

"...Why is a Bloom with him anyway"

"Who knows..."

A mean conversation of the upperclassmen flowed into Tatsuya and Leon's ears. The word "Weed" refers to Tatsuya, a Course 2 student. Those who don't have the emblem of blooming flower on their blazer and are sneered upon as "Weeds".

While the students who have the emblem design of a blooming flower on their blazer are called "Blooms".

The First High School has a fixed quota for the freshmen, one hundred of them enter as Course 1 student, while rest is Course 2 students.

The life of students that walk the path of Magician is very dangerous, there is a huge number of students who have dropped out due to accidents from magic education which resulted in a disability. Sometimes it may even lead to death, and the ones who fill the gap are the Course 2 students. That's why those from Course 2 is sneered upon as a spare.

Not only treated as a spare, but Course 2 students also lack the most important thing in their studies, there is no personal instruction in practical magic skills. So they had to depend on themselves by using the facilities provided by the school.

The rude and mocking remarks spoken by the upperclassmen made Leon stopped speaking at one point, showing no emotion as he stood silently and listened to the jeers.

Just like every student, Leon also knew that their school is rampant with discrimination towards the Course 2 students, but to actually saw it happen in front of him is very unpleasant.

The jeers may not be directed at him, but it made Leon angry and unconsciously activated his Mangekyou.

Leon is looking at the upperclassmen with an unreadable expression, but anyone who saw his red eyes and expression couldn't help but had a bad feeling without knowing the reason. But for veterans and those with plenty of life experience, it's not a hard thing to notice, they will be able to sense it.

Killing Intent!

One of the upperclassmen seem can feel that someone is staring at his back, so he turned his face towards the source of this uncomfortable feeling, and that was the moment he established eye contact with Leon.

Suddenly the upperclassman saw a shadowy figure right in front of his face!

He stopped breathing as if someone choked his neck.

The shadowy figure has no face, there is no mouth either. Its face is filled with darkness and when the upperclassman looks at its eyes, a ball of terror formed in his stomach.

It's as if he is standing at the verge of a bottomless abyss, a void so deep that no end can be seen. The longer he looked at the eyes, the more he felt that he is sinking deeper into the void.

The shadowy figure nearly consumes him, but suddenly it stopped and the upperclassman saw the shadowy figure pull back and zips up into shadow until it is less than puddle beneath his feet and disappeared completely.

With great difficulty, The unlucky upperclassman looked around and noticed the lines of worry in his classmate's face. "Hey! what's wrong? your face is very pale, are you alright?"

When the upperclassmen noticed that one of their friends is not feeling well, they escorted him to the infirmary, leaving Leon and Tatsuya behind.

After the upperclassmen vanished from his sight, Leon blinked his eyes at Tatsuya, opened his mouth but no sound comes out, he didn't know what to say.

What those upperclassmen said made him angry, and suddenly Leon finds himself attacked one of them with Genjutsu.

It was Tatsuya that interrupted Leon's Genjutsu with Counter Magic. That's why there is no danger befall the unlucky upperclassman.

As a war veteran and member of 101 Independent Magic-Equipped Battalion, Tatsuya also able to sense a killing intent from Leon the moment he saw Leon's eyes changed their colors. It made him very surprised to saw something unusual and proceeded to use Counter Magic when he realized something bad is going to happen.

Now that the accident is over, the two young men are looking at each other. It was Tatsuya who break the silence.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Tatsuya asked, giving Leon a hard look.

Leon blinked at him. "Well, yes," Leon said. "What they say is making me pissed, so it's kind of happened."

"You... forget it." Tatsuya sighed, he can't help but feeling weird when he saw Leon get angry on his behalf. It reminds him of Miyuki.

I'm very busy today so the chapter is a little short.

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