
Fast and Furious

In the middle of the bustling night, everyone's attention is focused on the lone young man in front of the police officers.

From his gait, it's clear that the young man is planning to do something to the unfortunate woman, the way he walked towards her and shoved anyone who gets in his way is very obvious. This made everyone on the scene worried for a moment until one of the officers blocked his path.

"Young man, don't get any closer."

"Get out of my way."

"Step back, I'm warning you." From the stance and aura, the officer seems to be pretty strong but Leon didn't pay him any attention and only looking at the woman with red flowers blooming beside her.

"Mizuki... why..."

"...Calm down, she's still alive, but her condition is critical, so you must not get any closer. The ambulance is already on the way." The tone of the police officer is getting milder the moment he realized Leon recognized the victim.

Surprised by the sudden revelation, Leon turned his gaze towards the man.

Leon immediately recognizes him at first glance.

He is Chiba Naotsugu, the second-lieutenant of National Defense Force and also Erika's big brother and the boyfriend of Watanabe Mari.

But Leon didn't give Naotsugu a second glance. His attention returned to Mizuki and she no longer left his sight. But his hope is immediately shattered by the words coming from a man in white.

"It would take more than ten minutes for the ambulance to arrive. What a pity, she won't be able to last any longer." a middle-aged man in a doctor outfit let out a pained sigh. He was trying to have dinner with a nurse in a hotel after a successful operation, but the moment he saw the unfortunate woman, he tried to help her so that she can last longer until the ambulance arrived. Unfortunately...

"I won't let her die..."

"Wait! I know you're worried, but you must stay calm. Let the professionals handle it." Naotsugu stopped Leon from getting any closer to Mizuki.

Leon's expression is not very good and Naotsugu is worried something may happen to the woman if he gets closer.

Even though the doctor said she won't last long, there's still a chance no matter how small it is. But if the young man in front of him do something to her, it may prove fatal for the woman's life.

"I won't let her die..."

As Naotsugu expected, Leon only repeated the same words again and again. The situation is not very good, so he is planning to restrain the young man in front of him, but...

"Self-Acceleration?!" Naotsugu opened his eyes wide in surprise as Leon suddenly vanished from his vision. He let his guard down due to the young man's unstable state, so he resolved himself to stop Leon even if he had to injure him.

Naotsugu pulled his short-bladed baton from his coat and a light flashed across the blade. He quickly turned back only to find the woman is getting sucked into Leon's eyes.

Not only Naotsugu, everyone on the scene cried out in shock at the spectacle in front of them.

The crowd was frightened out of their wits and they started to escapes from the scene. To them, it looks like the woman is getting eaten alive by the young man and they're afraid to be the next target, so the bustling street suddenly becomes very quiet except for Naotsugu and the three police officers.

Leon was blocked by Naotsugu, while the officers step back from the two of them. They knew their own ability and they realized that the two men in front of them are on different levels, so they take out their guns and ready to fire anytime.

"What are you doing to the woman?" Naotsugu asked with a hard voice.

"... I have no time to waste, get out of my way."

"Then I have no choice..." Naotsugu raised the short-bladed baton. The blade is very small, even smaller than an ordinary kitchen knife.

"Haap!" With a shout, he slashed the blade towards the Leon.

He was quite far from Leon, so it's impossible for the blade to hit him, but Leon was surprised when suddenly a black-light extended from the blade, making it expand into a long sword.

Leon's eyes were able to capture an intense aura from the blacklight, it was a thin repulsion field.

The long sword slicing towards him with fierce momentum.


With a slight movement of his body, Leon evaded the black repulsion field's downward slash by a hair's breadth.

But the street is quite unfortunate as the impact of the slash creates a deep mark in the middle of the street.

Seeing that his attack was easily evaded by the young man, Naotsugu put more strength into his long sword, he slashed Leon from various directions without pausing even for a second.

But much to his chagrin, none of his attacks was able to hit his enemy, it was maddening.

Naotsugu felt like he was back into his teenage self where he couldn't touch his instructor no matter how hard he tried. This brought a suffocating feeling inside his chest.

Seeing the situation was getting worse, the three police officers pulled the triggers at the same time.

-Bang! Bang! Bang!-

Unfortunately for them, the young man is able to stand straight no matter how many times they shoot him, there's no scream or painful sound... there's nothing.

They're confused why their guns didn't do any damage to their enemy.

"Annoying flies!" Under the shocked gaze of Naotsugu and the police officers, Leon's body started to get sucked into his own eye until he completely vanished from their sight.

"What the heck..."


"Onii-sama, here's your coffee."

"Ah, thank you, Miyuki."

"Did something happened in school?"

"Huh, why do you say so?"

"If Onii-sama didn't want to say, then it's fine."

"... I just... being a little inconsiderate. I guess... I will apologize to Leon tomorrow."


Suddenly, the space beside the sibling is started to distort accompanied by the spiraling void and a moment later, a lone figure appeared in their living room.

Tatsuya was already in front of Miyuki, protecting her. But they're surprised when the figure turned his face towards them.

"Leon? How..."

"...What're you doing here?"

Leon didn't answer any of their questions and immediately sent out Mizuki from the Kamui dimension.

"Tatsuya-kun, please help her... please save Mizuki."

There's only one person that has the ability to save Mizuki and that is Tatsuya. So he immediately teleported to the siblings' living room without hesitation.

They're taken aback when they saw Mizuki's current state and forget about Leon who suddenly appeared inside their house.

"This... what happen to Mizuki?"

"Someone tried to kill her, I was too late... please..."

Before the sibling could say anything else, Leon disappears into the void.

[Pay 100 Points to learn Tracking (Uncommon)]


Leon chose [Yes] in his mind.

A mystical knowledge was transferred into Leon's body almost instantly and synced with his brain.

[Congratulation! You have learned Tracking (Uncommon)]

The moment Leon activated [Tracking (Uncommon)] the world immediately changed drastically.

Leon's vision had turned to game mode following the activation of his [Tracking]. He could see many green tracks in various directions, the street is filled with green footprints. According to the knowledge he just acquired, they're the civilians' tracks.

Among the green tracks, Leon spotted a lone red track near Mizuki's blood.

At that moment, a cold smile spread over his mouth and spilled into his eyes.

Ignoring everything, all he could see was red footprints.

Leon walked towards the edge of 8 stories building, then jumped down from the roof.

Amidst the crowd, a shadow is flickering at high speed towards the hills.

Some of the lucky spectators could spot a blurred figure for a second and immediately gave their eyes a quick rub.

After running for twenty minutes, Leon stood in front of an abandoned factory, the red track disappeared before the massive gate.

Without hesitation, Leon enhanced his legs with chakra and leaped across the gate.

The front yard is empty, there's no one in sight, so he reactivates [Tracking] to find his missing prey.

All the while Leon following the red footprints, a cold smile never left his face.

Suddenly, a lone figure comes into his sight.


"How dare you... a mere insect..." Blood splattered on Leon's cheek as he pulled back his hand from his target head.

The messy head slid down from the dented wall, it was split open with brain matter and unidentifed flesh scattered on the dusty floor.

"Hm? This thing is not my prey," Leon said indifferently when he realized he got the wrong target.

From the very start, the unfortunate man never knew who killed him and how he died. It was over for him before he could even blink.

Leon swipes his arm to get rid of the blood staining his hand.

He walked away from the messy corpse and continues to follow the footprints highlighted in red.

His movement speed is faster than the magician's self-acceleration, so even though the factory size is massive, it only takes a few seconds before he found another man in black holding a rifle. This time, there are three of them.

"Ah... they must be terrorists..." Leon's smile is getting more chilly by the second.

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